Everything posted by Steven Lam
Christmas sale, 399net + shipping
- sold
JDM Putters
Don't think they have their web site, but there are a few dealers, even a Facebook page, a new hand made model will take 3-6 months waiting time. Lot of members here have the yamada or even a few yamada, they are really good, try search which model you are looking for, some members might have some spare, good luck!
JDM Putters
Yamada shotgun burning copper ryoma M3
Sold thanks
Yes it's still avaliable for now, its 240CPM, it even feels more stiff than my ryoma type G stock SR shaft , great shaft, very smooth and super feel. :) pm sent
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haa... nothing wrong, its a great driver, just i prefer abit more of the new ryoma.
Sold thanks
ito head sold
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Yes I think you can change the weight by changing the screw at the sole. I would say the bangvoo play more like SR than most R flex, the shaft is long so you have a lot of room to trim it to fit whatever you want.
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Almost :)
- Sold thanks
- Driver Itobori
- Driver Itobori
- Driver Itobori
F**k Cancer - an update on TourSpecGolfer
Sorry to hear that Chris, God bless you and your family.
sold thanks TSG
24 hours discount offer, will withdraw and put my beyond power shaft in it. 600$net +shipping for a new head
- close pls
100% conforming, ryoma non conforming will be called special tuning which is not release any new one yet.
Make me an offer guys don't be shy, I might accept
Ryoma 2016 Maxima
I did play the ryoma for a while, bought the D and G, they improve the design and finishing. Sound and feel are much better, not as high pitch tune as before, doesn't launch as high as the previous model. It definitely longer, it carry but doesn't roll that much like the zy 7 and zy 11, I tested it on the same shaft AAA 2016 50s. Overall I love it, and really a big improvement.
no one love the buchi? Lets try...... Price lower for the buchi 4-P 800$ shipped
Come one guys lets try 825.123456789
Price lower for the buchi 4-P 850$ shipped