Everything posted by Yohanan
Launch Monitor Results with Tatsuro
My XV is on order with a fubuki k 60 stiff. Cant wait. Should be intetesting. Cheers
Syard T388....Bought into the hype...u
If anything - it's going to be a training aid to get me to stop hitting down! That's a good thing - All be it - an expensive one! I have a swing trainer that you hit under the foam thingy - can't remember the name of it. It helps and it was $50? I did hit a low rope on the range yesterday - twice actually - with Nike range rocks but couldn't see how far it ran because of the end of the range/net. They were lower trajectory acending ropes everyone is talking about. Good feedback of course when flushed - amazing feel - of course. Drive #7 and #8 260/270 high bombs I knew immediately were tagged yesterday. I was going to measure them - but were in the same spots with 360cc 9* that was retired almost 6 years ago and with virtually no roll. Can't wait to see the roll out get plugged in! And those were hit with my low cost ball of choice - Last Years Noodle Long and Soft. An amazing ball for the price. Pro V1 were in same vacinity. TM Red's were almost as long. Didn't hit anything "harder" it wasn't warm enough IMHO. Will try some PRO V1x and Black Hex Tours next time out. They just weren't in the bag yesterday. I think the range rocks at Foxtail were also a factor the 1st time out - I almost went to the bag to offer up a few of mine - but just decided to get dinner and "ponder" the events that had transpired to that point. I will be back next week after the next session - at 4300' elevation - Bailey Creek at Lake Almanor Monday or Tuesday! My favorite course here in Nor Cal. Should be interesting! Cheers
Syard T388....Bought into the hype...u
I think the point I am trying to make and with a small bit of practical humor is - Tee it lower (and lower than you think "low" is) as suggested and see if that works - It did. I usually have no problem teeing up a hybrid 2" above the ground and connecting with it - or any club for that matter - and hope to find the "sweet spot" with the t.388 "teeing it up" as normal as you suggest so I don't hit the ground 1" behind the ball and look a complete tool with 1K Driver from Japan. All smiles! Cheers
Syard T388....Bought into the hype...u
OK - Here is the feedback from Day #2 in the Field with the t.388. Drove back to regular surroundings to put to the club in play on a course I have played 100 times since it opened in 1991. Cherry Island Golf Course - A Sacramento Muni managed my Empire Golf. I know where I use to hit 300 drives on this course 13 years ago with a PIING TiST 9* Bi-Metal. And of course all the rest of the drives. Lovely day perfect 77 F Sunny light breeze. Went to the range with a small bucket to loosen up with the usual 7 & 8 iron routine and a GW. Key - Not on mats - I don't like mats. It's like playing baseball indoors - but I digress. Hit several 260 ropes with teeing the ball lower so that you really had ZERO margin for any error. This will no doubt help me eliminate the downward angle of attack - ala 9 iron type swing. Otherwise I going to break the shaft at the hosel? Which of course I want to avoid. Proceeded to #1 Tee - Put the t.388 in play on 9 of 9 Driver holes. First attempt was horrible miss with hitting the ground first. I believe by the 7th Driver hole I hitting high 260-270 bombs They were higher in ball flight that I would expect and have not seen the roll out yet - But I am hitting the 10.5. I am pretty sure I could hit the 9.5 in this shaft no problem. I wil continue to work on teeing it lower and sweeping it ala my 14* Ping Rapture off the deck type of swing - It's plays at 43.5" Bottom line as everyone has said - it takes time - and tee it LOW - Lower than you every thought 0f teeing a Driver. I have already asked that Tario call S-Yard and have a bag of 25 1" S-Yard "For T.388 ONLY" be thrown in every box. I can't remember when I bought a bag of 1" tees? I may tip this shaft 1/2" and see if that helps tighten it a bit and help with my swing and getting importantly through the impact zone square and level. Although I probaly tip another shaft here first before altering the stocker. If you follow Phil Mickelson you know he is working with smaller driver head 250cc 8.5 in his "made for" Phrankenwood and is still over the place. The Phrankenwood will probably never make it into our bags. I have nothing in common with Phil - other than I share in the search for the ever elusive grail. This is a pretty special club - if you are on the fence - get it before it sells out. Cheers
Syard T388....Bought into the hype...u
I usually have zero issues getting almost ANY club up in the air. I hit down on everything - Driver down to putter. Ridiculous - I have gotten better however and obviously - why we are here - looking to find equipment that fits our swing. I love that US Big Box Sporting Goods Store commercial with Arnie - Swing your Swing! I probably could get by with a 9.5 in this club because of this and orderd the 10.5 based on 1) It's actually 10.5 based on the quality and precision of the maker. 2) Everyone said to error on the high side and get the 10.5. The ball flight was overall pretty good with the 10.5 Stock Stiff shaft. Or I would say "normal" for most 9.5 or even 9 drivers I have had or still have as far as height. Which are probably not really 9 or 9.5? And are higher based on inaccurate lofts of mass produced US clubs? Bogey and RI both have posts right after yours - reminding me to tee the ball low. I went into the pro shop to get a lower rubber tees knowing I needed to tee the ball lower. I will head to a grass range today and then put the club into play. Teeing it lower - 80 to 90% of ball below head level - Got it! It's really scary to be hitting any club with a high angle of attack (hitting down like I do) on rubber mats with concreate under it. Especially when you just dropped 1K on a new JDM driver. So . . . I was paticuarly careful not to break the club/shaft last night and worked "slowly" on teeing the ball lower using 1 of 2 rubber tees. As to your question about tee height - I like to tee it up on a 3" tee with a 460cc driver and let it fly. But strive for medium to medium/high trajectory for maximum roll out with a gradually rising ball flight - some would say "peircing" In the end - I know - based on my funky - low and back takaway - I flip - my misses are pulls as a righty - and my smash factor is hideous because of this around 1.2 on a Flightscope. I need to work on that. Don't let my review scare anyone off - this is a great club and head - I know I need a "boardy" shaft. Low Torque - High Kick - Stiff Tip. High Torque shafts create more spin - I don't need anymore spin. Unless it's a 56 SW? All I can say is that I "feel" that I am leaving something "out there" with this shaft - or there is more room for less flex. Is it stable shaft - Yes! I couldn't slice it unless I took a really big side swipe at it. Will report back tomorrow on how it goes today! Cheers
Syard T388....Bought into the hype...u
Well - Not to be negative - because all I am about it getting better - which is why I am here - is - that I knew - that this shaft was a mismatch for ME - based on tourque. I hit the t.388 this afternoon at Fox Tail golf course in Rhonert Park CA north of SF. Standard driving range off rubber tees and mats. Nice facility. Loosened up with the 8 and then 7 iron routine and then proceeded to PING Rapture 5 wood before the t.388 came a calling. The shaft is good - But its to soft for me - I am 6'2" and 3 bills. I look and swing like Ernie Ells - All be it - The Fat Smooth Eel - I don't eat eel at the local sushi joint because I don't like the texture. Anyway - the t.388 with 10.5 head is a performer. NIce med launch - And I do hit down so no problem getting the ball UP. I can tell when a shaft doesn't perform correctly - the ball flutters at apex. I saw this - this afternoon - not on all shots - But it was clear to me that this shaft is not a match for me. I was hitting the t.388 not as far as the Adams F12 LS WITH Fubuki A Stiff. 250 yards+ with a pretty serious side wind right to left. I left the LL at home - not wanting to have as much in the back fo the vehcile I was driving as was the value of most of the cars I was passing . . . I really believe that as far as MY swing goes - I need a stiffer or "boardier" shaft in this head. The head then will come alive for me? I am a Fubuki fan so the A in the .388 10.5 might be a good match? For ME. If you are a high ball hitter - get the XV - I am doning that next - With Fubuki K Stiff at 9.5 and my SS is 100 currently and will top out at 103. I am 49 years old. The .388 is a special head - No doubt - and the shaft is made for the head. But it's not for me - too soft at Stiff and too much spin because of the higher torque. If I wait for a split second at transfer/impact with my hands - I cock my wrists a little more upright in the back swing apex and let the this shaft loose and ANY shaft for that matter I know I am getting all I can. it's a fairway finder for sure - toe hits were pretty much straing center right and had good distance. I was trying to slice it and had trouble doing so! I want to see the the same ball fight with some serious ball scoot once it hits the ground and runs. The range I was hitting at had some mounds at the back of the range that prohibited any roll and I will try go put the club in play tomorrow at a course where I was a Men's Club member. My misses were left and pulled - So I know the shaft is not strong enough - but again - that is ME. XV 9.5 Fubuki K is getting ordered! Cheers
New Driver Shafts? Where are they?
Hey BogeyDog - I am assume you really dont care for Rombax X in the XV? Back in late January I hit the Rombax in the D913 and didnt care for it at all.. The D913 did perform 2nd overall of all the US clubs with the Diamana Blue. White was too much stick for me at 72g stiff. So I wont be ordering the XV with the Rombax. I know its made for it. But i cant do it. Fubuki k- check the profile if you haven't yet. I have not hit the K. I do have 2 drivers with the A and dont need a 3rd. Cheers
Syard T388....Bought into the hype...u
Shipped 5/2 Chiba (thanks T) Tokoyo 5/3 SFO 5/3 (thanks international date line) arrived just east of Paradise 5/6. I cant get a letter from Arizona faster to Nor Cal let alone Japan. Only waggled it. Stiff should be on the soft side for me. SS 100-103. The pictures do seem to make it appear fairwayish? It looks like a driver to me. But I am trying to replace a 360cc 9 *? Will properly warm up and stretch before the maiden range session tomorrow. Of course will report back. Cheers
S-Yard XV vs T.388 vs XT - Official Comparison Thread!
Thanks BD My t.388 is in transit. Its actually at SFO as of Friday night. Did you get the XV in 10.5 as well? Your first impressions are what I expected to hear. Cant wait to hear more! I am ordering a XV once I see the flight of the 10.5 t.388. The sound feedback from the XV from the video is fantastic. Great problem to have? Which one do I tee up. Cheers!
Looking for 3 wood suggestions
Just took a peak on the bay and there are a couple 15 degree - one in Japan in pretty could shape LOL - One at 2nd swing in MN that is pretty beat up. Many 5 woods and 7 woods. I have two PING Rapture V2 14* I picked up last year and a 19* - Absolutely love the 14* and why I have 2. Haven't played around with the 5 wood yet too much. The 14* is great off the tee and pretty easy to sweep of the deck even on a tight lies for a deep faced fairway. Try the X Hot Pro series as well - 13.5 or 15. I not a fan of the PX shaft but it does fly far and high and very easy to get airborne with the PX shaft. The 15* 6.0 shaft which for me plays closer to a Regular and not a Stiff flighted like 230 yard eight iron. The X Hot 3 Deep is also out there - but not as easy to sweep off the deck and could not kick the Rapture out of the bag for me. Cheers
S-Yard T388 vs XV Comparo Thread
Just put the order in - 10.5 Stock Stiff Many Thanks to Tario of course, Bogeydog and RL33 for some help here with alot of questions. Cheers!
Syard T388....Bought into the hype...u
I guess so . . . Ordered 10.5 Stock Stiff about an hour ago. Has it shipped yet? LOL Thanks for all who helped me here with my questions! - Everyone has been great! Will post once it lands on what the verdict is. I am expecting outstanding of course! Cheers
S-Yard T388 vs XV Comparo Thread
I will be checking back on this thread OFTEN - this is exactly what I am looking to hear about. I am thinking T.388 with the Romax shaft from the XV - based on my history of liking stiff tip high/med kick LOW torque shafts like the Fubuki A? Cheers!
Syard T388....Bought into the hype...u
Thanks! If my wife finds out I am dead . . . I have the ability to get both the T.388 and the XV. T emailed me back and I responded - and here is my question to the group - I like a Low Torque - Stiff Tip - High Kick 65 - 67 gram shaft with a SS of currently 100 that can go to 103 when I am warm and swining wiht confidence. I am 49 and am slowing down a little now. Anyway - I got fit for Cally RZFX 8.5 with Trinity Stiff - very good results - very consistent - effortless. Haven't picked one up yet. Really liked Trinity shaft and why I mention it. SMOOTH! Got on the Ezone 380 bandwagon - hit it Saturday at a big demo day here in Sacramento at Morton Golf/Haggin Oaks. Wasn't that impressed. Toe misses were a push slice. When flushed felt really good though - real good. Didn't care for the stock shafts at all. One was burnt oragne and one was blue. I asked for the M2 Low spin 65 gram. Anyway I am glad I was able to hit it. I have wore out a 360cc 9* driver head from a bankrupt company that only went into pre-production only before the owner left with the cash from a GC infomercial circa 2002? UST shaft - white with blue/yellow graphics "Pro Force Tip" Have had several UST PF V2 shafts in various other heads and like it. The outfit's name was NEXT Technologies with Magnetix Technology. Hated it at first but once I dialed it in. 270 down the middle and could work it. Hence my avatar searing for it's replacment. So getting back on track here - I lhave Fubuki A Stiff in both my LL and Adams F12 LS 9.5 The the profile mid launch and control is much like the Trinity but a little more stout and like both shafts. Both Low Torque - High Kick - Stiff Tip. I haven't swung a Rombax X - Since I like low torque clubs and I hit down on everything and tend to cast or flip with these two clubs would I be better off with the LV or put the LV Rombax shaft in the T.388? I just don't see myself in 4.5 Torque 45.25 shaft in the T.388? I realize it's there for a reason and can always re-shaft it? But am looking for guidance if possible with an order for T.388? Anyone have some postive thoughts that can help me out before I pull the trigger? Anyone have both the T.388 and the LV and can compare? Also I understand that going to a 10.5 in this T.388 is a good idea - but I have had no issue per say getting the ball up in any club as I hit down and as mentioned play around 9 degrees historically with my driver. Tario mentioned and rightfuly so - teeing the ball down with shallow face on the t.388 and having a level or sweeping swing produces the desired results. Thanks
Syard T388....Bought into the hype...u
I have put in a email to gocchin - so I think I am about to . . . Feel, Forgiving and Longer all in a smaller head - My 5 year search may be over . . . Was looking at getting a Yonex Ezone 380 built but if I am going to get into the water I might as well get all the way in? The water is warm here - Yes? The XV looks very interesting as well? Cheers