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Everything posted by Sgt_Slaughter

  1. i was told by someone that this can be used to put a new finish on a club. i cant remember if thats how he put it. anyways, anyone use this and does it work well?
  2. i have tiger woods "how i play golf". bought it last christmas. i was just looking for others. ill prolly take a trip to our local "chapters" and see what they have. i was just looking through the golfdigest magazines i have and found some good drills to work on. plus i was just swinging my driver around yesterday trying to get the feel of making a full weight shift and proper turn. thanks again dart
  3. does this drill work to eliminate my driver problems and promote a more inside approach to the ball: stick the one shaft to my right 2 feet outside parallel to my driver shaft at address.dont hit on the way back which will help swing straight back and swing under it on the way down coming from the inside like i should. will this help? anyone else doing something similiar
  4. what r some good books to get that will help me learn more about the swing and other information?
  5. thanks. im going to work on my swing during the winter. i have no problem with my short irons and wedges. going to try making more of a full turn, and trying to sweep the ball off the turf. i am getting to upright and hitting down on the ball. leaving the face open causing slices. i should have it fixed as i am starting to understand everything more now and learning more about the swing then i use to know. ill try and video tape my swing. from down the line and a side view and try and post it. ok, i want to also add this: i have been reading the fundamentals of ben hogan book lately. he said that he turned hips to eh left to drop the arms down before he came to impact. i read a different book and they said to bring ur arms down to ur chest before unwinding ur shoulders. whats the proper way and what do most of u do.
  6. i just tried to access it and had the same prob
  7. alright thanks. i got some books the other day from a library to read.
  8. ok, couple things. how many of u have a swing where when u hit a short iron your swing is more upright and more v like and when u swing your woods or long irons they slice or cut. 1. should my driver/long irons swing be more around my body? ive been trying to work on this with very little success. every time i finish a range session i have done what i wanted to accomplish but when i go to the course, i just cant seem to do what i did at the range, on the course. i feel have the troubles with my long irons and driver and fw's r costing me about 5 strokes a round. i just seem to put myself in a bad place and have to make bogey every hole. which costs me. the other times ill be hitting a long iron and cut it to much or even slice it and put myself into another bad spot. i hit my short irons and my 5-iron very weel and have no trouble. its just my 3 and 4-irons and my hybrid, 3-wood and driver that i cut or slice. i currently play my driver more towards the middle of my stance and it has made my drives straighter and a more lower trajectory. i find myself either in the fairway or they rollthrough the fairway. but when i play the driver off my left heel, i slice it horribly sometimes i can hit it straight. i want to be able to hit my long irons confidently knowing that when i step up to the ball with say a 3-iron or 4-iron that i can hit flush and straight to my target its gotten a little frustrating. but i am happy with my driver right now, but i do want it fixed. i wanna be able to play it off my left heel and hit them long and straight like normal. id also like to be able to hit my 3-wood, hybrid and long irons straighter. its not the matter of getting it in the air, its the big cut or slice. that reminds me, i found a new drill, i have two broken shafts. i thought of doing this, saw it on a show or book. anyways, stick the one shaft to my right 2 feet outside parallel to my driver shaft at address.dont hit on the way back which will help swing straight back and swing under it on the way down coming from the inside like i should. will this help? anyone else doing something similiar
  9. im guessing the red portion is bigger than that green triangle portion which will spead the two others apart so it the two triangles fit perfectly together so theres no change in the line on the side prolly makes no sense, but w/e
  10. ic. i dont wear my glasses when i play hockey. i can still see, but id prefer seeing a lot better.laser eye surgery or contacts would help a lot.
  11. i use glasses bc i cant see far away, im blind,lmao. its annoying when im playing golf in the sun. i wanna wear sun glasses, but when i put them on and take my glasses off, i have trouble seeing the ball when it gets about 100 yards away, maybe farther. so i wanna get contacts or this done. right now contacts is obviously the cheaper choice. but i have to wait till about february/march
  12. i havent gotten it done yet. ive been pondering the idea for awhile. but it just costs so much. i currently wear glasses and i hate them. i want contacts but the eye surgery would be better. we have a renowned laser eye surgery guy here, dr. tayfor who is one of the bet from what i hear. hes done many athletes eyes and has gotten great reviews and ppl praise him. one problem, i heard that u have trouble seeing at night sometimes. i cant confirm that bc i havent gotten it done. i want to though
  13. I don't know, but that guy staring at me is freaking me out!?!?! Is that lipstick he's wearing? :-D that is one stupid looking phone. same thing, how the hell do u make a call? andthat guy is scaring me. why the hell is he wearing lipstick?
  14. lol, u guys r brutal. just bc u have 15 years on me doesnt mean u have the right to beat on me ,lol :spit:. and leave the oldies alone here in windsor, lol. my dads only 44, lol.
  15. this is he first time for me where the cdn buck is remotely close to the us dollar. i wasnt around when our buck was worth more. lol my parents were though and my grandparents,lol
  16. yea, school is getting busy, hockey for me is starting at high school and the days have pretty much gone for goling season. except tomorrow is supposed to be 15 degrees and sunny. so maybe that will be the last day here
  17. thats a nasty cut. to answer your questions: 1. i would notice when i felt the pain and the blood seeping through my shirt 2. id prolly be how the hell did that happen and who the hell did it and i better get it fixed. 3. id prolly track the sob down. but if i did it, id laugh and move on.
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