Everything posted by Cforselius
Send me offers: A-Grind Classic driver w/ Aldila RIP Phenom 80S mint
Hello lads. I got two clubs for sales here. Items will be shipped with standard international shipping. A-Grind Classic driver with a Aldila RIP Phenom 80 Stiff shaft and a red Iomic 2.3 sticky grip. Club measures 44" and is only butt-trimmed. Club is 8.5/10. Might be some small scratch but nothing I capture. Sole, face and crown is perfect otherwise. Shaft and grip were new for this build and it has been used around 20 rounds. Comes with original headcover. 280 USD shipped or best offer gifted via paypal. Next up is a Yamada Emperor 2 that only has been tested. This was a gift to my father but he did not like it ( can you believe it?) And Im on the hunt for a blade putter so I wont use this. 9.5/10 condition. Comes with original headcover, certificate and Original box. Measures 34" and has the standard black Yamada rubber grip, midsize. Not much more to say about this one, you know the drill. SOLD gifted via paypal. Please ask questions if you have any, trades interests are a Yamada Razor only.
Where will the mass be added if you go heavier? Will it be longer or just wider? I really like this putter but it looks so a little thin at the neck transision. Maybe its just the pics.
WTB blade irons set or head only
Still looking!
WTB blade irons set or head only
Both are interesting! Condition and price is everything. Please PM me what you had in mind and we will go from there. Thanks
WTB blade irons set or head only
Looking for blade irons in 8+/10 condition from the following brands: Yururi, Epon, Vega, Crazy, Miura, Zodia, A-Grind. Budget is around 700 USD plus a mint set of Epon 301. Please stay within this.
New Gold's Option
Check out Golds Factorys Facebook page and click on photos and you will see a few putters with a flow neck. Its not round, but its rectangle shaped with smooth corners.
Looking for a good 7Wood. Need help
If you want a high trajectory with a drop n stop just get the A-Grind utility (first edition). It is simply amazing.
Roddio S-Tuning Driver Info ??
Sounds like you have to find the right shaft and stick with that. Thanks for confirming mate.
Roddio S-Tuning Driver Info ??
Correct me if Im wrong guys, but are'nt these a pain to install?
My very own putter project
Thought I'd share whats going on behind the curtains. My university has agreed to make the prototypes needed in 3D printer so we feel 100% confident paying for a CNC made one later on. They will make it for free, so hats of for them. Only downside is that we have to wait until a class is done with their school projects which could take a few weeks. On the plus side I can fine-tune the design and I have changed the neck so it connects better with the top line. Let me know what you think. Right now the lie angle is 70 degree and will take a 0.370 putter shaft.
Roddio S-Tuning Driver Info ??
My eyes are set on a silver one! But all of the colors look so good.
Roddio S-Tuning Driver Info ??
Sounds amazing. This driver will be my next purchase.
Roddio S-Tuning Driver Info ??
How is the sound of the driver? If you dont mind sharing.
Japan Golf Fair 2016 - Golden Ratio S15C
MBs looking great!
Roddio S-Tuning Driver Info ??
Im interested in these as well. Fell in love with the Type M with silver heas.
Buchi VS200 or Global Edition CB's
If you click on them it will say out of stock. Mine does atleast.
bstnyc's 2016 bag~
May I ask you if the Roddio Fw head is compact or big? I cant tell by the pics. It looks awesome.
SICK SICK set of Buchi VS200's!
Is the DG tour issues iron shafts?
Crazy SBi-02 Blades in Satin
These will be mine someday!
A-Grind Y-PROTO Driver
I have the 350 Classic which is 1 degree open and my misses has always been left but I have yet to hit a draw with this driver. Dead straight or a small fade.
A-Grind Y-PROTO Driver
Im playing the classic 350 now and I love it. If its about the same charecteristics but a tad more forgivness Im all in.
A-Grind Y-PROTO Driver
This will be awesome! So tempted going all A-Grind.
My very own putter project
Yea thats the idea Björn!