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Everything posted by Alcap26

  1. Robbie, Sent you a PM on the Pin ups. Here is where they are at: http://www.tourspecgolf.com/modules.php?na...t=6546&start=60
  2. if you are looking for some eye candy got to the ob forum and look for Tourspec pin ups. Now these are pg13 but they are a nice collection.
  3. I thought you might like that Chain. :cool:
  4. The shower pics would be pretty good. Hope everyone is doing good. I have been so busy this week it is unreal. Yes the power of the glow has spread.
  5. I wish we could ban the ip. I know he can get a new one but at least make him go through the aggrevation of getting a new one.
  6. I wonder if the were overseeding the fairways? I know they are in the middle of doing that right now at one of the courses I play at. One of the only artound that does that...it makes it nice to have a green fairway during the winter with the dormant bermuda. Really frames the hole.
  7. max

    Alcap26 replied to robbie's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    I kept the info from the post on BSG if it is needed by anyone.
  8. Alcap26 replied to N00NAN's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    I agree with noonan. This needs to be a sticky about Max and I have all the info for it. If you have had any problems with Max Gratz just shoot me a pm.
  9. I wish there could be a sticky that stays up that states not to ever under any circumstance buy from him. Somebody on here knows his name and we could put it in the sticky. What a douche bag. I mean take BST off of another forum and post them here. He needs his ass beat.
  10. This kid is :bulls**t: !! Do not buy from him.
  11. I too have been lucky enought to pick Joe's brain. I also have the honor of owning his custom built wedge. It is magnificent. Joe has enlightened me to things I would have never imagined. He is the definition of a professional. Alan
  12. Good one guys...that was funny. I must say that if you are a Star Wars fan you must buy the DVD. It is amazing how it looks and hopefully you have a good enough reciever to experience it's sound in all it's glory. Let me just say I cranked it and had goose bumps when the opening came on. :cool:
  13. Yeah I have wondered where Pete has been. another great pic Hipcheck. I have returned to the life of the bachelor again this week. Wife is in Birmingham, Alabama working. Played golf yesterday in an hour and 50 minutes. Played to fast...felt like I was running from shot to shot even though I was in a cart. The Joe Kwok wedge is the s**t. Great from 125 in and has replaced my pw as my shot for long pitches. Just puts more bite on the ball. Today I came home from work and I could not resist. Sunny...not a cloud in the sky and took the boat out. Cruised up the lake at 35 mph with the wind blowing and the water was like a sheet of glass. Went about 20 miles up the lake and back. I was in heaven. Had the headphones on with a little Jimmy Buffett playing and just enjoyed the ride with 2 beers. That was great. Almost makes me want to give up golf and just spend more time on the lake. This my freinds was true Chamber of Commerce weather. hope you all enjoyed your day as much as I did.
  14. I think it is coming out over here to replace the warbird ball. I may be wrong though.
  15. I wasn't really surprised about this. They have not had great results and Ford is not getting out of Jaguar what they need to. I figured they would rebadge it as For F1 but they decided to pull out all together. Jordan and Minardi are now without engines next year although Jordan is supposedly sold. Should be interesting over the winter.
  16. Yeah I read that this morning. I hope this does not hamper three races in a Renault. I think it is much more competitive than a Sauber.
  17. That sucks. Hope it did not hurt the clubs. Damn cats.
  18. Amen to that. Hopefully he will doi good and might go back to BAR or Sauber next year. I think BAR would be better after this years form but he is a great personality to have back.
  19. Hoser :smile2:...sorry Mike I could not resist.
  20. For those interested it looks like Jacques will be back for the last three races in a Renault replacing Jarno Trulli. I am glad he is coming back...I have thought F1 needs him. At least he has the balls to take it to Michael Schumacher. Should be interesting last three races if the car suits the track. http://www.planetf1.com/
  21. My opinion is that it is summer and I have not had time to post much up until this weekend. The weather is beautiful here and I would rather be out not on the computer. I look at posts as quality over quanity. I for one am glad we do not have a Tiger thread every day or a Phil Mick or Vijay thread every day. There are certain topics that have been beat like a dead horse and we do not need to go down that road. Yes the amount has decreased but I honestly think it is due to the summer months.
  22. Since it has been five days since we have posted down here I thought I would let you guys know about my week. First off I got the Joe Kwok wedge and this thing is beautiful. The review is in the import/tour equip....I accidently put it in the wrong forum...oh well. Played in a four man captians choice. I got a gift cert for 2 rounds of golf. The tourny is for handicapped kids in my county's schools. Great cause. We did not do so good...but we had a great time. Hope everyone has had a great weekend.
  23. I'm such a dumbass. The typo is fixed. :cool: Once again you produced a great club. Guys you do not know how happy I am with this club and for the fact that Joe gave me the chance to own it.
  24. First off I must begin this thread with a thank you to Joe Kwok for letting me have the honor of owning this wedge. If you did not see this earlier it is the wedge Joe did the grinding on from a head from Ari. Specs: This is a 54*(bent to 52°) @D5 w/ 35.5" DG wedge shaft and 63.5* lie. This wedge has a thinner top line grind and a more compact look to it and it has a 8* bounce w/ trailing edge cut and a little heel and toe relief to it. Look: This wedge is beautiful. It resembles the gap wedge I have been using for the last few years so I did not have to get used to a new shape. The gun metal finish to me looks better than the Cleveland gun metal finish. The pictures below will give you a better look at what I am trying to say. The top line is georgous. I jnust like thin top lines and this is done great. There is not paintfill on this wedge except for a small SW done in white on the trailing edge. Feel: This wedge feels great. I have a Scratch 60° so I know how soft the wedges from ari feel. This one has a different feel to it though. This has to be to the wooden dowel treatment and quite possible the DG wedge shaft. It is a very soft feeling head but it performs. A lot softer than my TM 300 irons by far. The weight and feel of this club is perfect. I am sure many of you have already experienced this before after having Joe work on your clubs. Performace: This is where the wedge deserves it's highest praise. I had Joe bend it to 52° for me to use it as a gap wedge. Now this reduced the bounce which is fine with me. I have a 60° Scratch that has 0° bounce so the lower bounce fits with me. On full shots the ball keeps a consistent trajectory and when it arrives on the green the ball bites. The grooves are great on this wedge. Where this wedge stands out is on 30 - 50 yard pitches or chips and runs around the green. I used this a couple of times for some lower shots with pins in the back...you know the old one hop and stop/check shot. This wedge is great for it. It comes in low enough so you can control it and it bites so you don't have to worry about the one that just keeps rolling and ends up off the green. The one shot that surprised me the most was a shot from 125 that I hit with it. I was using a Precept Laddie for the distance in this Captains Choice format and I hit this thinking okay this will land short and stay or maybe release a little. Well I hit it better than I was planning on out of the first cut and the ball landed about 10 feet past the hole and spun back and left us with a five foot up hill putt. I know this isn't drastic but out of the first cut with a Laddie I was impressed. The heel grind helps me with chip shots. I have had the tendency in my life to let the heel dig a bit on chips so this helps. This immediatley replaced my PW on those running chip shots around the green. I can be a little more aggressive with the shot and it checks a bit more. Overall impression: This wedge fit in from the get go in my bag and I see many years of service from it. Joe is great to deal with. I have called him a couple of times with questions and he was so thorough in the explanation. The club arrived in East TN in three days...I was pleasantly surprised by this...figured it would take five. I don't know how many head Joe has grinded before but he is good. I can honestly say that I know have two perfect looking and performing wedges in the bag. This wedge is the real deal and I cannot believe it did not make it into Joe's bag but i am very happy it is in mine. Thank you Joe. (below are pics that Joe took and hadf in the other thread) If anyone has any questions I will be more than happy to answer to the best of my knowledge. I have not given too many reviews so I hopoe this is okay...If I have left anything out let me know and I will edit this review. Thanks again Joe.