Everything posted by wedda
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CRAZY F16 wood head
I got a f14 :) Gaming f16 and f19 myself :)
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dogatti pt 135 putter shaft
Its a great shaft! I tipped mine 1.5 inches and it made my ryoma p3 come alive!
230 dollars? =) you can always give me an offer.. I might consider it! =)
Grips that are bigger on the lower part
I use hockeytape to build them up.. sticky as hell.. really nice.. but would be nice to find a grip that already are a bit built up :-) Will check those out!
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I will ;) thank you sir! :D
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WTB: Shimada Tour Lite or Tour Mid 4-PW stiff flex plus 3 shimada wedge shafts
These are amazing shafts :) Im gaming the 3-pw shimada tour lites and the shimada hw for wedges. great overall! =)
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Grips that are bigger on the lower part
So there is no japan grip like this?
Grips that are bigger on the lower part
Hi! Is there any JDM grips that are like the golfpride (less taper): Always gamed the Masda slickfit.. but want them with backbone and less taper as the bottom part of them is really small
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agrind 10,5 on quadra fex RB 5 R
Is this shaft anything like the 100 grams hybrid quadra FEX? Are you willing to separate shaft?
2 crazy tour wedges - 52 and 58 degrees
140 dollars?
JOP putter grip
I dont have a seam on mine? hmm? =)
JOP putter grip
I've been playing with the JOP 4,1 for some time now... The 4.1 is one degree upright and feels really nice. The grip feels a little bit like alcantara - soft but yet some grip to it. The grip is rather wide on the side but not that broad in terms of where you hold the thumbs (on the front of the grip). I like the size a lot coming from a superstroke 2.0 flatso whereas the flatso 3.0 is too big for my liking. If I had different type of putter i'd love to try this one on that club as well! I really think this is very unique and I like it in every aspect. Actually havent even looked for other grips since I bought it.
2 crazy tour wedges - 52 and 58 degrees
Hi gents, 2 crazy tour wedges 52 and 58 degrees. 150 dollars I live in Sweden so shipping will be from here!
RC 52/58 wedges and Asiri proto 9 degree
100 dollars for the pair??
RC 52/58 wedges and Asiri proto 9 degree
Price lowered
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