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Everything posted by john_n

  1. hello people, i was wondering if anyone here was really much into technology, since i sold my old yamaha home theater system i was thinking to upgrade a little but and trust me it was a difficult battle between many brands and types and models so i'm basically stuck bwtween two now and can't decide since i never had any of the following brands and i would appreciate any help! i can't decide between the bose lifestyle v35 black and the samsung ht bd2t
  2. You may want to try loosening up your grip a bit. Grip the club firmly but make sure that your forearms and arms aren't tense during your swing. You'll generate better clubhead speed if you don't try to muscle and manipulate the club. This should also help you with ball contact, it's incredible how much you can accomplish by simply experimenting or making a small change and get much better results, i started a program a few days ago as a result of my brother in law's recommendation, was at the hillsborough g&c with him and i noticed the guy had made progress on getting more distance at the first tee off i thought they were shooting a commercial for turkish airlines, the ball took off like a jet, thing is we are both average, and i noticed he got from 270 to 300, after i asked him (a hundred times) how he got it fixed he told me his boss told him about Jacob Bowden and how he took some lessons, here is what i could find out about it http://swingmangolf.com/ he did however help me add distance to my drive simply by telling me i bend too much forward and my hands were closer to my body when they shouldn't be, and i used to not lift my right arm enough, as soon as i get out on the tee with the improvements i will update it here.
  3. jailbroken not but briken yes will have to get a new one well was thinking to get the 5s, cant that one be JAILBROKEN i bet i can normalbreak it
  4. friend of mine has that i used to see it all the time on my news feed on fb, . you use it yourself?? does it only do walk/running or can i also keep track of push/sit/pull ups and then see the results?? greetings John
  5. this is one bad ass machine, a beauty Defender has stuck to its DNA and changed very little. This car looked almost the same over 20 years ago but the Jeep looks different from only a few years back. Just looking at the jeep, you can tell it is aimed more at the SUV class rather than a fully fledged off-roader. not really my style i'm more of a family station wagon with 552 hp, that is not a car it's a rocket
  6. what i dont get is why do people even buy anything but the cheapest model? If you get an Aston you're getting it for the looks, all the other competition is way ahead quality and performance wise but you get an Aston because it looks like an Aston, and since they all look the same...it is a respectable car but still ( i think the only worse in overhaul development is Porsche, so the red devil it is