Everything posted by needmoregolf
Honma BAG + DI
SOLD, thanks R!
PROTOTYPE 7D Putter Shaft in Mpbachman's New Flat Stick!
oops, on topic tho, I ca t wait to putt with this damn thing...DIBS!! ;)
PROTOTYPE 7D Putter Shaft in Mpbachman's New Flat Stick!
if you're suspended, can u actually view your pm box?
PROTOTYPE 7D Putter Shaft in Mpbachman's New Flat Stick!
PROTOTYPE 7D Putter Shaft in Mpbachman's New Flat Stick!
Why the veil of secrecy? as passionate consumers, I'm sure we would all like to take pride in knowing where these heads that serve as the base of our dream putters come from, esp since we always hear so much about the artisans that craft them into the final product.
PROTOTYPE 7D Putter Shaft in Mpbachman's New Flat Stick!
it's all semantics in the end, and I'd agree initially about the modification aspect of existing putters as their main business. but even the advertised text for that golds putter currently for sale on TSG specifically says "made by Gold's" so my assertion is that there is no need to get so nit picky about things and make it a point to correct people when in fact we all really MEAN the same thing....Golds MAKES/MODIFIES/CREATES/etc awesome putters that are better than any Scotty you can buy, no matter how much it "costs" or is "worth"
PROTOTYPE 7D Putter Shaft in Mpbachman's New Flat Stick!
I love my golds custom...it's not my fault, I was praising golds originally over spending ridiculous coin on a Scotty but a point had to be made by someone over semantics, which was unnecessary IMHO and now the thread has detracted from bachman's glorious putter....oh, and the ugly truth is out haha
PROTOTYPE 7D Putter Shaft in Mpbachman's New Flat Stick!
what if golds "made" it Robbie?? would you still be pissed??
PROTOTYPE 7D Putter Shaft in Mpbachman's New Flat Stick!
I actually find this comical (read the text from this screenshot of an actual TSG pro shop listing for a Gold's putter: "made by Gold's"....) Don't Tread on Me...wow, so appropriate!! So the $1 mil question is.... Does Gold's "make" putters or not??
PROTOTYPE 7D Putter Shaft in Mpbachman's New Flat Stick!
Didn't golds have putter blanks before that they used to make a custom series of putters -- the whole MAC line?? Perhaps this would be better defined as "creating," but calling out the difference between "make" and "create" in this instance is being ostentatiously pedantic. Furthermore, by that definition, there wouldn't be many putter "makers" out there. I'm sure everyone knew that my intent was to say a Golds "creation" is a putter "created" with great skill and care for optimal putting. Duly noted that golds does not "make" putters...
PROTOTYPE 7D Putter Shaft in Mpbachman's New Flat Stick!
Tiger ditched his Scotty for Nike, and that is no Golds, not even close. the Nike switch seems to kill everyone's putting game, look at mcilroy lol
PROTOTYPE 7D Putter Shaft in Mpbachman's New Flat Stick!
R, I've held and putted one pricier than that and there is absolutely nothing that it has that makes it worth that type of coin. it's purely the branding and perceived limited production value that drives those prices. anything that comes out of golds is probably more fine tuned and optimized for putting than any Scotty, except for maybe some stuff Scotty does himself for the worlds top pro's, and even then I'd say it's debatable. if he uses his own hands to grind and stamp something, people will pay asinine amounts for it. put a custom golds in spieth's hands and I bet he putts as good if not better with it ;) just my $0.02
Honma BAG + DI
nail on the head stew, this thing feels like it could haul 2 full sets but overall very lightweight and durable. honma players should def consider this over a traditional heavy staffer as this is way more versatile but has a more formal look than your average stand bag.
Buchi VS200 wedges
I know someone has a set of 52* | 58* Buchi VS200 wedges out there...please contact me if you've got a set available ;)
Honma BAG + DI
Irons TRADED!! Bag and DI are left, someone's getting a super sweet deal if they want them!!
- Buchi VS200 52/28 Wedge - SOLD
Honma BAG + DI
ok, opening these up to trade for a set of buchi vs200, so if anyone's interested, ping me :)
PROTOTYPE 7D Putter Shaft in Mpbachman's New Flat Stick!
Daym!!! DIBS!! ;D hahaha jk Awesome creation bud, I'm sure she'll roll the heads of many birds with her murdered out badassness!!
Monaco S flex 4i shaft
just need the one shaft but thanks for the info
Monaco S flex 4i shaft
looking for a Monaco in S for a 4i....anyone??
Lets Hear Your Vote!
last year's new egg fw 15*
Honma BAG + DI
pm sent
Lets Hear Your Vote!
I agree with ash, the new egg 15* fw kicks a$$ off the deck and equally good off the tee! new one doesn't have a horrible sound and feels pretty good but the best part is it just goes long and straight!!
SEVEN x GOLD'S FACTORY Short Neck Vertical PZ German Silver Insert
for the putter gurus out there: what are the noticeable differences between short vs long neck putters?
Zero Offset Irons
idbl's are near zero and are a phenomenal set of heads in performance, feel and looks