Everything posted by D22marshall
BUCHI TP01 type:SD
Don't know if anyone has one or tried one some feedback or offers cheers
- Sold
- Sold
SOLD thanks tsg
Thanks had a few offers but at this price it's not getting dropped these are great putters
SOLD thanks tsg
Absolute mint yamada emperor burning copper special order no sight line 355g head 33.5. original box grip mint! $OLD
Un-Hot Melt
Heat the head up on the base of the club doesn't need a lot at all and the hot melt will turn runny and you will be able to get it out via the hozel. but then you will need to really clean the bore bore shafting again. even a foam head can be removed but wouldn't advise trying unless you are a persistent bugger. Good luck
SOLD elsewhere
SOLD elsewhere
SOLD elsewhere
SOLD elsewhere
We all want one of those
SOLD elsewhere
SOLD elsewhere
Absolute mint condition zen. a true classic putter. at 33inc can be put back to 34 if needed. with original grip and headcover
WTB: AAA Basi alpha 60s
Is this a wanted ad Carlo?
Yamaha iff Fws
301 heads traded
- SOLD thanks
ONOFF driver Aka 2016
Yes very good shaft likes to be pointed and shot
Yamaha iff Fws
Epon Personal 3 Irons Revealed - And it's not a blade!
Are they bringing out any more irons this year mate?
Epon Personal 3 Irons Revealed - And it's not a blade!
Good point maybe Chris jumped the gun on the model name
Yamaha iff Fws
Ok happy to do some swapping or trading high end putters or epon AF tour CB sus I can add some coin
Epon Personal 3 Irons Revealed - And it's not a blade!
That's poor
Yamaha iff Fws
Yamaha iff Fws
all copper gone
Honma Tour world 717 WITB
Great looking set man. Enjoy the first strike
Yamaha iff Fws