the most non-conforming JDM driver
I don't think anyone with 100+mph swingspeed would need to consider a non-conforming driver. It's more for average to below average swingspeeds of like 85-mph. My own swingspeed is about that, and I played a Romaro HX gold non conforming. I found the distance gains to be minimal. 5 to (maybe) 10 yards at most.
JDM Driver
I would agree with the previous posters in regards to feel. JDM just feels, sounds better coming off the face. In my case, I've had two JDM drivers, and they were both not only a better feel, but better performance as well. Currently have a Honma TW717, and love it. Prior to that, I had a Romaro HX460 non-conforming.
SEVEN | Double Milled Wedge
Absolutely the best looking wedge I've ever seen. I wish I could get one in 54 degrees. The face milling and modified box grooves are just awesome. Love the black oxide. They're only available in a 52/58 degree set?
kamui works mark iii driver?
Anyone ever heard of this one. Kamui works seems to put out alot of drivers. Not sure how current this one is, but it really looks good. Non-conforming though, but not sure of the cor.
Driver Testing
I sure hope the Ryoma Beyond Power is on the list?
New RomaRo Ray Alpha Driver
Way too shallow for me. I had an HX460 last year. How can they go from such a deep face design to something as shallow as a 3 wood?
- Kamui TP-07s Aero?
- Kamui TP-07s Aero?
4-Stars by Honma | TW727 455S Driver
Man, this thing is gorgeous. I still can't imagine anything better than my 717tw 460 with 55 gram Vizard. .
Honma Drivers
I have the 460 and love it. I think it sounds very solid. Not quite dead muted, but not at all metallic. Best driver I've owned in quite some time.
Honma TW727 460 Driver Impressions
I bought the 717 460 from TS last year. It's simply awesome.
Baldo TT Prototype 911D
That's great. Actually, I mean't the 911 S. Typed in the D by mistake. Looking forward to your input.
Baldo TT Prototype 911D
This is the nicest looking driver I've seen so far for 2015. Hopefully we can get some feedback on here soon.
Merry Christmas to All
Wishing a very Merry Christmas to everyone.
Honma TW-727 Drivers Info!
I bought/played the Honma TW717 460, (from Tour Spec), last season. I'm not sure why I chose that model, other than I really loved the looks. It's by far the best driver I've played. It's extremely good in every category. From the few looks of the TW727, other than one of the weights being in the back, it looks almost identical. I can easily endorse the quality of Honma gear. Absolutely first rate.
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