Everything posted by D22marshall
fire express fw epon 901 19
Fire express 75s SOLD tp 7s SOLD
fire express fw epon 901 19
- fire express fw epon 901 19
- fire express fw epon 901 19
- fire express fw epon 901 19
Going to let my epon 301s go also have original fire express shafts all are brand new uncut FW shaft 75 x flex $160. 901 19 with tour ad di hybrid 95s shaft and cover ( not great ) 40inc with elite grip $275- SOLD
- all gone
- all gone
Epon bag in mint condition with rain cover pictures tell the story. selling for a mate $450 delivered if someone buys this one also have a full set of irons covers $50- SOLD
Happy to do a good deal if anyone interested- SOLD
Ryoma f2 ip finish 13 loft 43.25 length elite grip original cover a few marks face area pics showing tour ad ryoma stiff shaft $360 delivered- SOLD
Really nice putter sight lines work really well. lets find a home $180- SOLD
J Beam bm 36 putter mint condition on game a handful of times. shimada shaft and iomic grip 34 inc $220 posted ono- SOLD thanks tsg
9 for the 52 13 for the 56 7 for the 60- SOLD thanks tsg
$300 heads only- SOLD thanks tsg
- SOLD thanks tsg
Kyoei wedge set 52 56 60 In good condition Heads only or shafted $350 pics coming- Fujikura MCi 90stiff pulls or aerotech i95
Sorry they sold- SOLD
I want to move it 1k delivered- SOLD thanks tsg
Ok look at this baby $725 time to move stuff- SOLD thanks tsg
- Tour AD shafts
Funny Ian I too got a tour ad di 95 in a di and liked it now a di 6 in driver and waiting on a 7 for my 3 wood, underrated shafts- Fujikura MCi 90stiff pulls or aerotech i95
Mci 100s 5 to pw?- SOLD
Ok would like a sale $1100 posted! - fire express fw epon 901 19