Everything posted by G-man
FS: Uncut Nippon Super Peening Blue Stiff 4-Pw, KBS Tour Black Stiff Pulled
Are the spb's .355? And what price shipped down to oz?
MCI shafts and AF202 3w on Quadra FEX 65s FW
No I meant best total price for the 4-p plus 2 wedge shafts posted....
MCI shafts and AF202 3w on Quadra FEX 65s FW
Hmmmm... What would be your best price landed in oz for the mci's with 2 100 wedge shafts then....
MCI shafts and AF202 3w on Quadra FEX 65s FW
What would it cost to get the mci's sent to australia?
One fell swoop bag of experiments
If youre gonna split i might be keen for the thumps... let me know if its a possibility
PRGR Egg, Epon Combo set and Footjoy Classics.
Any idea what postage to Australia would cost for the irons?
**SOLD** Epon Combo Iron Set - AF-Tours/AF-302's
Golf Porn
Anyone know what postage to Australia would cost for these badboys?
FS RomaRo Pro Forged Iron Heads Only 5-P/W
I cant let these go to the bay. I'll call you tomorrow....
FS RomaRo Pro Forged Iron Heads Only 5-P/W
Range at murdoch tomorrow Mr Hockleburg?
FS RomaRo Pro Forged Iron Heads Only 5-P/W
Im interested. I'll let you roll my honma putter while i try them at the range :ntsg_smilie_nos**t:
Let's Trade H's for V's
Trade for anything else? PM sent....
OnOff Plus Forged Irons PRICE DROP!!!
I can separate if need be.... heads only $450 plus post. Shafts....make an offer
OnOff Plus Forged Irons PRICE DROP!!!
These are seriously good irons. Please don't make me go to the bay of death... last rediculously low price drop.... $550 plus post.
OnOff Plus Forged Irons PRICE DROP!!!
Thanks for the trade offers guys.... but i really need to cut down the stable. Any cash offers?
OnOff Plus Forged Irons PRICE DROP!!!
Price drop...and bigger pics loaded....
OnOff Plus Forged Irons PRICE DROP!!!
2009 ONOFF Plus forged irons 4 - PW TT Black Gold Regs GP Tour Wraps Was going to reshaft these but didnt get round to it. The clubs are too good to just there. Beautiful to look at and even better to hit... a very nice feeling forging, up there with the best of them, with plenty of forgiveness for a players cavity, esp the longer irons.... These are in great nick with very minimal signs of wear or chatter.... ... LAST PRICE DROP..CRAZY LOW $550 plus post
SOLD Yururis
fancy a trade for some mint 09 onoff plus 4-p with black gold regs and GP tour wraps???
residual shafts sale..... the cream...,
Are there grips on the 1150s? And does the inch extension bring them back to standard or an inch over?
sold! Thanks guys
...damn...if i didnt have a wedding to pay for. I guess i could call it off.
sold! Thanks guys
oh my!!!
Well what are you after for the heads then???
- Sold
***PRICE DROP** Yamaha 2011 v forged irons 5-PW
pm sent re trade offer...
mikey's garage sale (epon, miura, kamui, yamaha, etc...)
Dont suppose you'd like to trade the miura for a yamada wide blade?