Everything posted by irish555
What kind of car do TSGers drive?
irish555 replied to zojo's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gear2001 Ford Ranger Edge bright yellow Wife drives 1996 Mitsubishis Eclipse RS NOthing special either way, but they get me around, I guess
What else does it for you?
irish555 replied to DoubleAA's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gearcollege football(Go Big Red), NASCAR(Ford), college football(Husker rule) and poker
i need to vent and some advice :(
irish555 replied to sam2011's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearThsoe are all great answers, but where I live, it takes a whole ot more than that do get anything done. First thing I would do is contact your lawyer(if you have one, like me) and find out if he knows the laws regarding that. In KC, I could die after my car fell into a pothole(and they get that big around here) and not get a dime from the city. The only thing they would eventually do, if there are enough complaints, is to fill it in with some loose asphalt, which would be gone in two days anyway. Or worse, put some stupid metal plate over for a year before anyone got out to it, and then they'd just porr some asphalt into it and say it was fixed.
April 17th - TSG Tournament - 1st Place: Gauge Design Balde
Can't emphasize enough how badly you need to register early. I register as soon as I get the email from Chris, that way i don't have to run around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get in on time. Also, like a few of the players from last time, even if I don't get in right away, I'm registered and the system will automatically put you in as a sit out(no show) until you can get logged in. I can't believe not more have signed up-I mean what do you have to lose-NOTHING!!!! Come on, it's a different way to interact witht eh group here in a setting outside of just golf, and it's a chance to win some cool gear. And, has been stated more than one time-IT"S PURE ENTERTAINMENT AT TOO MUCH FUN TO MISS OUT ON!!!!!!
April 17th - TSG Tournament - 1st Place: Gauge Design Balde
you guys still playin somewhere-lookin for at least a little action with the group--if possible?
Gauge FW from Poker4golfers.com
Enjoy it, I doubt you'll be leaving with the putter. At least, not if I have anything to do with it. :wink:
April 17th - TSG Tournament - 1st Place: Gauge Design Balde
:surprize: :cool: :surprize: :cool: :surprize: :cool: :surprize:
Gauge 3 wood.. Winner is.....
I need to redeem myself!! hopefully soon
March 29th: Gauge Design 3 wood giveaway
They also have a select nuumber of freerolls for small prize pools. I like to play in these on the weekends just to help sharpen skills and get some more experience on the tables. The play is a little questionable(read poor), but still it's action for some real cash.
what 5 albums are in your CD player right now?
irish555 replied to sam2011's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearRancid-...And Out Come The Wolves NOFX-I Heard They Suck Live NOFX-So Long and THanks for All the Shoes Strait Up-In Memory of James Lynn Other two spaces empty right now, wife removed cases from truck and they're in her car :mad:
Since we're on the subject of poker...
irish555 replied to agoodgolfer's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI signed up yesterday because I ran out of time Saturday, what with taking care of my 7 month old son. Then I was disappointed to find that the tournament had been delayed a week because of a lack of players. I can't see why nobody seems to be interested. What's to lose, I mean after all, it's free. Come on, surely some more of you are interested.
anyone every seen a blank sole titleist pt???
According to www.titleist.com, he uses some sort of prototype. When I saw him play here in KC last year, it looked like the 980F, not the PT. Not sure if he's switched to the new one yet or not.
Ian Poulter
Have you tried his website? www.ianpoulter.com
TSG is Proud to Announce the new sponsor Poker4golfers!
Yeah!!! Have been wanting to try online, but very weary of giving out bank info to someone I don't know. This should be great fun!!
I feel so much BETTER as a NON-smoker!!!
irish555 replied to TourSpecGirl's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gear29 years old, never drink, been clean from drugs for 7 1/2 years and smoking is my only vice. My son was born June of '04 and have been saying that I'm going to quit, but just can't get the will power together. Every time I see my doctor for my yearly asthma check up (yeah, I know :punch: ) the first thing he tells me is to quit smoking. The wife an I just can't seem to figure out how to do it. My brothers both smoke, my mother smokes, all my friends(literally) smoke and I have a sister who smokes. Any advice, without having to take any more drugs than what I'm on for my asthma, would be greatly appreciated.
Since we're on the subject of poker...
irish555 replied to agoodgolfer's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI play every couple of months with friends. Never been comfortable with playing on line, but this would be interesting. Could be fun, especially if others got in ont it. Any specific site in mind?