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Everything posted by Minimal302

  1. Great pics! The course looks amazing!
  2. I really like the looks of the Titleist 591's.
  3. Or these! :-D http://www.ryano.net/iraq/?1328222
  4. Hurry back Mike, this place won't be the same without you!
  5. That my friend is not your average run of the mill camel toe. That is the much rarer Canadian Moose Knuckle. I knew I was missing out by not watching that on television. LMAO!
  6. This man is a complete moron. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/Nomad59/69stang.wmv :-D
  7. Alcap, my mom suffers from carpal tunnel aslo. She found that the Sabona magnetic bracelets really help. You might want to give it a try if you haven't already. Hope this helps.
  8. Sorry to hear that Alcap, I hope everything works out for the best.
  9. PM sent
  10. Since tomorrow is my birthday I figured I would treat myself to the best present of all, my first Tour Cameron. If anyone has one they would like to part with at a decent price let me know. Not really looking for anything fancy, just a nice Newport. You can email me at [email protected] Thanks! Scott
  11. ;shocked ;shocked ;shocked ;shocked ;shocked ;shocked ;shocked
  12. ;rofl That doesn't look like a very happy kitty.
  13. I wouldn't doubt it. :D your avatar would recognize a rambler..hell he probably HAD a Rambler :lol:
  14. Knew a guy in highschool that had a Rambler, it wasn't a bad looking car. :o
  15. Iron Chef rocks! Used to watch it all the time, need to get back to watching it. The host is one scary dude. 8O
  16. Thats still got to be a blast though! Still on the wrong side of the bag though :cry:
  17. Nice! I saw the cleek on Ebay not too long ago. 690.CH is sweet!
  18. Pics aren't working for me :(