Everything posted by jaygolf
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A bit of a price drop on this. 850€. For the EU this is a pretty sweet deal.
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
Actually I've been on a fresh spinach salad diet for a month now (I really have). I'm still waiting for the Popeye forearm! If anything they're smaller.
I already have a replacement for the Yam I sold to you, the new Yam! As for the SX proto, riduffer claims i'm not 'strong' enough for it.
Sold locally
You're right, in this case I'm an 'international agent' and I deserve my cut.
Fairway and UT Decision
Are you a size 6 shoe?
Sold locally
Haha! That's a bit of an understatement. Here I am selling a jewel and he's hijacking it with some rubbish re released i33. Damn you C!
Why there is no Epon on TSG anymore.
Cool C. Less fire more grace! Thanks for clearing things up.
Introducing Tabuchi-san aka Buchi Golf!
+1 My brother worked at apple for quite a long time. Steve Jobs had been away on leave for a while. When he returned the design team make a presentation of some new layout designs, it had butterflies all around. He sat there calmly looking at the folder and said "oh, butterflies, how nice...who's idea was that?" One guy proudly took the credit...and all of a sudden jobs lost it and threw the stuff all over the place screaming "butterflies! Butterflies!..." Over and over again, insulting everybody in sight . Haha.
- Sold
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
Measure of a person
jaygolf replied to RIduffer's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearStew has typo issues when sober...so drunk...?
Measure of a person
jaygolf replied to RIduffer's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI don't even have 5 stars, making me borderline ignorable. No need to answer my PMs... Tomcat doesn't even have one star...now that is one pathetic individual with no worth. Haha!
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
Finally : Dale's 2013 WITB..Second Edtion!
That's the difference between the US and where I am now, France. Out here the postman does not play golf and has never even heard of TM.
- Crazy Target Tours 120s. not working in my heads
Crazy Target Tours 120s. not working in my heads
Thanks for the positive feedback on the sp blues fellas. It will do my sale wonders. Lol. Don't hate the shaft, hate the swing. :) I love em, love em so much I have 2 extra back ups. As for your crazy tours brotha, send them my way, I'll give them the proper lashing they deserve. As a matter of fact, the crazy heads too while you're at it. :)))
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
These jeams...longest bad boys in jdm.
Sold locally
Is it frozen butter like?
Sold-Please Close- jBeam FX Tour 425 Driver Head Black IP
Nice bomber there. GLWS
Sold locally
"Frozen butter"...how on earth did spoon come up with that?? haha. Cheers Steve.
Sold locally
Full shaft. I'll take a pic.
Sold locally
Thanks bro!
- Sold locally