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Everything posted by JMCMB

  1. Is the Tourstage driver the sub 400cc model? Could you give the lengths, swing weights, and grip type/size for all of the setups? Also, did you not like the Crazy steels? I've gamed both sets(120 and light) and found them very, very solid, I haven't had too much time with them yet though, and I'm def curious to see what others think of them so far and why... J.
  2. Oh, also, were the SP Blues in Stiff flex playable for you? If you were able to game them, but they just felt a bit too heavy and stiff for you i would def say go for a Stiff flex in the 950s, if the SP Blues were just flat out unplayable and you really struggled just to swing the club and make decent contact, then go for the R flex in the 950s.... I'm not a professional fitter and I would def recommend having a full fitting done with a pro if you can, but that's just what I would suggest based on my experience with ALOT of different shafts, flexes, and other specs... J.
  3. They aren't expensive at all brand new(not 100% sure the exact cost), it would probably not cost you much more to find somewhere that sells them locally than to buy a set of pulls and have to pay shipping. J.
  4. No insult intended, but if you fit into a R flex in 950s then i can understand why the SP Blues in S donesnt agree with you as not only is it a flex to stiff, but the SP Blue is also a far more demanding profile than the 950..... The 950 def isn't a lower quality shaft, just a much different type of shaft for a much different type of player than SP Blues. If your looking for a lighter weight, easier to load/launch shaft, than the 950 is top quality indeed, NS Pros are fantastic shafts regardless of the model. J.
  5. I'll def be ordering the Royal Deco in la bomba white as well... Sick... And either the Sigma Noir or the CB80 LSW in the la bomba finish.... I love the idea of custom finIshes on shafts, and I don't know why more manufacturers don't offer different color finish options for shafts, I'm sure quite a few people would pay for it. J.
  6. T, what's the wait time/up charge? Have something in mind I'm gonna want to get started on after the irons we've been talking about, and it's going to require a Crazy shaft imma thinkin... And ya know what they say... The white way is the right way.... Lmao. J.
  7. Crazy steel wedge shafts are fantastic, and I know they're available in the dark chrome again.... All of my wedges are getting the Crazy 120 wedge shaft, current, and future... I normally don't play a wedge shaft at all, I prefer to keep a constant feel from my irons to my wedges, but these are def good enough for me to ignore the difference in feel from my iron shafts.... I've hit all of the new Crazy steel shafts, irons and wedges, and although I really, really like the iron shafts(I'll do a little right up on them after a few more rounds), I find the wedge shafts to be perfect for me and exactly what I wanted, and stand out even more than the iron shafts to me.... Very sturdy feel to them, but with a nice controlled punch right at impact that is very consistent with the lively but stable feel of the other shafts in the Crazy lineup and make them more enjoyable to play for me than other shafts, just more subdued considering it is a wedge shaft.... low, VERY strong trajectory to these, they bring the flight down nicely on full shots from the fairway, not to low, but low enough to maximize controllability, one thing I have always disliked about various wedge shafts is a slightly harsh feel, these do not have that problem for me at all.... I noticed that it was very simple to generate the exact amount of spin I desired from shot to shot with all types of swings(full, half, quarter) I can't say this was solely the shaft, but they def contributed to it.... I really can't say enough about these, they really needed to be great for me to start gaming them instead of the various iron shafts I game in other wedges, and they were, def everything I wanted and expected and even a few nice surprises that blew me away... Def worth a good, hard look if your looking for wedge shafts... J.
  8. It comes down a lot to what your looking for as well, I normally have a certain feel and trajectory in mind when I'm looking for a driver, when I'm looking at a smaller more compact "tour" type head I'm usually looking for a very strong feel from the shaft and the club in general that just takes whatever i throw at it and begs for more, as well as a lower trajectory, something that I can control and does well no matter what course I'm playing or conditions, and what accomplishes that for me is a heavier, sturdier shaft..... For a larger easy launch head, I'm looking for max carry, a lot of kick from the shaft, a mid to high trajectory, And something that doesn't require as much effort to swing, and I have found a lighter weight shaft does those things best.... In the end though, my opinion on matching "tour" type heads with heavier shafts and larger heads with lightweight shafts comes down to feel more than anything else, i put a setup together based on the feel I believe that club head was designed for... I'm certain different setups may perform equally as well, some possibly better for other people, but I know that for me personally, I would create optimal performance, and the feel I'm looking for in those two club heads with the setups I mentioned in my first post.... Hope this helps, but def take mine, or anyone elses, opinions with a grain of salt, as we are all looking for different things from our clubs, and prefer different things as far as feel, performance, and aesthetics... So try what you like, try a lot of different setups if you can, respect other peoples opinions, value them if you like, but def don't base your choice in clubs solely, or largely on how others feel about them.... J.
  9. The opposite, 80LS in the 435 and Royal Dec in the 460, the 435 is meant to be a monster of a club, demanding in the extreme, but rewarding when your consistent and can make the beast work for you, if you wanna put it on auto pilot a bit more then try dropping a half flex in the 80LS, I really think Crazy(and Jbeam) build there athlete model heads to work best with the heavier, stouter shafts, more of a tour type setup, you def could toss a lighter simpler shaft in this head and it would still prob work great and deliver monster distance, but i just don't think the club would feel or play as it's designed to with a lightweight shaft. I personally just see this head and think it needs to be a low launch, big run type club that doesn't get high in the air at all, but handles anything you throw at it, and eats links courses or bad conditions for lunch... And I KNOW for a fact that the CRZ460 is an absolute perfect match with the Royal Dec, easy to launch, carries for days, but gives you decent run IF you get the specs right, and just cannot miss the fairway.... This head and shaft must have been designed just for each other because they just FEEL correct together.... This head def demands a lighter shaft to do what it's designed to do and I highly recommend doing just that, and for me none are better than Royal Dec, if you wanna mess around with launch, flight, and feel, try out different head lofts and shaft flexes, I thnk that's a better way to get the desired performance outta this club rather than putting a heavier more demanding shaft in it... Again, I'm sure it would perform excellently if you did go for a heavier shaft, but I just don't think the club would feel or perform as well as it possibly could... If I had to choose between the two choices you mentioned though, I would prob take the 435/Royal Dec setup over the 460/80 LS, I think the 435 would adapt better to a lightweight, more active shaft then the 460 would to a heavier, stiffer shaft.... And I also think the Royal Dec is designed perfectly and might be a more versatile shaft... Just my opinions and what I would prefer and what works for me, you may prefer something totally different or feel a totally different way... Def would love to see how one of those combos go for you if you decide to pick it up... J.
  10. JMCMB replied to Mjr. D's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    I'm all for the best tech possible in shafts... I feel like the market will be there almost regardless of the cost, there will always be enthusiasts that will pay the highest premiums for the absolute top quality, i mean look at the amount of members on this forum that own or have owned many of the top of the line shafts available.... I couldn't imagine how much better graphite shafts could get, what's available now is just soooo fantastic, I for one would def be first in line for something that's proven to be of even higher quality/technology than whats available now if they can manage it.... J.
  11. I thought the Royal Dec wasn't going to be available in the pearl white finish? I def want one... Anyone know if the Crazy ute comes in the white finish? J.
  12. JMCMB replied to Mjr. D's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    That was super informative, thanks a bunch Chris. I know a lot about playing the game of golf, and Im fortunate enough to be able to scoop up every club or piece of equipment I could ever want, but my knowledge of the materials, manufacturing techniques, and the differences and benefits of various material and manufacturing techniques is kinda lacking, but I'm def always interested in learning about it and broadening my knowledge of those areas.... You mentioned the future being in hybrid mixes of Carbon fibers and Carbon Nanotubes, I'm curious to know more about these, what are they specifically? What are the benefits? and are there any manufacturers/shafts using this now? I'm hoping I'm not asking any dumb questions, I honestly would have no way of knowing if I am because I'm just not very educated in these areas... J.
  13. For me, it's the feel of the Crazys coupled with the performance that does it.... I got a chance to play both sets of irons I just had shafted up with the Crazy steels today.... I won't go into detail yet since I still wanna get to know them a little better, but they are def very, very good.... These are not going to be iron shafts for everyone though, I'll def say that... But so far, excellent stuff.... J.
  14. It's 8.5 real loft which is the lowest head they had at Crazy.... And I 100 percent notice that I swing smoother, which is one of the big reasons I love this club, because I can take my foot off the gas and it still goes further than anything else I have ever gamed hitting harder and swinging more aggressively. I have always played a slightly lighter flex than my SS and tempo fits into for two reasons, to get closer to the feel I like and so I can dial it back easier when I'm not playing well, it's not something that will work for a lot of people, and I honestly wouldn't recommend it to anyone except myself, but for me it works, and the Crazy shafts make it even easier for me to do that because they're really very consistent shafts... Generally I fit an X in just about any shaft on the planet, but with the Crazys, I can play a Stiff in the heavier, extra stout TJ80 with zero problems at all, and I really cannot over power it even if I want to which really surprises me, and an SX in the Royal Dec which is even more of a surprise because it's sooo light and active that I would never think it would play sooo perfectly for me in SX, to me, that's really a testament to how well Crazy makes there shafts and how consistent they are that it's so easy to step back on flex and achieve better more consistent performance than a heavier shaft from other makers in a stiffer flex... I seriously wonder what they do over at Crazy to make such wonderful shafts... In the near future I'll be trying out a Quadra FEX Proto in 75sx and a Bangvoo premium in X to compare to the Crazys, i just can't seeing anything being better overall than the Crazys though.... J.
  15. See for me, I thought the light weight would be an issue because I have had bad experiences with light weight shafts in the past.... But it really wasn't an issue at all... It was just very simple to swing... All I really have to do is put a good swing on the ball and it's pretty much automatic, I know the shaft is going to do the same thing every time.... Oh, I don't think I mentioned it, but this club plays 45.5 and has a D2 SW, which is the same as my Jbeam at 45.00.... Just a word of advice to anyone who is a harder hitter thinking of giving a high grade light weight shaft a shot... Go into it knowing that the club is going to feel different than the heavier clubs your used to... It's going to kick pretty hard and feel light... It is light, lol... But it's also going to be a lot easier to swing than a heavier club... I've always been someone who likes a shaft that feels very active, and I've always looked for shafts that give me the lighter weight very lively feel, with the consistency and launch of something heavier and stiffer... This shaft does most of that for me, it ffels extremely active, it's consistent to the point of being automatic as far as the shaft has the same type of feel every time you swing it, and the shaft does a fantastic job of delivering the club head to the ball with lots of acceleration and very little effort or timing needed, and with the very low lofted head it gives me a much lower launch and ball flight than I thought it would, no it isn't a low launching club at all, more of a mid-high flight, bit I was expecting a shaft this light to send the ball to the moon based on past experiences, but it didn't, it was right where I wanted it to be for this setup.... And it's just so easy lol... If your the type of player who appreciates that, then you'll def enjoy this shaft, but if the light weight really gets to you and you don't like that type of feel, then it just might not be for you... J.
  16. The Royal Dec is honestly the most fantastic shaft I have ever hit in a driver.... Seriously.... I have it in a CRZ 460 8.5.... The easiest, longest driver I have ever hit.... I suggest a degree lower loft than you normally play, it will bring the flight to perfection and you'll get surprisingly good run.... And it's going to carry... For days... And days.... This shaft feels amazing, think of that awesome, electric Crazy feel, but amplified, it kicks very hard, but it's sooo consistent that as a harder hitter you come to appreciate the kick as like warp speed acceleration, rather than something you have to time that requires a lot of guesswork... But my biggest thing with this shaft, the reason why I love it so much, and rave about it is that it accomplishes what other shafts try to do and makes it soooo much easier, this shaft keeps me in the fairway through ease of use rather than just being soo stout that it's impossible to hit it left... What do I mean by that? I hit this driver longer than any other swinging considerably easier and more in control, it removes the desire to crank up the MPHs and over power the shaft by making it easier to get more distance and control without having to swing harder, I know all I have to do is put a solid swing on it and it's going a mile, and if I don't try to swing harder and over power it, it just isn't going to go left, could I over power this club? Sure, it wouldn't be too difficult, the shaft is feather light, BUT I know that I'll never need to swing that hard to get the performance I'm looking for... I'm thinking that makes this the lightest weight control shaft ever, lol... My other gamer is a Jbeam 425 tour/Crazy TJ80 setup, and it's awesome, superman couldn't hook that club, but while it does exactly what it's meant to do control wise, it's also a very demanding club, workable in the extreme, perfect ball flight, fantastic run, good distance, but you really need to step on it to make it work for you, and that's going to lead to the occasional sloppy swing, it doesn't matter who you are, you have a better chance of making a mistake when you gotta go after it then when you don't, and that's where the Royal Decoration shines, by being easier to swing and making it far less likely that you'll make a mistake that leads to a poor shot... I have never been the lightweight, distance driver type of guy, before this I have never hit a lightweight shaft that worked for me, they just felt sooo unstable, but this shaft fixes that feeling of instability by being very consistent and predictable... As I just mentioned, normally, a setup like this just isn't my cup of tea, but after I read Tario's review of the CRZ 460/ Royal Dec setup on the blog, a seed was kinda planted in my mind, like "maybe this could work for me", but I still probably wouldn't have went for it on that alone, but T actually suggested it kinda outta the blue a few days later and I figured it was worth a shot... Best choice I ever made for my golf game HA! Getting the specs right was def a big deal for this setup and is def a big reason why it works so well for me... I think that numbers will say it better than I ever could though........... For the past few years I've averaged 285 pretty consistent, it was to a point where I just figured I was maxed out regardless of the club..... WRONGO!!! Lol, with the Jbeam/ TJ80 setup I immediately jumped out to about a 295 average, averaging 10 yards further may not seem like a lot, but for me it was, I was beyond surprised considering how long I had been at the same yardage, in my mind I must have found the Holy Grail at that point, I had to be maxed out, there could not possibly be a way for me to consistently put it out further than that..... WRONGOOO!!! My first day with the CRZ/ Royal Dec I did not hit one drive under 300 yards, not during the 9 holes I played, and not on the range afterwards.... I do not consider myself a +300 guy, I swing pretty hard, but I have always looked for control, accuracy, and consistency over raw distance, I've always been the guy thinking that amateurs CONSISTENTLY generating yardages longer than a lot of pros was just not doable... Do I need to say wrongo again? I've played this club quite a bit recently, and it's just the same over and over again, in a very good way, obnoxiously long(averaging about an 8-10 yard gain over the Jbeam), a solid mid-high ball flight that seems to handle adverse conditions well, more run that I would expect from this type of setup, decently workable, not extremely, but enough where I can count on a soft draw or fade when I need it, a very lively feel that brings a smile to my face every time I swing it, it sounds like I shot a cannon when I hit the ball.... And the fairway.... Over, and over again.... Ya know, I really notice how well they take care of the rough at Bethpage while I'm admiring it from the fairway and don't need to try to find a ball buried in it... Lol.... I think you can officially label me a Crazy fanboy... Def a Crazy fanboy.... J.
  17. Royal Dec... You'll love it... I promise. J.
  18. Crazy..... Any shaft from them is amazing.... Never hit the Bangvoo(premium or 787, will pro try the premium, hear the 787 performs money, but doesn't feel great at all) or the Stinger(would love to try this), but honestly, I can't see anything possibly being better overall than the Crazy shafts I have hit, the Crazys seem to blend elements of performance and feel that I thought were impossible to find in the same shaft until I hit these.... very sturdy, stable shafts, but they're so active and lively that they don't feel nearly as insanely taught as they actually are when you swing them.... the most enjoyable shafts to swing I have ever played, every single model I have tried is absolute bliss for me.... They really give you that awesome feeling of acceleration through impact like the shaft is really throwing the head through the ball, but it's so controlled that it feels very smooth and natural, not violent and uncontrollable, and from what I've seen so far, it's pretty consistent to one degree or another throughout there model lineup... And then on top of that, they perform beautifully, they all seem to give me a really controlled, strong ball flight, weather it's a high or low launching shaft, all the Crazy shafts I have hit so far generate a strong ball flight that stays on line and holds up in all conditions, they're pretty simple to work both ways and create the shape I want from shot to shot(although I really gotta step on th TJ80 to get it to draw any more than softly, but that's just that shaft doing what it's designed to do), they're all very consistent and have excellent dispersion, and generate more distance than other shafts I have hit.... Quite a bit more... And the combination of that fantastic performance with that really lively but consistent feel is what makes the Crazy shafts really stand out for me, they don't just excel in one area, they excel in all areas, and every time I think about trying something else, I just don't see the point.....for me, it's Crazy, and then anything else... Yeah... I love the Crazy shafts... Hahahaha... Not just the driver shafts either.... J.
  19. I was gaming the Shimada in a set of Miura 1957 baby blades for a few weeks on Stew's recommendation, Theyre exactly what he stated, they rank very good across the board in all areas, there isn't anything that's particularly special about them, but there also isn't one single detractor either, and I really can't think of another shaft that i can't say 1 negative thing about, they're def a performance oriented shaft as far as you put these in a set and they just do what theyre meant to do, nothing more, nothing less, a workhorse type of shaft... Think DG without the harshness, and a little bit higher flight(def not high though, a mid, boring-ish trajectory), they feel smooth throughout the swing, but not very active, def not boardy though, you could say it's a boring type of feel, but the consistency of it is what makes the feel of these rewarding.... Honestly, when I think of this shaft, the first thing that springs to mind is that it's the perfect shaft to test different heads with, because you really can forget about it entirely.... Also i would say, for me this is a really great shaft to game if im not playing well and don't wanna think about the shaft at all... Just had them pulled recently, but not because I was unhappy with them at all, but right now the baby blades are getting one of the two sets of the new Crazy Target Tours that arrived yesterday. J.
  20. JMCMB replied to Craig's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Ohhh boy, just what i wanted to hear.... Mine didnt arrive today :( tommorrow though, its on!!! Would you say the Crazy Steels kick hard? Is that what you mean by lively through impact? J.
  21. Cool, I'm happy to hear good things about them, if I do give graphite a go, those shall be the first ones I go for, might as well start at the top..... And I really can't say enough good things about the Crazy shafts I have tried so far, in the next day or so I'll post a review of a driver I received yesterday, it's a very unconventional setup for me based on what I have played in the past, but it's magic, seriously magic.... I'll say this, it's a Crazy shaft and a Crazy head.... Pure perfection... I feel like I'm going off on a bunch of tangents on this thread, so I apologize to the OP for getting off topic, I haven't hit the 302s or the OnOff forged so I can't really say anything about the original topic of the thread.... The OnOffs seem to be kinda the irons of the moment that everyone who hits them falls in love with them and has nothing but great things to say, so I'm pretty sure you can't go wrong with em. J.
  22. I haven't hit any of the high end JDM graphite shafts..... Yet.... Lol...I've always played steel in my irons, and if I don't find the holy Grail in steel, the CBI80 limiteds are looking mighty fine..., My driver SS gets anywhere from 108-114 depending on how I'm feeling, Ive gotten on a launch monitor and cranked it up as high as 121, but I lose a lot of control, and for me control and the ability to get the shape I want shot to shot is way more important to me personally than a few more MPHs, I normally don't play the stiffest flex I possibly can because a slightly softer flex let's me slow things down a bit and get smoother if my timing is off or I'm not playing well... swing style is semi aggressive overall, very aggressive through the ball(I didn't intend for that to rhyme). My plane is in between steep and shallow slightly more shallow though, for years I had a very flat swing plane, I had always modeled my swing after Ben Hogan's(or tried to ha), but this year I worked a lot with my swing coach to produce a slightly more upright plane to improve versatility, its also made good ball striking simpler which is nice, and has let me swing with a little less effort... J.
  23. Chris, I thought you were gaming the Crazy CBI80 limiteds in your irons? What happened? I've also found that so far the NS Pros deliver better than any other shaft as far as blending feel and performance, everyone prefers different things in a shaft, but I have tried pretty much every low or mid launching steel shaft on the market, besides the Crazy Target Tours which should arrive tomorrow :), and from what I've found, the NS Pros(heavier stiffer models) seem to deliver a nice ball flight for a harder hitter or better player with out being overly harsh like a lot of other shafts on the market.... KBS would finish second and only because I got a chance to hit the C-Tapers the other day and I like them ALOT better than the KBS Tours,ball flight is very nice, launches pretty low and stays nice and strong throughout, feels pretty good, but the heavier NS Pro models still feel nicer with a similar ball flight, but that's really just my own personal opinion... J.
  24. JMCMB replied to Craig's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Just curious as to how they feel throughout the swing.... You don't have to be an excellent golfer to feel the difference shaft to shaft.... Things like do they play stiff or soft, do they kick hard, can you feel the shaft throughout the swing, are they boardy? For me, ive always been looking for a shaft that delivers the performance and weight of a low flight steel shaft(DG, SP Blue), but a lot of the feel aspects of graphite as far as I like a smooth, pretty active shaft that I can feel kick, and there really isn't anything that I have found that meets that criteria, but these shafts are advertised as being pretty much that(that's why I ordered 2 sets lol), and I'm really curious if they do what they say they will feel wise..... Performance really depends on how skilled the player swinging the club is, and there are a lot of shafts that perform very well, and do exactly what they are supposed to, but for me, the trouble has always been finding a shaft that feels just right..... J.
  25. JMCMB replied to Craig's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    I'm very curious about how they feel vs. Other steel shafts.... Pretty much same question as Spoon. J.