Everything posted by Calvin
“TRPX AIR”,anybody want to talk about it?
It seems to fits a wider range of players and the graphics looks pretty cool too!
J Beam Glourious
Hi Chris! Haven't got your 535 yet? There are so little info about this club out there, even on Jbeam's website. All I've heard it is another " 激飛 ” machine. Hope can read your view on this one soon. Is it more D-013 or S-013 like? or maybe it stands on it‘s own ?
Honma TW717P Forged Irons - Most Forgiving in the TW Series
Looks like the 717P has the upper hand here but is the Quelot that far off ? Maybe it's because the muscle back, cosmetically, I'm more fond of Quelot. Just like two doors coupe always looks better than four doors sedan. Well, this is just personal view point!
Made in Japan by SAKATA ( 50 reasons )
I still remember those persimmon woods by Honma, especially, the 4 wood. Super all most in all respects. I've seen lots of fake Honma these days. What a shame!! Anyway we can tell which is real and which is copy cat?
Is it good to reuse those high module shafts?
Thanks a lot, guys! How about the epoxy we use? Dose it matter? Do we have to use one of those special epoxy for golf shaft or just those hadrware store stuffs will do the same?
Is it good to reuse those high module shafts?
A club maker told me those high module shafts are fragile to the high heat. When using the blow dry to loosen epoxy, the heat will damage the carbon structure, more or less. Is that true or what?
Keeping it REAL... FAKE!
Chris, what dose those stroe no. stand for? Is that a way to tell it's fake or not?
Honma TW717P Forged Irons - Most Forgiving in the TW Series
The strong loft setting remind me the Quelot RE12 forged iron, an under radar but pretty darn good looking club. If I put these two for a comparison, what is your call? One is cavity and one is blade. one is soft steel and one is maraging. They both come with a clean, simple, and sleek design. To be honest, I did not play neither of these. I wonder, in performancewise, this would be a fair contest.
RomaRo Website?
Also you might want to try to use "google japan" to do the searching next time.
Trpx vs jbeam 425 tour/435||
Ha ha! Sorry for the confusion buddy! My point is, if I've designed a item for some one and made a great success. I might wanna come up something, which is enven better, for myself. I'm just hoping this would be the case. As a golfer, who will always be greedy for a little bit this and that when new stuff comes up!
Trpx vs jbeam 425 tour/435||
Same's here! Can't wait to see your review on that. I wish BM535 is something that J-beam come up with to make it's own mark. Not like 435II wears two different jackets. I means performance wise not the look. TRPX is already great what if there is something even better.....! BTW , the white BM 535 looks pretty cool!
Trpx vs jbeam 425 tour/435||
How about the BM 535? Does it intimidate any hot drivers out there? or just a TRPX that's wearing J-beam it's own badge.
Official TRPX Drivers and Shafts Review Thread
Bet ya!T.
Official TRPX Drivers and Shafts Review Thread
Hi T, my "either" was based on what I've saw on their website where only composite material has been mentioned. Just curious, that's why I ask others who owned the club ( Has bothered you too much already! Heeee!). TRPX should make that more straight forward and let people know the difference from Jbeam's other models. Thanks T, to clear that out , I'll get back to you !
Official TRPX Drivers and Shafts Review Thread
I don't think it is either. What is it then? Anybody? Don't tell me is the 6-4 Ti.
Official TRPX Drivers and Shafts Review Thread
If some one said, it is the shaft that make the club shine. Do you guys who've hit and crushed on the club agree with that? By the way, is the club face forged out of DAT55G Ti as well?
Official TRPX Drivers and Shafts Review Thread
What is the neutral set up of weights in D013? ( Toe, back, and heel ). The weights of Jbeam and crazy are compactible, and whatelse? Hoe about Taylormade and Baldo? Is it necessary to get extra weights or just swap around those existing ones is good enough?
The myth of " BEST EVER or LONGEST EVER"?
Hitting the longest ever shot kind of like hitting the jackpot. Rather go for a combo help me increase the percentage of center hit. That might, at least, give me the longest " Average" distance!
The myth of " BEST EVER or LONGEST EVER"?
Every time when a new club comes out sure you'll hear people said: " best ever " or " longest ever ". From D-1 to latest TRPX, as a viewer, how do I justify that?
Is it a good idea to put a driver shaft in 3 wood? Which shaft you will recommand to do so?
Just want to use lighter driver shaft to gain some extra yardage but don't want to loose the stability. I'm not sure this would make any sense. May be you guys can recommand a great FW shaft to squeeze out more yardage for me. Thanks!
TRPX D-013 vs S-013 visual comparison
If there's anything to complain about D or S, will be that XXX graphic on the toe. Is that for porno movie or what? Why not just put that old English logo type on or just take it off. Could any one tell TRPX about this? XXX = AV !!
What was this guy doing?
Thanks T!I‘ve just read Michael's review. Do you think if Mike put the Crazy LY01 on D013 or take Touale instead of Messenger. Distance wise, the result could be different.
Official TRPX Drivers and Shafts Review Thread
Are those weights coming with the purchasing? I mean extra in different weight. Is that T- bar screw driver included?
What was this guy doing?
Yap! I think it is more for the sound factor. Still waiting for your D-013? Don't forget to do a review of it. Thanks for your previous suggestion. Gocchin recommands me the TRPX as well. Man! Just when I thought I've narrowed down to 2 candidates, here comes another teaser, a big one too.
What was this guy doing?
Guys! Check this vedio clip. Anyone know what this man are doing and what is that all about? Did it performed by TRPX?