Everything posted by justin1287
Recommend me a factory to manufacture a new wedge I'm designing!?!?!
Who can manufacture a quality wedge for me?
Unbranded golf clubs
Those look awesome......remind me a lot of the Miura Tc-201 https://miuragolf.com/products/tc-201 That's the shape I'm looking for. Where you snatch those up?
How to spot fake Epons on Ebay?
I actually paid $351 plus $30 for shipping for the 7 clubs which made them $55 per club. I just wanted some super game improvement irons and also some Epons. I believe the Shimada shafts are not cheap also. And yes, the plating is falling off the 7 iron which gives me some concerns that they are fake but I posted in many golf facebook groups and people have seen that happen on other name brand clubs. I appreciate your feedback and thanks for your input. The 5 and 6 are 703's and the 7-AW are 705's. Looks like the 5 and 6 (703's) have DG Pro shafts and their own grips and the 7-AW have the Shimada shafts and all the same grips except the AW. Are you saying you think these are fake?
All sold. Thanks TSG
You have documentation for these clubs? I'm curious why the work with the ferrules is so sloppy. And what exactly are the Personals? I'm only familiar with what's on there website. Cool design. Have a picture of the top line?
How to spot fake Epons on Ebay?
Recently ordered some Epons that have not arrived yet. How do I tell if they are real or not once they arrive? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Epon-Forged-Irons-5-AW-Upgraded-Shafts/324389140888?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
Miura TC-201 vs Epon AF-505/506
I think the Epons are forged in Thailand from what I've heard. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Anyone know where the Miuras are forged? Anyone hit these clubs?
List of all Japanese Endo forged and Thailand forged irons?
Does this exist?
Endo - slight dig at Miura?
What Epon models you like the most?
Endo - slight dig at Miura?
What Epon models you like the most?
Still available?
EPON AF-505 5/PW MODUS 105 Sold
These still available?
Endo forged irons
When did endo stop forging in Japan? I would like to get some Japanese endo forged irons but don't know where to start.