Everything posted by Junior
WTB: 5-Wood
I'm looking for a Titleist 980 19 degree or a Taylormade V-Steel 18 or a Cleveland Launcher 19 or a Mizuno MP-001 18...Stiff shaft
I like the golf pride tour velvet. What got me hooked was the tacky feeling of the stock tour velvets on my Mizuno Mp-33s. However, when it comes to the putter I'm a fan of Winn.
Training Aids - Any that are very effective
I like using the golfsmith putting track. I've spent about 10-15 minutes using it on the putting green before and round and my putting began to improve immensly.
The key to the golf swing is....
The key to the golf swing is having the mental strength it takes to manage each of your swing keys and join them together to create one swing.
Pause at the top
Personally, I don't even think about pausing at the top. Its not a concious thought during my swing. If its overdone it will definitely cause a lose of power. Instead of thinking about pausing think about making a smooth transition from backswing to down swing.
staying down
A little think I used when I was pulling up was for a few shots I forced myslef to stay down longer by actually watching my divots explode.
Owning 2 putters ?
Before I started using the Never Compromise Voodoo putter, I switched back and forth between a White-Hot 2-ball and a Taylormade Rossa Belly putter. Two completely different styles, but every now and then my stroke would get stale and i would need to change. Not only would i change putters but my grips would change. One day I would putt crosshanded, the next conventional, the next with the claw.
Does anyone know a drill for shortening the backswing?
Thanks for all the tips. I was out on the course today and found the swinging with my feet together drill to be most effective. I started doing it before each swing and was hitting the ball better than I have in a long while.
Does anyone know a drill for shortening the backswing?
I've seen my swing on video and my backswing manages to get past parallel quite frequently. I feel I'm losing control and possibly some distance when the angles break down. I'll practice trying to shorten the backswing, but it always creeps back up on me...Does anyone have any suggestions?
How do you grip your clubs?
I recently switched from the interlock to the overlap. With the overlap I find it easier to grip the club in my fingers and it also allows me to release the clubhead better into the ball.
Swing Psychology
I am a firm beleiver that many problems in the golf swing start at address. For many golfer, it may feel like they have some good swings and some terrible swings but the same exact swing can produce two different results based on allignment. Take a minute to focus on lining up and when you stand over the ball try to have a single swing thought in mind. Too many swing thoughts can lead to too many problems and itll take for ever to figure out what exactly you are doing wrong.
Hitting off of Mats
To be perfectly honest I dislike mats immensly. I agree with a previous post saying that they hide swing flaws, because you can hit 4 inches behind the ball and the mattt will just bounce the clubhead into the ball. If I go to the driving range before a round the sole purpose is to loosen my muscles and try to get a few positive swing thoughts. I also find that my ballflight tends to be a great deal higher and the ball travels much shorter.
Anyone ever switch from interlock to overlap grip?
I found that the interlock grip was causing me to hold the club in my palms more than my fingers. Although akward at first switching to the overlap enabled me to grip the club in my fingers and helped me to gain a better control of my shots.