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Everything posted by HisAirness

  1. The Sachi reminds me of the Odyssey Protype #6; my favourite putter last year. So a favourite design combined with Epon - sounds very good and well worth a try. Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
  2. This is exactly what I'm afraid of. If it's a smooth feeling shaft it can lead you to a too stiff shaft. The steelfibers are pretty tip stiff but I like their feeling on good hits - misses are ok. The recoil 670 is more friendly on misses. I'm more a swinger than a hitter but there is some force in the transition. I would like to go down to mid 80s grams just because it's easier to handle for a full round. My swing doesn't react bad with the light weight shafts. As I wrote in my initial post I guess there no other way than getting my own demo iron(s) with these shaft(s). Thanks for all answers. It still would be interesting how one would rate the tip stiffness - more like stellfiber or significantly weaker.
  3. Thanks for your advice @nobmontana. Light weight shouldn't be a problem for me. The Orochi shaft weights only 65g and my heaviest ones are sub 100g so 85g should be fine. What confuses me now is that I read in the online store that there is a SR-Flex model I didn't see on the Mitsubishi Rayon webpage. Is the difference between R- and S-Flex so large that they needed an in between flex?
  4. I've a question about the flex rating. I would like to try the OTi 85 but don't know if I should take R- or S-Flex. My driver SS is 100 - 105mph after a few warm up swings; on a bad day it goes down to 97mph. So I should take S-Flex. But I experienced with other shafts (recoil proto 95, steelfiber i80, standard Mizuno / Fuji Orochi in 825pro) that the R-Flex model is stiff enough. At the same time I play some S-Flex shafts (recoil 670, FST Pro115) and they don't feel boardy or harsh by any means. The very light Zelos 7 in R-Flex feels a little bit too whippy but not like a 850gh which is too soft for my feelings. I don't have the opportunity to get some demo clubs with both flexes so I have to buy my own demo shaft / club. Do you think the R-Flex would be a good choice or is the bend profile too weak and I should get the S-Flex which would be the flex rating for my driver SS? Thanks!