Everything posted by Golfbaka
looks like a complete brand re-launch for Homna in 2013
This product ticks the box for in overall design but it doesn't get away from the fact that their current logo has a mole incorporated into into it!! For me if they want to use the Honma name they should have used their italicized retro logo or used the kanji 本間 for their name (or hired me as their marketing consultant!!!)
looks like a complete brand re-launch for Homna in 2013
Looks like Honma are pretty much re-launching their brand for 2013. Reading through their marketing blub it seems they're seriously targeting a younger customer base and trying to stop their gradual decline. They are one of the few golf companys that actually own their own factory as well. I knew the Japanese golf market was big but I didn't realise that it was roughly twice the size of the US market!! http://www.honmagolf...rld_vizard/#top those new irons look pretty sweet to me same about the drivers... New shaft brand as well. Might actually have to demo some!
Visiting Gold's Factory - New Hand Grind Wedge
Sorry Gocchin I just asked this on the blog but is there an actual Jumbo Ozaki grind and head shape, or is it just a wedge with allot of off set and a wide sole? I know GMA sell a Jumbo Ozaki wedge. I read that Jumbo liked to play most of his approach shots with a square face... (Great post by the way)
How about george spirits?
I actually quite like the logo. If I was a trade mark attorney for maserati I might not though...
Best JDM Fairway wood?
I agree with that - I really wanted to like it but just couldn't. Roicore all the way for me
Best JDM Fairway wood?
Can't go wrong with Royal Collection. Fairways or ultilities for that matter. Didn't particularly like the Epon fairway wood, drop dead gorgeous though.
How about george spirits?
Spoon you should have been a diplomat. Colorful is one word for it. On a side note, I saw a set of 'nearly new' Gauge Design irons, X100s in my favorite second hand store for only 29,000! Serious bargain.
Any Truth To This?
The high price of JDM has an awful lot to do with the strength of the Yen. Just look up the price of the yen in 2005 versus now and do the math. In the last few years many Endaka (high yen) golf shops have sprung up all through Japan selling essentially 'grey' imported goods from the US and Europe and rock bottom prices. This has led to the US manufacturer's Japanese subsidiaries, in particular TM, Callaway and Titleist, coming out with more and more JDM versions of their products to try and hold onto their margins in the face of very cheap imports. In the early 2000s Callaway and TM would essentially just put a slightly softer flex shaft in their products for JDM distribution, bar the odd model. Whilst Titleist just put out their stuff as was and targeted low handicappers. Not saying that this new JDM stuff isn't premium. It is! With regards to the 'made in ...' stamp the different countries have very different rules as to what can and can't be put on the clubs. The Japanese system is very convoluted with manufacturers having to put on club made here, grip made here, head cover made here etc.
Yamaha 2013 Tour Model and Inpres Lineup Info - Important
That 'Impress is being dismantled' promotional line now at least makes sense - dismantled in the sense of an adjustable driver! The Impress brand continues...
No love for Honma?
Only a few years ago when ARMRQ shafts were THE premium shaft of choice in Japan. I remember Shingo using them in the mid-2000s. I don't think their sub-branding has done very much for their brand over the last few years. Although there have been some very nice Beres models. The Athport brand was a complete flop with terrible and cheap looking product. I haven't seen too many Honma clubs in peoples bags recently in Japan, save a few iron sets. Mind you since all the Japanese baby boomers started to retire the 'premium' market has become very crowded.
- solid contacts...... small maker in tokyo
- solid contacts...... small maker in tokyo
- DG spinner shafts