Everything posted by jboy
Patrick's Bag
How can it be your ' all time favourite bag' if you've never had this set up before ???
Golfer33's bag----all lefty
When you hit 18 thats the longest you'll get, it's all downhill from there
Titty new iron 735 and 660 will make a debut soon.
Thinking a 735 /660 combo set....NICE!
FAKES...FAKES...and more FAKES... w/PICS!!
the Titleist K and F's look real to me from the photos! Hit Ebay with a couple of thousand and make a mint! :smile1:
Porsche Designs PD-901 MB irons. Be the man, nobody else has got them.... even rarer than all these japanese import clubs
I can tell you when a club is just too sissy. E 8 and beyond !!!!
Uk buyers listen up set of Rac mbs cheap
It's Chritsmas man, get real ! Is this to pay for the Y cutters ??
I think y cutters are already on sale.
The Koolaid has gone to the lads head! Didn't you say you played off +2... well why the hell would you want a Y cutter?? Do you really believe 90% of those assholes who favour pixie dust over a few lessons when they can't even hold a half decent conversation never mind a golf club with their tall tales of 60+ yards of backspin blah, blah???? I think you are reluctant to give your cash to the wizard of Oz over the BSG-rainbow there for some Y shaped nonsense so your brain is playing groove tricks on you in the local pro shop. Already been posted groove count has nothing to do with Y crappers. Keep your cash and buy some nice retail... you'll sleep easy knowing you weren't ripped off and I doubt the Y cutter would benefit your game that much. Is your wedge play that crummy playing off +2 ???
TM TP Tour Wife
No Way! I sent my tour wife to Joe to get Kwoked. I got her back and he'd slapped lead tape all over her, been grinding away at her leading edge, ported her on the rear and hammered wooden dowels into her. Called it blueprinting Said if I wasn't happy with the way she played after all that, send her back & he'd spine her as well, sounds a bit rough
TM TP Tour Wife
.... not so hasty! It might yet be a TM tour wife he's sold you. Pull her panties down, what you should be looking for is a perfectly formed "Y" with a slick oil can finish... that's a tour Y cutter you've got. If you pull the panties down and see a box which is black in color that's tour too... anything in between, satin or raw with a big flange is retail. Oh, just watch out, if she's a Y cutter she's liable to spin out of bed uncontrollably without tearing your balls up !
How can you be sure y cutters are y cutters
Good info, what I find strange is that if the two dot hosel was the original way and the Y is the new way, why is there so many more two dots floating around than Y's?? Sounds like some big hitting guys has been centerpunching hosels in his garage to me :smile1: Would you buy a Rolex if the only authenticity guide was a couple of centre punched dots?? I'd get the grooves under a magnifying glass... I've yet to see a picture of the close up differences of the two types of grooves, all we've got is the testimony of a bunch of sychophantic Koolaiders!
No connection to TSG every day 4PM GMT
No PM problems, just can't veiw www.tourspecgolf.com in my browser at 10am EST, timeout connection (happened the last two days around the same time). I'm at work with a dedicated T3 connection to the States.. all other websites are okay so it's not a telecomms problem i will verify for sure today. If not disregard.
No connection to TSG every day 4PM GMT
Second day in a row, time out on proxy connection with TSG at 4pm... all other sites seem to be okay. Anybody else experiencing this ??
r7 tp versus retail...a new question!!!
Hi Bladeceo, it's highly unlikely that T.M select Ti grades for Touring Pros 'hotness' more like based solely on cost and workability... the SP-700 and 6-4 are pretty much the same (one point on the Rockwell scale), yield strength and so on are ball park, the Elastic Modulis for tension of 6-4 is actually higher (16.5 10*3 ksi vs 15.9 10*3 ksi for SP-700) so if you were going make a higher COR face you'd use 6-4 grade 5 instead...it's easier just to make the face thinner with a higher yield strength Ti grade. BTW: Titanium alloy microstructures are characterized by the various alloy additions and the temperatures at which they transition to the a, a+b or b states....beta isn;' just a type of alloy, many alloys can be made Beta and retain their beta structure at room temp....so basically some alloys are easier to transition to beta at lower temps... making them cheaper to work with and form. I'd love to post this at BSG but I'd get banned for doing so (even for using the words pixie dust could get you banned over there) Todd is online as saying that he's been to T.M's skunk works were they make clubs out of melted down stealth bombers and weapons grade Plutonium. This is proof that you have to take a pinch of salt with any information an equipment manufacturer gives you... they'll slip you some Koolaid because they know what sells and what you're dying to hear!
r7 tp versus retail...a new question!!!
None of you clowns really know what you are talking about: SP-700 has bene in use in TM drivers since the 300 series or around 2000 SO..... i doubt since then they've been varying the Ti alloy in their club faces if they were punting it retail back in 2000. (http://www.azom.com/details.asp?ArticleID=1036) Bottom line is the SP-700 isn't hotter or COR-static... it's cheaper that's all becuase it's easier to work with: SP-700 is an NKK patented alloy that has superior forming characteristics compared with currently available titanium alloys. The alloy can be fabricated or formed to near-net shape at low temperatures, thus significantly reducing the cost of producing a titanium component. This superior formability, combined with excellent strength properties, makes the alloy attractive for applications ranging from golf club heads to critical airframe structures and rotating jet engine fan blades. (http://www.rti-intl.com/company/press/1998/jan27-1998.htm) So please don't all spew up your Koolaid at the same time. Like blade forgings, tour guys can't even tell the difference 'buttery soft' my ass! If you guys could actually post some proof of the rubbish you talk then the world would be a better place!
Tourspecgolfer: Import MB 1 Iron question
Hi TSG'er, was looking through the catalog pages and I don't see much in the way 1 or 2 iron blade options, just CB driving irons. Is there anything that you know of available from the Iron set ranges in ones ?, Can Mizuno do 1 iron stuff like the black Teflon custom M stamps that people have ordered?? Thanks.
huh?? retail y-cutters??
------------------------------- I totally agree. I've had 304 y groove wedges and box groove and they aren't even in the same league as tour vokeys or clevelands. Too many people are sucked into the BSG hype over them! ------------------------------- Dub, did you get x+ more feet back up on your Y cutter shots over the box groove ??? I think it's all B.S too... spending that sort on money on an inferior wedg...e your brain will play tricks on you
long iron troubles
Could be you are coming over the top, thus cutting it. You may also have the reverse pivot, trying to lift the shot with your swing than letting the club loft do the work I hit my long irons real solid, key is to hit down on the ball, have faith in the club doing the work and make a complete follow through. I bet if you did a poll, the swingers and sweepers have issues hititng the long irons and carry utils. Hitters tend to keep the long sticks in the bag. Utils are more forgiving, but as someone pointed out long iron play is usually first to go and creeps into the rest of your game... if you're hitting your 3 iron strong off the turf you're game can't be that wide of the mark. :tired:
What's the truth about Y cutters and Box Grooves?
It's debatable whether a Y groove would generate more spin than a U or box groove. The amount of grip and spin placed on a golf ball is dictated by the amount of grip the clubface gets on the ball itself (and in most part the angle of attack and club head speed) ...... / .. |........| . |__| ... |___| Now my take on this is that the sharp edge of the tour box groove gives better spin rates on non full shots as the razor leading edge of the boxgroove 'bites' the cover of the ball...the effect of this is diminished on the Y cutter. On full on shots the difference may not be as pronounced and the grooves are similar. I still think a box groove gives more spin than a Y groove. Volumetrically the cross sectional area is greater on a box groove than Y so more cover in the groove equals more spin in my view (picture above) plus the added benefit of the bite of the groove right angled edge ...on a Y it's a flat surface That's the theory of operation.... only noticable benefit is non-shredding (raidused Box grooves like Pings don't cut Balatas as much either)... tour grooves are what's being used on tour.... only guys who get excessive spin would play the Y cutter in my view. I also think Y grooves would clog up with dirt and be more diificult to clean between shots, in the wet and rough, they also conduct less water and debris away form the club/ball contact area... is it noticable ??? tell me after your next PW flier form the semi I think if you generate a lot of spin anyway you'd notice, if you don't you won't :smile1:
Check Out The Tour Issue TP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Two spots of blood? I'd go and see a doctor about those bleeding 'rroids! :surprize:
Customs tax on importing from usa to uk
There's no way round it other than to declare the item under $37 or around 19 pounds on the shipping form. Delcaring it a gift makes no diiference, neither does the fact it's a second hand item You're taking a risk low balling the figure if it goes missing. ALso we have to pay VAT on the shipping cost too. I spoke to customs on this in person. There is a way round it, if the part is labelled 'under warranty repair return' but this involves providing evidence of original purchase receipts and VAT paid with VAT numbers, some bogus receipts can do the trick but if caught it's prison or a very hefty fine. Not worth the hassle
Launch Monitor Results - Fuji 569 TourSpec
Not sure about the launch angle on the driver but could it be you're too steep on angle of attack for the driver (hitting down on it)? would explain why your 5 iron carry is up close to your driver (strange) Driver figures should be longer.
a shafts cpm???
That's true, increase the swingweight of the head and the shaft starts cycling at a lower frequency which means it plays whippier. I alos think these tip stiff shafts or constant taper tip ones don't change frequency as much as you'd think when tipping them. Depends on what your cutting, you'd be better getting it measured.. it's not an exact science.
a shafts cpm???
japan white shaft stickers
XXIO, you are such a golf snob! :laugh: Maybe the tour guys are just too lazy to pcik them off. I hate the glue and half peeled stickers that don't come off easy, makes your equipment look scabby!