Everything posted by sundowner
Ryoma Hi COR, when
Tario, did you compare the Ryoma driver to the Ryoma hi-cor driver?
Help with Choosing an Iron Shaft
Very interesting data! Question to all shaft experts: Is there any graphite shaft (for iron/hybrids) with tighter dispersion than steel shafts??
Nippon 850 steel shaft in utiltiy?
Great. I´ll install it in my new utility. Accuracy is what I´m looking for...
Nippon 850 steel shaft in utiltiy?
Anyone tried the NS 850 for irons in an utility? Whats about launch, feel, distance and dispersion comp. to graphite shafts?
GD UT 65 or Miyazaki Kua hybrid shaft w. PRGR Egg i+
Anyone compared GD UT and Miyazaki C. Kua hybrid shaft? Both shafts are in the 60-70 g. range.. Which one is tighter? Which one is better feeling? Which one is maybe better for Eggi+?
Crazy Royal Decoration + Ryoma
As I learned from the posts, RD is longer than CB46 .. if you can handle 46´´ or more. I compared LY01 Nero to CB46 and LY01 gave me + 20 yards (no joke..), much better feel, better control - .. but at 44,5´´. So, i´m very interested to read about RD vs. LY01 comparison, too.
Crazy Royal Decoration + Ryoma
How many yards do you gain with RD?
Crazy Royal Decoration + Ryoma
Which one won the contest (RD vs. CB46)?
Got to hit my new Ryoma/Crazy
who won the battle??
Going crazy: CB-TJ80 or CB80-Noir etc etc
Hi Craig, very interested to hear about your experiments.
Crazy RoyDeco vs Tour AD DI (UPDATED RESULTS Plus Super Newing added)
What´s about control with the RD?
Crazy RoyDeco vs Tour AD DI (UPDATED RESULTS Plus Super Newing added)
Stevo, why do you think to go 46 at least? Balance, bending profile, load/unload...? I´m always a 44,5 waiting for my Ryoma and thinking about the RD. But more than 45,25 seems to me very very long. Could you compare the distances with the same ball sometimes, please?
Crazy RoyDeco vs Tour AD DI (UPDATED RESULTS Plus Super Newing added)
46-47``: Measured at 60 degree lie to end of cap - right?
Crazy RoyDeco vs Tour AD DI (UPDATED RESULTS Plus Super Newing added)
It sounds like much fun-) What are your headweight, playing length and cpm with the RD?
Crazy RoyDeco vs Tour AD DI (UPDATED RESULTS Plus Super Newing added)
Which flex do you play in Crazy RD and which in GD DI?
Crazy 460 vs Epon 102
Playing the LY01 in Kamui and waiting for Ryoma head... How did your LY01 and RD compare feel wise?
Crazy 460 vs Epon 102
Did you try Crazy LY01 in Ryoma?
Got to hit my new Ryoma/Crazy
Got to hit my new Ryoma/Crazy
As I found out Crazy shafts are very sensitive for spine alignement. So, before changing the shaft I would go to a clubfitter and let him check the spine orientation. I tried different spine positions (3,6,9,12 o´clock) with Crazy LY01, CB46, FW80 and got very very surprisingly results. ..with Crazy LY01: Spine at 12 o´clock - perfect impact pattern (smashfactor up to 1.5), very straight but my launch was to high, not much roll out, "perfect carry driver", Spine at 6 o´clock - more piercing trajectory, much more roll out - gained up to 15 yards (measured with LRF), swingspeed (measured with REP) was about the same (maybe +1 mph) Spine at 3.. - inconsistent ball flight, unstable feel Feel at "6": very easy to load the shaft vs. spine at "12" mybe better for hitter. T. told me for Crazy shafts the spine is always at Logo up or Logo down. Hope it helps!
My journey on finding shaft for my Ryomasss
Thanks, for the great comments! Sounds the way to go is crazy..
My journey on finding shaft for my Ryomasss
My current gamer is Kamui 456 with Crazy LY Nero 6.4, 44.25´´, 311 gr., headweight 207gr., sw D1, 237 cpm (5´´ clamp, grip on). Tried also the Crazy CB46 6.2 in it, which wasn´t work for me (was a 0.5´´ tipped shaft, at 44´´inch). Trajectory with Crazy LY01 6.4 is mid-high with roll-out (not much, not less). Very good kick. Like the feel. Very easy to load. With my swing I got a draw, sometimes a hook. With the new Ryoma I´m interested in Crazy´s, Attas, GD. So if you could compare feel, performance.. it would be great!
My journey on finding shaft for my Ryomasss
Hi Valante, great experience! I orderd a Ryoma head some days ago. Not sure which shaft to install. Could you compare the shafts in case of launch, feel, distance, trajectory (anti-left..)..(maybe also by ranking?). Espec. the Crazy´s, GD, Attas.. Would be a great help!
Crazy CB46 vs. Crazy LY 01
Did anyone compare Crazy CB 46 to original Crazy LY01 (modell 2009/2010 - not the new Black/Nero/Noir)? Distance (carry/roll), feel, launch, spin, trajectory?
Favorite driver in 2011 models
Kamui 456 w. Crazy LY-01.