Everything posted by 604_skyline
The Benock Putter Thread!
Chris, Are you able to post the face milling options with quick descriptions? I think there are 10 different ones, some help get the ball rolling better, correct?
The Benock Putter Thread!
there is no way to order one of these without going to japan, correct?
KYOEI Blade Pics!
i dont know why i am having a such a hard time with this, but Kyoei's own website, kyoeigolfclubs.com lists specs for 3-PW yet these are only available 4-PW? am I missing something here,,,,,
KYOEI Blade Pics!
is this finish available or is it a one off custom?
KYOEI Blade Pics!
Chris, for finishes, i was curious if Kyoei themselves will offer different? there appears to be a raw grain satin in the pics on the website as well as a satin chrome? http://kyoeigolfclubs.com/ they list #3 right there with the full specs. did they just choose not to offer one right now? and therefore all sets are strictly 4-PW? Club Loft Lie Weight F.P. Bounce #3 19 59.5 245 5.5 0 #4 22 60.0 252 5.5 0 #5 26 60.5 259 5.5 0 #6 30 61.0 266 5.5 B1 #7 34 61.5 273 5.5 B2 #8 38 62.0 280 5.5 B3 #9 42 62.5 287 6.0 B4 PW 46 63.0 295 6.0 B5
perfect! i bet with them being one piece milled the feel is probably next to nothing out there!
KYOEI Blade Pics!
couple things Chris, you have 4-PW listed in the pro-shop, is there an option to add a #-3-iron or no? secondly what other finishes are planned, and when might they be available...i understand these have little just gone live for purchase today, but was curious what other options could/would be available.
New 2017 Seven ST Wedge!
extremely top notch looking product Chris! i am sure they play as equally as good as they look!
KYOEI is creating their own house brand
well looks like another set of irons to add to the list to consider...these kyoei mb's could be something special, lets hope we get constant face progression and basically zero offset!
AK-00 by AK-Putters ( maker of A-Grind )
perfection, minus the sightline of course!
2017 Japan Golf Fair
if you get a chance would love to see whats new for headcovers for drivers/fw's....is como come even making new stuff anymore? would like some nice high quality knit/pom-pom style from one of the japanese makers... and grips as well, anything new from nowon no1?
im just up the road from you guys in Vancouver, BC the worst winter i remember in a long time and the cold wet start to spring is just the icing on the cake
Want to avoid the left side? Honma 445cc Pro Driver!
that is dead sexy!
SEVEN 2017 VS-R Putter 1st Run
when and how can we purchase one of those one of ten swedish steel putters? chris, send me a pm or email, i must get one of those!
Miura MG-S01 Wedges
they look phenomenal in the black boron finish, is this a plated finish? will it wear and eventually rust?
Miura MG-S01 Wedges
granted those maur's and ai miyazato '05 x-wedges where hands down the best feeling wedges, still to this day.
Miura MG-S01 Wedges
pure 99.3 not to be a total d**k, but that is sooooo tourstage circa 2003/2004/2005 and their mr-23 spec maru wedges!!!
CGS Orion S20C Copper + Nickel CP Finish
toyoshima? the guy who did the crazy ccb-104 wedges? i will throw in one more guess of Mr. Zodia....
wtb: Golf Style Vol. 85
anyone have or can find me a brand new or as mint as possible issue of Golf Style Vol. 85 http://golfstyle.co.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=429 thanks
Crazy CRZ-435 Limited
Crazy CRZ-435 limited, anyone have any playing time with this? i know it is limited to 200 pieces and have just started getting out there, looking for some thoughts?
Japan Golf Fair 2016 - CRAZY
any updates and thoughts from those that have gamed the new crz-435 limited?
Fujikura Evolution III Spotted
i think the motore speeder tourspec 7.2 and 8.2 and 9.2 started the resurrection a couple years ago...
these look like utter perfection!
Chris, Do not mean to jack your thread, but with regards to Teramoto, I checked out the website and they show some iron shafts from a company called Samurai Shaft, so I checked out the link, but do you have any/all info about them? they are steel I assume, made to exact tolerances? http://www.samurai-golf.jp/ under the iron tab, they have a tour shaft...
Kamui Pro TP-09D Pics
what exactly does the foam do playability wise and feel wise, or is it simply an audible thing?