Everything posted by freehb04
Sold...thanks TSG
ohhh, tempting yammies out there...pm me if u want to do a trade +\- $ deal...,have a set of coils that would be nice in either those or stews....
- close
Price drop again! Storeroom clearance(irons). Yamaha '12 V Forged, MG PP9001, Epon AF301
maybe someone from TSG can see if he's logged in recently....
Price drop again! Storeroom clearance(irons). Yamaha '12 V Forged, MG PP9001, Epon AF301
still no word after 12 days...glad I didn't gift...shame, it was a fair deal, dude was getting a set of mci pulls, quite proactive pre PayPal only one email post PayPal that makes me thinks i smell a rat....hope I'm wrong but only other option is dude is odd and also got hurt or something....
onoff 2013 cb's, head only
I have the shafts...would prefer trade +\- $ but not a requirement.
Price drop again! Storeroom clearance(irons). Yamaha '12 V Forged, MG PP9001, Epon AF301
hope nothing bad has happened to you, it's been 10 days since the deal was finalized and haven't heard anything other than a shipping address that USPS can't verify....
Price drop again! Storeroom clearance(irons). Yamaha '12 V Forged, MG PP9001, Epon AF301
it will have been a week tomorrow since I have sent pp on the yams and I haven't heard back despite several emails. what's up?
SOLD : RomaRo SX 48/7 Satin HEAD
stew likes his wedges and these are all so beautiful w the rust...good thing I haven't been drinking....
Price drop again! Storeroom clearance(irons). Yamaha '12 V Forged, MG PP9001, Epon AF301
Pay pal sent on yammies
2013 Yamaha Inpres X fw 3 & 5 wood
nice, pm me if you get interested in trades, GLWS!
Yonex 5w ezone head
gr8 head and price as usual...wanna work out a trade c?
Sold pls close
wish I'd waited...
Ryoma D-1 F3 Fairway wood Stiff Flex $500 Shipped
what was the stock shaft?
WTT Miura CB501 for RomaRo Ray V
tempted to trade you but just hit the romaro s for the first time and they're pretty sweet...I know I will want a set of more serious cb's soon but want to give these one full w/e b/f letting them go...this set is 5-sw, 25* 5i w 50&56 ray forged wedges. really impressed by this brand, the look pretty good over the ball for all the gi they have. was also surprised about the feel, although I did not like them w the mci's, mci is just not my cup of tea....
Romaro Ray Tour Select fairway
how firm does the shaft play compared to the gdtaddi 6s? nine looking club
PRICE DROP... YONEX Zero 18* w/ Matrix Program 95 6.0
have wanted a zero for a while, gr8 shaft as well...
Srixon Z-TX 2 "GMAC" irons w/ UST Recoil Tour Protos
cool setup, wish I had the swing speed for it. curious if set is still available as a whole..would appreciate comments on the build.
Epon AF-302 w/C-Taper R - SOLD
dr. no, nice to see all the tasty gear u've been putting up! I dig your style bro...epon ho to epon ho, the colored ferrules r a nice touch. GLWS!
2013 Yamaha V Forged
dale, you r quite the ho bro, GLWS!
these are gr8 heads @ a gr8 price! tempted to get a backup set...can you pull w the ferrules intact?
dr. no, that pc-01 head is gr8, if it doesn't sell I'll swap something to go w my 25* one. nice gear as usual! glws!
Goneski thanks
c, sorry to hear u'r not playing...I know how it gets. beautiful blades! GLWS!
lol, the progression was very similar for me, the RC phase was fun, yonex phase even funner and epon phase the best! GLWS, gr8 gear.
RomaRo Pro Forged 5-P Tour Attas(help me help a friend)
wow, fantastic set! if they came w an extra 10mph of swing speed they would be sold!