Everything posted by 3leggedpony
Miura Giken's new CB-2007 Forged Cavity Back
Does anyone know how these would compare to the CB-102 that Miura sold in overseas markets? Also - are the black heads available to order yet and if so are they the same price?
Putter Selection... Does It Matter?
Of course being able to read the line is a prerequisite to holing the putt (no matter how good your putter or stroke the ball isn't going to drop if you hit it in the wrong direction) so that has to be the number 1 factor in putting performance. But reading the line isn't going to help if you can't consistently hit the ball on the line you've read and are trying for or if you do so with too much/too little weight so getting the right putter for you is a very close second
The collection begins..
And the urge has come once again... Trying to choose between a Yamada Imperial and a Miura KM-005.. Any advice?
The collection begins..
Just received it ... it's a really good looking putter. Love the Japanese writing on base and rear and the head is a very dark grey rather than black as some pictures make it look. Haven't had a chance to take it out yet but from some practice putts in the office on carpet it feels great so looking forward to doing that soon (assuming it can stay dry for longer than 5 minutes in the UK this summer). The headcover is very smart too
The collection begins..
I was fitted with a Scotty Cameron Newport 2.6 last year, my first centre shafted putter and I find it ok but it doesn't sing to me and certainly hasn't turned me into Ben Crenshaw. In my never ending attempt to buy myself a game I ordered a Yururi Nantetsu and am awaiting with excitement. I also got sucked into bidding on eBay for a Yamada Shogun at a good price and much to my surprise I've won it. Obviously the 2 I've just bought are quite different to what I was fitted with. Am I just being silly or are there others out there who take advice and then throw it out the window when the urge for shiny new toys arises? Does anyone have any of the models I've just bought?
WTB Epon 2011 Limited black stand bag
Hi all Would love the above to go with my new irons..
Epon in Japan
Is Epon known by another name in Japan? I was looking on tourspecgolf and they have nothing listed under Epon which seems odd
Yururi cavity back irons
Thanks for that. I don't have a US address though so does that rule out Epon's from you?
Yururi cavity back irons
Hi all Been lurking a while but this is my first post... Has anyone any experience of Yururi KM-0312 or MH-1112 irons? I'm looking to buy a set of JDM irons and was choosing between the Miura 512 and Epon 301/502 but a UK dealer has recommended the Yururi's and I'd like to get opinions from those that have gamed them Thanks!