Everything posted by D22marshall
Great 3 and 5 wood combo
Got a z801 coming 3 wood and a z701 ut normally don’t play a Hybrid also a kamui tp07 fw 5 wood will report back on them
Great 3 and 5 wood combo
What about the zodia 801?
Great 3 and 5 wood combo
What about the zodia z801? any experience nobs?
Great 3 and 5 wood combo
Modart was one I was also leaning towards but would need the 14 and 19 I think. so question is anyone got one?
Great 3 and 5 wood combo
Had these didn’t like em too small and deep face. Every ryoma I have seen looks closed
Great 3 and 5 wood combo
Looking to update my Romaro 3 and 5 wood wanting to get peoples thoughts on a great 3 and 5 fw as I like to match them up. dont like egg type heads. atm the a grind dst epon 205 ( cost too much) like the head to sit open NOT closed or Sq at all. any other ideas would be great. and in a reasonable price range
Epon 205 3 and 5 woods
Quadra fire express rb 6sx Shaft 43.5 vgc $200 posted pics soon- SOLD
- Epon 205 3 and 5 woods
Looking for an epon 205 fws have a 103 driver fitted with speeder evo2 661x And a quadra rb 6sx Shaft- SOLD
- (Sold) Epon AF-Tour CB 5-PW heads only
Great heads love mine!- SOLD
153 head sold- SOLD
if this was a 60x no chance I would be selling it. if you have an x willing to swap- SOLD
- close
They bend easy just don't try and do the full bend in one go. bend a couple then go again. i did a set of p2s for a mate 5 degrees flat no worries at all. bending flatter always easier then up- SOLD
AAA $350 delivered- SOLD
Can pull the aaa shaft raw it is 43.75- SOLD
Basileus AAA 2015 mint 43.75 $350ono- SOLD
- 2017 JDM Utility Shaft Thread!
Been using diamana thump for a long time now great in an epon 901. also had an Oban kiyoshi and that was also a great shaft. tried the crazy ut shaft but too dead feeling for me. may try a Nippon 1050 in one- SOLD