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Everything posted by TourSpecGolfer

  1. Yea I agree there ant, It's mostly the same stuff hand picked.
  2. Oh sure, no doubt, Tigers irons used to be produced by Miura. That was when he was with Titleist. I bought a set. But today, I don't know of any. That was then and this is now. Also the Miura TM 300 Forged was a retail iron in Japan. The U.S version was made in China.
  3. What are the irons on tour that are a different quality or better forging? Tiger's irons are same forging mold just a different grind. If it was about playing the best Bridgestone guy's would be playing TourStage and everything would be made by Endo.
  4. I talk to mitsubishi U.S tour guy's they down play high ton carbon. The brand's that are out on tour promoting, giving away their product in full force will have the most players. Crazy's price point is way to high to try to appeal to the mass market, they have to take the niche aftermarket fanatic road.
  5. Nope, No tour rep on U.S PGA or Japan PGA Tour Now they do! Crazy is well, Crazy they are just pure retail consumer based. I'm getting the feeling they don't care much about profit as they spend more on stunning buildings and 3,000 dollar golf bags than any golf company I know.
  6. Thanks for understanding and I apologize for my know it all attitude at times. Yes Sweden, many tall people! Right now we have Yururi MB back up set for Dinesh Chand only set available outside of his own 1 of 2. The #5 iron head weight is 251.6g If your interested in this particular set let me know.
  7. Thanks Jamnguy1, Have you tried both? I actually seek more control and have yet to try either one.
  8. My take on that is Epon's the brand, Endo is the manufacture. Toyota is producing hundreds or thousands of units per phase, Endo is producing hundreds or thousand's of unit's per phase. Taylormade is a brand not a manufacture. But if you don't like that analogy, that's fine. I simply want you to understand that it's not a lack of customer service it's just an unreasonable request of a mass producer of golf clubs for such a small market segment when It's expected you get your adjustments made for you by a professional club fitter. If 3* upright was common it would be offered in Japan. Lefty is a much bigger segment and we don't see JDM brand's catering to them for a similar reason. Your solution is go to a club maker to have them bend it, if you want we can have it sent from Yururi or Epon to an aftermarket clubmaker in Japan for you. It would be cheaper to have it done in your own home town. It would also support you to have your loft/length/swing weight/grip size and the optimal shaft fitted for you at the same time as well. I'm glad you think Epon makes the best stuff, I think Endo makes the best stuff and it varies between brand so I would have to give design praise to Yamaha and TourStage at this moment. Let's remember that Epon, Yamaha, TourStage produce the design while Endo manufactures it.
  9. Anyone can do it even a garage clubmaker with no training. Trust me any factory can do it but next to no one does it the right way. The right way is removing the finish, bending and re grinding, then re-plating. Epon/Endo has done that in the past for us. What a pain that must have been. It's super rare that people need 3*+ upright, especially in Japan. Combine that with the fact that they produce thousand's of wedges in a single production phase. It's like asking Toyota to make a neon green car, of course they can do it but it's not worth the time for such a small market segment when that person can pay 10 bucks to have it done at their club makers shop.
  10. Yes I need to reshaft mine with the Evo still. I'm in love with the Egg, Usually im a 225 guy with a spoon. blasted a couple 250 in the last 3 rounds, before the egg eagle putts were few and far between.
  11. Ok Ok, my leg has been twisted I'll start bringing in the load of wedges!
  12. It's not that they can't they just don't want to. Thats the uber conservative approach the JDM OEM's take. I don't play by that book, like stew say's go get it bent aftermarket. Ask your clubmaker to apply heat and be gentle with it. I've bent a whole bunch of JDM clubs some 4* flat some 4* upright, I've bent drivers and UT's as well. If it breaks it's on you but I can say I've never had anything break on me. After your done having it bent check the lofts again. Miura & Kyoei will do it just be prepared to wait a long time.
  13. Check out the ONSET these wedges have, It's the Yonex Ezone Wedge
  14. Many people overlook NS950 because it's the standard shaft for just about every brand in Japan. I love the NS950, it feels great and has good distance. I would love a shaft the is like the NS950 with a lower flight yet has the same distance and feel. NS1050 fit's that bill but IMO it doesn't feel as good as the 950.
  15. I took totally different pics for the forum than the blog. I love the shape of these, It's unique finish, and the fact that it has ONSET instead of OFFSET. S25C Forged at Kyoei and Hand Ground by Chiba of Zodia. TSG is selling it shafted and heads only! Questions? No I haven't hit them yet. This week for sure.
  16. I would say because you have the Crazy FX-435 you need not look at Jbeam. Jbeam produced that driver for Crazy it's pretty much identical to their 435 which is an outstanding head. Very low spin! Go Ryoma sir! Very low spin head, very straight, very forgiving. The Yonex 380 is also a very good club I have a couple for testing and the 9* had more spin and launched higher than Jbeams or Ryoma's. Jbeam & Ryoma IMO have the lowest amount of spin.
  17. I'm pretty sure Goodsie could bend the UT lie angle a bit flatter. I can if it has a long steel hosel like I can with some of the TM woods.
  18. Stew you and Tatsuro are in the exact same boat. JBEAM 425 Tour all day straight for him no worries, It's amazing. Ryoma he is falling in love with as well. Outside of that he get's to hit just about everything i bring in and nothing compares. Can't wait till you get your yonex 380 w/787 combo sir.
  19. Yesterday's reviews are done, We only had time to run the Ryoma and Yonex 380/420/450 along with the 2011 ONOFF Forged irons. Damn those ONOFF irons are sweet, feel is so pure and soft I may just bag a set. Bigger than most players CB's yet even Tatsuro couldn't get over the feel. The Yonex clubs were awesome also, the REXIS shafts we were testing totally sucked! made in Japan but designed to fit the price point of the U.S market. Yonex has me impressed. Just got the Ezone wedge in also, you guys are gonna drool over the pics, finally something new in the wedge industry. Can't wait to post those. Also new blog up on GTI, its the ryoma review. ** ding dong ** just recieved the 905 limited MB's and CB's by TourStage! Reviews Reviews and more Reviews to come this week. Serious though I could really use some help testing all these clubs, will anyone come to Vegas?
  20. I've played two rounds with the Z-UTI and hit about 60 range balls so far, I think I prefer it over the Fourteen one. The setup is awesome! The fourteen is no slouch I think the difference comes down to how it set's up at address.
  21. Yes Ryoma V-Spec 9.5 with Muziik is my gamer. Big difference in consistency, flight, and performance against the Crazy. Would be nice to try the Crazy driver with the Muziik shaft though. and to Supo, Your Muziik 787 was the last one in stock, you just made it pal!
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