Everything posted by CLMelton
Coming Soon The Taylormade R7 Forged Limited
I was thinking it was a bit like the 404s or the TS Z101s.
CLMelton replied to gus's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearNot a Steelers or Seahawks fan but that was the WORST officiating I have seen in a Superbowl, let alone a playoff game. I almost get the feeling that the luckiest team won, not the best.
Caption this image!
CLMelton replied to TourSpecGolfer's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gear"Does it count as a stroke if I chip it in with no hands?" or "I could beat the guys if they had to grip it like this."
Speed Stik
I have one and use it two or three times a week, usually as a warmup. It keeps my swing speed up and I'm incorporating it into "The Draw System" to help develop a right to left shot. The only advice I have is to be careful when first trying it (I've read of pulled muscles from people overswinging) and don't try to swing your club in the same agressive manner you do with the speedstik.
Accra Tour Steel in Z101s
I don't know about the Accra shafts. I put a set of NS Pro 950 shafts in mine and it's helped to raise my swing speed a bit. They are very active for a steel shaft but I like them quite a bit.
what 5 albums are in your CD player right now?
CLMelton replied to sam2011's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearDave Matthews Band - (insert title here) Collective Soul - Youth Ramones - Loud, Fast Aerosmith - Just Push Play Booker T and the MG's - (five tracks of Green Onions)
z101... taper or parallel?
Definitely taper tip. I've had PX and NS Pros in my Z101s and both sets were taper tip.
Nippon and Rifle comparisons?
I have a set of NS Pro 950s in my Z101s. I went from DGS300s to Project X 6.0s and then to the NS Pro 950s. The low weight of the shafts make an unbelievable difference to me. I'm about 5 to 7 yards longer with each iron because of the difference in weight has enabled me to have a higher swing speed. I'm seriously considering changing out the Rifle 6.0 shafts in my fairway woods for some light Nippon shafts.
Oooooh...2005 ViQ forged Irons & UT by Tourstage
Thank you. Somewhere around the end of March or first half of April I'll be bothering you about getting a set of these in my bag and potentially a 23* FUT.
Oooooh...2005 ViQ forged Irons & UT by Tourstage
Very nice! I'm liking the look of the ViQ over the Synergy. I'm looking forward to March even more. What is the highest loft that the UT will come in?
Secret Code: Eldik -M-
My thoughts, exactly. A few thousand Snake Eyes users will be feeling mighty smug when the get a look at this and the Futura.
I feel so much BETTER as a NON-smoker!!!
CLMelton replied to TourSpecGirl's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gear16 years of smoking and using "dip." I went to see the Army dentist when I was stationed in Mannheim and he said I had some lesions on my gums from the dip and that if I didn't quit I was basically digging my own grave. At the time I didn't believe him and had no intention of quitting. He tracked me down at my unit and brought me a bunch of literature and some extremely graphic pictures of what could happen to me. I decided it was definitely time to quit after he took his own time to do all of this for me. At the time the Army would only prescribe the Nicorette gum, which I had tried before and knew was only giving me nicotine in the same manner. I spent about $300 out of pocket to get the patch and have been nicotine free since March, 1997. I still get the occasional nicotine craving but I will never go back to the way things were. Tobacco is such a brutal substance and I really wish that those who use and abuse it could understand how much better off they would be without it. -CLM
New in Japan!
Chris, I'm with you on those irons. They look like they would be great. I'm past my "employment challenged" period now so when the paychecks roll in I'm probably going to start padding my import equipment stable.
New in Japan!
Those Viq's are very nice looking. I'm really interested in how those and the Synergy irons perform. 2005 is going to be a very good year to be a Tourspecgolf member.
That looks very nice. My friend just bought a small blasting cabinet and I'm thinking of doing this to my Launcher 460.
Reshafting a Ping G2
It's definitely a straight .350 tip size, nothing special or exotic needed for a reshaft (if you want confirmation, go to the Golfsmith forums and do a search on "G2 driver shaft tip size").
Whats in the Bag Fred Couples?
I'm really liking the new Bridgestone B330 ball. I don't know if it's the recent switch to a Ping G2 but I'm getting a lot of distance with this ball and club combination. A few more rounds with the B330 and maybe a couple with a ProV1X and I'll be ready for a full out review.
Bridgestone B330 balls on sale
I have only one round with the ball so I can't say anything too definitive about it. My driving was a bit off (never felt like my timing was right) but I was at least as long as the ProV1x so it will be interesting to see how things go when I'm feeling more confident on the next few rounds. The one suprising thing was the two slightly thin shots I hit. Both hit the green and settled down very quickly. All of the iron shots into the green bit very well and stopped within a foot or two and some backed up a bit. The spin seemed to be right in between a ProV1 and V1x. Wedge shots hit and bit and chip shots rolled out as expected. Durability is very good. I played a whole round with the same ball, nailed a tree on one hole and you can barely find any damage. I'll try to get six more rounds in and then give a full review.
Any online retailers selling Bridgestone products, yet?
No clubs yet but I just got a dozen of the new B330 balls from Edwin Watts.
J. Parnevik using Accra Tour
That's kinda odd, isn't it. Any particular reason why? haribo From what I've read, it's the low torque of the SC series that the Nationwide guys like so much. That and the lack of "boardiness" for such a low torque shaft.
Tourstage Glove $5
Saw this over at Games People Play and thought this would be a good place to share the info: https://www.gppgolf.com/itemDetail.php?cat_...42&item_Id=8424
Bridgestone B330 balls on sale
Edwin Watts and Golf Galaxy have the new balls on sale now. Here a pretty good link for some Bridgestone releases in the U.S.: http://golfweek.com/articles/2004/opinion/...sts/3/41204.asp
Swing changes
Don't know which is proper but I'm more likely to go with the second method. The first thing I do is usually set up square to the target, then I open the club face to try and control how high I need the ball to go. Next, I open my stance to get the club face on the target line. I then decide how big of a swing I need to take to get the ball to my target. I use a very wristy swing for my bunker shots and my first move is usually to cock the wrists.
Swing changes
Made a trip to for a launch monitor reading with a mini-lesson thrown in. I found out that I was coming outside to in with an open clubface. Also the ball spin on the driver was a bit high so I've got a new shaft with lower torque going in the driver. The lesson portion had me work on three things. 1. My right leg was getting very straight in the backswing. From the waist up I was in "near perfect" position at the top but the leg was too straight. I've worked on both keeping the flex in the leg and having the weight set on the right foot so I can lift my toe a little when I'm at the top. 2. Set the hands forward a little more at address. My hands were behind the ball on almost all of the clubs at address. 3. When the swing changes take affect, consider a lighter and more flexible shaft. I've worked hard on the first two and I now get an inside to out swing. I still hit a light fade but the ball starts out at my target and then moves right a bit. I've seen a lot more consistency. I swapped out the Project X shafts I had in my irons and put the DGS300s back in, I'm looking around for a light shaft and might go with the Rifle Air Lite or something similar that is under 100 grams. Edit: We really don't have an "off season" here in Arizona, just a few hours less daylight and the occasional frost delay so I'm always working on something.
artests appeal
CLMelton replied to Sgt_Slaughter's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearYou're right. I barely watch the stuff anyways so I don't think they'll miss me too much. I can't really say when the last time was that I sat down and watched a full game of baseball, basketball, or football. You can barely watch without wondering who is pumped full of drugs and wouldn't be there without them, who isn't there because they won't compromise themselves just for a few minutes of glory. For years it's been very hard for me to see the justification of paying millions to someone for playing a game when so many others do so much more for us by teaching our kids or protecting us from harm and struggle to make ends meet. So long as people are willing to pay a lot of money to attend the games and cities provide huge tax breaks for stadiums and arenas to be built, we'll see this go on. I'll just do my best to make sure it happens without my money.