Everything posted by Chanaa
PXi vs KBS Ctapers
Hi - i have been using the c-tapers for 1.5 yrs now - great shaft, low & tight dispersion, negative side its harder to judge distance ( but thats prob me ). Thinking of trying out the project x pxi for a change. Anyone played these before & can compare them ? Thks
Best Forged CB irons of 2011/2012
Would really like to see how the new vg3 fares when it comes out end of this mth
Jbeam 425/diamana x
Got me perplexed - the diamana x/ epon af102 8.5 launches higher than my crazy cb46/ ryoma 9.5 combo. Mybe its just not the right partner
Jbeam 425/diamana x
still trying to find a home for my diamana x. Tried it on my Ryoma vspec, was ok but cant beat ryoma/ crazy cb46 combo. I then tried the d-x on epon af102, 8.5 deg, felt like it was spinning too high. I have a ss of 105-110mph, fast & agg swinger. could the jbeam be the answer ??? any other head pairing for the d-x ?
GSS putters
its combo of scotty's marketing gimmick & crazy collectors. The circle Ts ( tour/ handmade )& its ' unique ' stampings makes its a collectors items. Sure, those putters have great balance, feel & softness, but putters are more personal than technical. I have 2 circle Ts ( SSS & 009s ) which I game - not much diff between those vs GSS. Most GSS tours have fv ard USD2.5k......but when scotty launches it, mad collectors will pay 2-3x that. Its like owing a limited ed patek.
What wedges do you like best/why
Interesting topic - am looking for new wedges myself. Used yuyuri raws before switching to kenmochi abt 1.5 yrs ago. Yuyuri raws were great, gives a nice rough edge to it - unfortunately, it chews up my prov1s like theres no tomorrow. Also not easy to use. Kenmochis are soft, but dont seem to get a good grip on the greens. Looking at vokey forges & rc db forges - tho, leaning towards vokeys as db's highest loft is 58 only
diamana X first play
the one head diamana x doest like is the ryoma. I still think crazy cb 46 brings the best out of the ryoma head still looking for a head for my diamana x.....
Help me choose a golf bag
http://www.themackenziegolfbagcompany.com/ These i would love to have, but go with sun mountains ( 3.5s, 4.5s ).....they make all the titliest & bettanardis anyway.
Romaro 2012 Ray 460HX Drivers
Oh dear, looks great, performs just as good vs ryomas. I read its got a more penetrating trajectory vs ryoma, hence more roll......is that true ??? Looking for the next great head to fix into my diamana x.
Please excuse my late introduction...
welcome X - great profile pic.
RC TRC 15* and 2011 VG3 15*
Have not played the VG3 fw, but cant rave more on the TRCs. Game the 3w 14deg VS BBD tour, 17deg & 22deg utility......match those on crazys........unbelievable. The smaller, traditional head 3w ( vs the eggs, ryomas ) lets you work the ball....and its looooong. Contrary o most of the posts in the forum, i found it forgiving & easy to hit. Great both off tee & deck The utes with its twin rail are my get out of jail clubs. Easy from any lie including fw bunkers. Launches high & my 22deg is like strong 3i
- basileus fiamma 70x
Best combo for diamana X ?
Best combo for diamana X ?
now that i am totally sold on the x, it will remain in my bag. However, dont think my ryoma vspec 9.5 brings the beast out in this shaft. Thinking of trying my old epon 102 8.5....i want to keep it stinger low Any suggestions on a low spinning head to go with the diamana x ? .........if epon zero is the verdict, my wife will kill me !!
- EPON Zero
diamana X first play
supo, not sure if the X is more suited to ryoma than the CB46........need to get a few more rounds under the belt first. May try it on my epon 102 8.5 after that.........or get a crazy 460 :-) I think the X 60s is easy to handle, anyone with ss abv 100 shud be able to hit this, and hit this straight. As Haney says in the Big Miss, its all abt controlling the misses.........i found it hard to miss left, and hit a few right - not slices but arm lag fades. As i said before, its a shaft that needs to go hard then it performs. It needs a beast to bring the beauty out.
diamana X first play
played first time with my diamana x 60g stiff into ryoma vspec 9.5 - awesome shaft, loads of feedback, almost has a ' soft rubbery ' feeling to it. In a lot of ways, it plays more like LY than my CB-46. Trajectory is similar to cb, straight & consistent flight. I was suprised the ball flight is not lower as mentioned a few times here.....but i think its just adjustment vs my CB-46 7.7 which is slightly heavier and stiffer. Length is slightly shorter than the crazys but not by much. But the rumours are right....the harder you go at it, the better the result.....just have to trust it. My normal controlled distance is 260-75yards, ss of 105-110....so on the last hole, with the match in the bag, i ripped 2...both went 310, on the fairway !!! The Diamana x screams to be smacked. Its dead straight.......almost no spin at all, better than crazy. Love it !!
Finally RYOMA Magic !!!!
Welcome to the dark side robbie, i had my ryoma 9.5 on cb-46, ly46 since last year - changed my game forever. Its not so much longer than epon 102 but man, the forgiveness is awesome. Miss hits still go miles with hardly any spin. Now.....getting my ryoma fitted into diamana x stiff 60g. Lowest spin combo, low trajectory...perfect for my home course which is seaside hills.
Topping the PRGR EGG SPOON
well, if anyone wants a fairly new F2 buzz me :-)
Topping the PRGR EGG SPOON
very interesting. I bot a ryoma F2 couple of mths ago.....for the life of me, i coud not hit this club. Topping it or when contact, it balloons high left, almost a hook. The face profile is similar to egg spoon Agree, i think the face profile may not be suitable for certain swing type. I consider myself fairly good ball striker, and had no issue hitting my traditional style head RC. Its not the shaft either as i hv plugged in fw80svinto the ryoma. It just woudnt work.
First round w/ Diamana Ten
How does it compare vs crazy cbs ? Its an exp shaft & not sure if i will get much diff vs the cbs that i used. Recently paid too much for a ryoma f2 combo that didnt perf like its big brother vspec....so a bit cautious now. Thks
diamana X first play
Great reviews here - thks Havent pulled the trigger on the diamana x - just unsure how much better it is over the crazys i currently use ( cb46, ly ) - wish theres a tester & i can just plug it into my ryoma or epon 102s. Stew - diamana x vs cbs, from what i gather here, lower & more penetrating ball flight. CBs better feel. What abt dispersion & distance ? I like CBs distance now, but would give part of it up for better dispersion. My bad drives are all pulled left....so X would be the baby to straighten it.
Diamana X vs. Crazy
ah, no left sign is good for me. Does the X feel glassy or responsive ? I play with both LY & CB46 currently. Distance comparision anyone ? Thks
Please help me - 3 wood & Utility choice
Never played the yammys but ....soon. I play RC tour vs bbd 14 deg in fw80, rc utilities 17 & 21 deg on crazy ute shafts. Love them to bits, doesnt launch high at all, controlled & penetrating. Had the ryoma f2, but the large head was hard to shape & too high into the wind. No diff in the distance between the rc & ryoma was my experience, the ryoma slightly easier off the deck but the rc better trajectory, dispersion & roll. The rc is easier to shape the ball both off deck & tee. My 21deg RC / crazy is the most used club in the bag = its like a strong 2/3 iron & lands soft without much roll. Easy off any lie.
Is the Ryoma the new king of Fairway woods
personally, the ryoma FWs are overrated. As you said, not a game changer like its big brother.......and with a hefty prc tag as well. I found it easy to hit but not to shape. The ball flight of the ryoma would be difficult to control in windy conditions. Its not any longer or straighter than my RC Vs tours.