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Everything posted by TourSpecGolfer

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtXQ31F1A-k&feature=player_embedded#at=99 Ue o muite arukoo I look up when I walk Namida ga kobore nai yoo ni So the tears won't fall Omoidasu haru no hi Remembering those happy spring days Hitoribotchi no yoru But tonight I'm all alone Ue o muite arukoo I look up when I walk Nijinda hoshi o kazoete Counting the stars with tearful eyes Omoidasu natsu no hi Remembering those happy summer days Hitoribotchi no yoru But tonight I'm all alone Shiawase wa kumo no ue ni Happiness lies beyond the clouds Shiawase wa sora no ue ni Happiness lies above the sky Ue o muite arukoo I look up when I walk Namida ga kobore nai yoo ni So the tears won't fall Nakinagara aruku Though my heart is filled with sorrow Hitoribotchi no yoru For tonight I'm all alone (whistling) Omoidasu aki no hi Remembering those happy autumn days Hitoribotchi no yoru But tonight I'm all alone Kanashimi wa hoshi no kage ni Sadness hides in the shadow of the stars Kanashimi wa tsuki no kage ni Sadness lurks in the shadow of the moon Ue o muite arukoo I look up when I walk Namida ga kobore nai yoo ni So the tears won't fall Nakinagara aruku Though my heart is filled with sorrow Hitoribotchi no yoru For tonight I'm all alone (whistling)
  2. The most forgiving driver of the day for Stew with the Diamana a'hina 70 X-Flex
  3. I think its ugly as hell, why dump money into the 2 generation past older style when the new model is just around the corner?
  4. Whatcha think? I like it, especially in white, looks like it needs a wide body kit but other than that sweet!
  5. Another amazing feat of physics came out of Brookhaven's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider this year. In February 2010 scientists announced they'd created a "quark-gluon soup" where protons and neutrons had broken up into their constituent building blocks – quarks and gluons. It took extremely powerful collisions of gold atoms in the accelerator to achieve the temperatures necessary – about 7 trillion degrees Fahrenheit (4 trillion degrees Celsius). These conditions are 250,000 times hotter than the center of the sun and similar to temperatures seen just after the birth of the universe. They were the hottest temperatures ever reached on Earth. Using lithium atoms, scientists recreated an ancient mathematical symbol that had been seen as far back as the second century in Afghan Buddhist art. The symbol, called the Borromean rings, depicts three rings linked together. If any ring were removed, they would all come apart. Physicists predicted that particles should be able to form this same arrangement, but no one had been able to achieve it until now. The final realization, announced in December 2009, came 40 years after the prediction. While it's easy to see matter bending light – just look through a prism – it's rare to find light bending matter. But scientists saw just that in an experiment reported in March 2010. Researchers assembled flat ribbons of nanoparticles – tiny bits of matter only billionths of a meter long – in a darkened laboratory. Then when the ribbons were exposed to light, they curled up into spirals. The results could help engineers design new types of optics and electronics. Nuclear fusion – the melding of atomic nuclei that happens inside stars – is a long-sought goal on Earth. If scientists can achieve it, it could offer a powerful source of energy with few negative environmental consequences. Scientists took a step closer to this goal in January 2010 when they announced they'd built a levitating magnet that created some of the conditions thought to be necessary for fusion. By suspending a giant donut-shaped magnet in midair, researchers were able to control the motion of an extremely hot gas of charged particles contained within the magnet's outer chamber. The density of this gas was close to what's needed for nuclear fusion, the researchers said. By smashing particles together at close to light speed inside an atom smasher, scientists created a never-before-seen type of matter: an anti-hypertriton. This particle is weird in many ways. First, it's not normal matter, but its eerie opposite, called antimatter, which annihilates whenever it comes into contact with regular mass. Second, the anti-hypertriton is what's called a "strange" particle, meaning it contains a rare building block called a strange quark, which isn't present in the protons and neutrons that make up regular atoms. The experiment was conducted at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, N.Y. The results were announced in March 2010. Light may seem to travel a straight line, but sometimes it gets twisted into knots. In January 2010 researchers reported using a computer-controlled hologram to twist beams of laser light into pretzel shapes. The holograms, which direct the flow of light, were specially created to send light in certain directions and shapes. The researchers used a field of mathematics known as knot theory to study the resulting loops. These swirls of light, called optical vortices, could have implications for future laser devices, the physicists said. One of the strangest predictions of the theory of quantum mechanics is that particles can become "entangled" so that even after they are separated in space, when an action is performed on one particle, the other particle responds immediately. In June 2009 scientists announced they had measured entanglement in a new kind of system – two separated pairs of vibrating particles. Previous experiments had entangled the internal properties of particles, such as spin states, but this was the first time scientists had entangled the particles' pattern of motion, which is a system that resembles the larger, everyday world.
  6. Thanks Henry, The legacy series is one of the most forgiving drivers in Japan, It says a lot if you were able to hit the TS455 with close or similar results. TourStage does very well at hiding the larger size of their drivers yet they also do great at making their smaller headed drivers not appear so tiny. Another thing is when it gets warmer the impact will feel better as the balls cover will soften up. appreciate your feedback, please keep us posted. I'm really liking the 415 I have right now.
  7. I have both demo's available in about 2 weeks if your interested at a super low price. I can pull the shafts or you can buy them with. Either way it's a big big price savings. The Jbeam Tour 425 10* has the 787 S and the 415 has the stock shaft as of now.
  8. The Yonex looks pear like no other pear, tear drop pear is what I would call it and its obvious it's 380cc's got a couple coming for testing, stock shaft is the Tour AD DJ-6. This 415 doesn't look 415 small it could pass for bigger. The video review was shot already I'll get it up tomorrow.
  9. Hey what can I say I'm biased to almost anything that's "Made in Japan". Let me move this post forward by posting pics of the new X-Drive 415! Video review is coming soon but initial impressions are it has a muted and firm feel, what I love about smaller heads is that they seem more solid less hollow. the ball flight was medium high, the stock shaft fit me really well. Most likely the muziik BangVoo Premium is going in. Look at that face profile its so sexy!
  10. I hit the Yonex 380 as well, its an awesome driver! You ask does it make it any less of a club, IMO absolutely not... Did anyone say that it was less of a club..Nope. Your asking what's with the fuss, there is no fuss. Simply stated was that assembled in Japan doesn't equal "made in Japan", that's a bit misleading. Would I like many of our customers prefer it was made in Japan, Yes! nuff said let's move on
  11. I don't see any fuss... Personally I go by where the head is made but if you have your own interpretation around the words "Made in Japan" that works for you, by all means keep it but for the most part it doesn't support transparency, product knowledge or awareness. Most manufactures define Head Made in _____, Shaft Made in _____, Headcover/grip Made in _____, and Assembled in _______. I find it a bit misleading some brands skip all that and count assembly as MADE IN JAPAN. If the Raw head is made in Japan it's simply a Japan Forged product. Forged in China and Completed in Japan doesn't equal "Made in Japan". Companies who use forged heads from China don't stamp Made in Japan on their products. So in the case of the club were talking about the Yonex 380, The Head is supposedly made in China, Shaft is made in Japan, Head Cover & Grip is made in China and what I'm reading is you dont mind interpreting that as "Made in Japan". I'm not attached to how you define it, I just want our members to be well educated. When importing a large amount into the U.S they would have to define each part, Then they would be quick to say parts are made in China to avoid higher taxes and duties versus it being made in Japan. I find it interesting how a few brands would conveniently play with the wording to prop up brand image.
  12. Not all but Many It's all Japan Domestic Market.
  13. The issue is Made in Japan = Manufactured in Japan. If it's not then it isn't... Simple as that. Japanese company, selling a product labelled "made in Japan" that's actually made in China is misleading.
  14. ooh I don't know until we eliminate all variables like shaft, loft, and then get it on a launch monitor with someone who swings a lot better than I.
  15. Mr.D, Your one of the first people I thought of after watching Tatsuro hit the Muziik, Here's the issue the Crazy shafts we had on hand we only had 6.7 and 6.9 which are a bit soft for Tatsuro but the second best shaft of the day for him was the CB50 Black in 6.9 which had a slight draw on it compared to the dead straight 787. It appears the 787 has less spin on it, a slightly lower ball flight and was running out further. I let him borrow the Jbeam/787 combo, he is playing a round with it today and I'll see if I can get his computer illiterate a** in here to post his comments. Did you see the Video on the blog I posted today?
  16. In the 787 no SR flex just S and X. The S plays to 265cpm's. Right now I'm up in the air about what shaft fits me best Quadra Fire Express SR, Crazy LY-01 HOT Black w/lower lofted head, and I'm awaiting a Muziik BangVoo Premium in Stiff Flex S-250 version.
  17. I think Ezone is just a name, it means explosive zone but they apply it to the woods down to the wedges. The wedges are produced at Kyoei, there isn't anything special in them simply the grind is unique. For the driver Ezone can be related to the CG lining up to the center of the club face but thats only the driver, the rest really dont have that feature and Yonex is not explaining what Ezone means specifically. Also I appear to be wrong about where woods are produced, at first I thought Endo because they show a Niigata factory. But based on another one of my contacts Yonex is one of several brands that produces in China and assembles in Japan listing country of origin Japan and Made in Japan. Driver Head Material & Preparation = Body: 6AL-4V Titanium Precision Casting Face: SP700HM rolled titanium crown: high-strength carbon The above is not what Endo uses, they would have used their proprietary VL titanium face. I'm still unclear on where the woods are made.
  18. TourStage 415, whacked it today oh man is it solid! Jbeam 425-Tour, one of the best feeling heads ever, somewhat like a Kamui with that DAT55 face! Waiting on my Yonex 380, I'm loving small heads as long as the shaft suites my swing.
  19. For all you hard hitters out there try the Muziik 787, If your 108-110ish a stiff should suite you well. Anything over 110 move on up to X. This shaft did not work for me but today we hit all the new Crazy's, Quadra FE's, Roddio's, and the Muziik 787. For Tatsuro who throws it out there about 280-295 and swings 108-110 the Stiff was by a mile the best shaft he has ever hit. It was amazing because I know this guy's swing very well, he has hit everything I put in front of him and it was straight and long all day like clockwork with the 787. I'm blown away, If any solid contributors want to try it out I can hook you up with a great price. Think Fuji 757 made with 70T full length carbon. Video is on the blog! http://www.golftoimpress.com
  20. I'm not a great player, shoot a usual mid to low 80's. I think the Premia would fit me as well and support me in fighting the unwanted fade. I hit the V-Spec very well though. B, you just coined a new term for Yamaha's "Yammy"
  21. Yea CNN and Fox are painting a picture like there is an exodus leaving Tokyo, Everyone I know in Tokyo is reporting the opposite, schools are opening, shelves in the grocery stores are being restocked, factories and companies are opening up. I also know first hand because our products are shipping out daily now. I watched solidad o'brien on CNN it's 10am and she's saying theres usually a huge line outside this restaurant and the streets are bare. Most restaurants aren't open at 10am I watch anderson cooper say the U.S wouldn't stand for the side stepping and lack of detail in the answers of the JPN government. Cut scene, we have our own elected politicians doing the exact same thing. Don't get me wrong its the most horrific tragedy in my lifetime but enough is enough with the sensationalizing and trying to hype up events for the sake of ratings.
  22. The fukushima reactors were built in the early 70's. Lots has changed since then, I'm still for nuclear power just built in non earthquake prone areas. It can be a safe source of energy when managed properly in my opinion. Good news guy's almost every JDM golf brand is back in working order and shipping.
  23. Been watching the news for hours each day. So far the best source has been NHK World, Fox has poor coverage as they don't really have solid representation in japan like CNN does and CNN is reporting opinion and speculation which leads to fear and missinformation. The SDF, U.S military, and IAEA should get involved like now. One option vs leaving Japan is to take a trip to Kyoto, Osaka, or Hiroshima to get away until things calm down. On a positive note, Sony is starting to re open factories, Toyota opened up a couple today and should have another by the end of the week along with many companies getting back to business.
  24. Even in the worse case scenario which is not likely at all it makes no sense to leave the entire country. Is it the Fukushima reactor situation that has got you all freaked out? Japan's in very bad shape no doubt but they will make it, its the only country that could handle a tragedy of this magnitude with this level of composure and order. I do think this is the worse natural disaster I have ever seen in my entire life.
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