Everything posted by rlheiman
A Lexus Killed My CBS41
I too would put up some cash to have a broken CBS41 vs any junk you can find in the stores now. I have been looking for any cbs41 in black for 6-7 months, no luck. I guess even having the bag doesn't bring any luck.
Mission Impossible Gear you wish you could get your hands on
Not overly rare, not all that old, but no luck finding a: Titleist bag CBS41 Black (maybe not mission impossible, I was offered one for $375-that is just too much for me.)
CBS41 Popularity
I have been looking for one of these bags (black only)for about 6 months and have not been able to find one here or anywhere. :mad: I was wondering how many people have this bag here? Is it as popular as it seems? I have not seen one for sale in the last 6 months. Didn't any one get the new cbs51? :confused: Thanks
IROD Tour hybrid utility CB 90 X flex
I have one, but can't find out any info on how it plays if it is too much shaft for me, or even what it is worth. Any help/ Ryan
WTB Titleist Black CBS41
Want a CBS41 I will try one more week I may have to settle for the CBS51 black, but it is not the color scheme I really want. Can anyone help with the a CBS41 black
FS: Tourstage Iron Covers
FS: Tourstage Iron Covers
Tourstage Iron Covers. 3-pw Perfect shape These things are too nice for my clubs. $40 shipped/Paypaled.
WTB Titleist Black CBS41
1 Full week and nothing. Any help. How can one bag be so difficult to find?
WTB Titleist Black CBS41
Mike, One of the member here emailed me to let me know he had a navy blue cbs41 that he would sell. I have a navy bag now, so really wanted to go to a black bag. His bag looks like it is in great shape. If you want more info pm me. Still looking
WTB Titleist Black CBS41
Is it time to give up? It has been about 5 days since I started asking for this bag (again) if there are no takers is it a lost cause? I will just have to assume that no one will ever sell me this bag. CBS41 Black. Anyone want to get a new bag, I want your old one.
WTB Titleist Black CBS41
I have heard of things that are hard to find, but this is unreal. Someone must have one in black that they want to trade or sell. Help Please
WTB Titleist Black CBS41
No Problem, I understand I missed the boat, I just assumed that like everything else, used ones will go up for sale at a little better price than new. But because this bag is so sweet looking no one wants to part with it. Anyone have one that they will sell?
WTB Titleist Black CBS41
Thanks for rubbing it in. Normally things don't just vanish, like they were never even sold. Except the things that I am looking for. I know why no want wants to sell their black bag, best looking bag made, ever. Just enough white to make it look classy. Someone has offered to sell me a navy blue CBS41. Anyone want to make a three way deal. I put up the cash, you send me a black bag, and I will get you a blue bag. help. Ryan
WTB Titleist Black CBS41
I just want to find a black CBS41. I thought I found a Japanese website, but then I realized(translation) that it was sold out. Anyone help.
WTB Titleist Black CBS41
yes I have contacted that ebayer and they want $350 for a CBS41. Sorry that is just too much for me to spend on a bag. I don't really want a CBS51. I like the color scheme of the CBS41, and if I am spending this much on a bag I want it to look just so. Thanks
WTB Titleist Black CBS41
I haven't had any luck finding one. I just got birthday money today to buy one, anyone got one? Ryan
WTB Titleist Black CBS41
Anyone want to part with a Titleist CBS41 Black Stand Bag? Let me know paypaled and shipped price. [email protected]
Nike's T100 Does anyone know why it never reached the U.S?
I assume by the looks of that one, it is the one I sent your way. I hope you like it and it works well for you. As pretty as it is and as much interest seems to come to your post here, it was not any easy sell. I wonder why. It is an expensive club, and hard to find, but not much interest when I put it up for sale. Enjoy one of Nike's sweetest clubs. Ryan
FS: Pullouts - NV 75 Stiff and set of Rifle Flitghted 5.0
I sent you a pm regarding the NV. Please reply.
Please take my red x 350g
Interested. Check you PM
WTB Black CBS41 Titleist Stand Bag
Sorry Jimmyjames didn't mean to offend you.
WTB Black CBS41 Titleist Stand Bag
I probably should take my wife's advice and give up. Sorry. :sad: Ryan
WTB Black CBS41 Titleist Stand Bag
Just need a CBS41 Black.
WTB Black CBS41 Titleist Stand Bag
Any help on a CBS41 Black? I have been looking all over and no luck, anyone?
Sweet Nike CB
What are those Nike irons in the background?