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Everything posted by Alcap26

  1. Thanks Mike...looks like the bag is in for quite a possible change...maybe bringing in the old vsteel and the monza is already back in and may say goodbye to the 300...I know pete will give me hell over this one.
  2. Hip I will let you know when I get back on Wed. The wife and I just decided we needed to get the hell out of dodge for a few days so I called a couple of days ago and they said it would work. She is going to go with me one round so I might have some pics just depends on the playing partners...never want it to be a distraction. She will spend one day in the spa geting the massage/spa treatment and the other day we are going to spend together just hanging out with an hour hitting the Mizuno Mp 30/33/37 to see if I want to build a combo set and I will also decide if I will be selling the baby bee and tour rescue I have in my image gallery. A lot of s**t to do in so little time.
  3. Well guys I am off to Myrtle Beach tomorrow and will be playing golf Sunday and Monday or Monday and Tuesday. I will be playing the Fazio and Dye courses at Barefoot Landings or at the Legends or Wild Wing. I am also going to do the golf tour trailer fitting/demo on the day I do not play golf. I will have reviews when i get back. Weather is supposed to be highs in the mid to upper 60's.
  4. I like the Tarheel Blue for the writing on the ball and the 17* looks nice...I sure as hell hope they never go back to the pinstripe look of the combos abain. I am sure they are great clubs just could not buy with that in the cavity.
  5. Lets just put it this way....99.9% of the male population would not kick either of them out of the bed.
  6. I agree , I agree :wink: :D I would caddie for her anyday. I'm going to have to bring my hot chick avitar back out.
  7. I love the links Chris. Some great equipment sites.
  8. Chainsaw, Who is that in your avitar? She is hot!
  9. One of the first I check everday when I come home from work is page3.com I don't think any of the babes on that site could be used as avitars though. :D . On the serious note I just got off the phone with Jim at Custom Club Coatings and let me say this man is incredible to talk to. I was thinking of sending my scotty ss newport 2.5 to get refinished. We talked for about 20 minutes and the info he has was fantastic. He has made a customer out of me when i get something refinished. If I sale the baby bee would any of you guys be interested...I will offer it to you all first if there is any interest.
  10. I did a little grinding on my lob wedge not to long ago to get some heel relief. All I had was a bench grinder. Good luck
  11. Damn mac users could screw up a wet dream! :D I'm just kidding Mike. I could not tell you how to do it with a mac..sorry.
  12. How to post a pic. in a post (this is for you Mike) 1) right click on the pic 2) select properties 3) go down to address and highlight the address 4) right click again and select copy 5) come back to your post and go to the right of where it says message body and click on the Img button. 6) you will now see this in the post . right click beside it and paste the address you got earlier then click on the Img button again. 7) You should see the pick in your post. I hope this makes sense...let me know if this works. If it does not I will retrace my steps and edit this post.
  13. I am 99% sure I am going to sale this putter. #1 I do not like the amount of offset the putter has and #2 I like the black with red tubes and white stripe my monza has. I have always had problems with offset putters and this one just does not feel right to me. Switched today after nine holes back to the monza and all felt right in the world. I will admit it is a damn nice looking putter. What did you think of the pics? Did the size and clarity come out good to you? I know the one of the rescue and the two headcovers is blurry but it is getting deleted soon. The rest of the pics are in my gallery in the image gallery. The first one on the page or there is a link on a previous post.
  14. This is the pic and I finally learned how to post a pic...self taught man here and damn proud of it! :fire Damn Pete is kicking our ass in the fantasy golf league Mike.
  15. No when i got it had the 105s in it. I agree with the length you are trying it at because of the weight of that shaft. Now if you were going to use a lighter shaft then you might not get the results you want. I have always heard good things about Graphite design shafts...I almost put a purple ice in a biggest big bertha but I found the 580 and I am in love and have been since back in October.
  16. I think it would work. I like the 105s in my 14*...kind of wish it was a 95s. For the price it can't hurt to try it out.
  17. Thanks Ak. That was quick. I have the guy on ebay saved so when I get ready he will get an email. I wish I could post a pic in this message...I am trying but it is not working. It is my favorite out of all the new ones I put in the image gallery. It is the one of the back of the betti.
  18. Yeah ask him how much for the set and if they can be done in satin. I have to go and hit them first but if it isn't too much I would love to go satin. Thanks for all the help.
  19. I was pretty much using that to let the buyer choose which headcover they want but I think I will delete it as I am going to keep the vsteel cover. Yeah I saw that on the satin finish. I think the info I recieved on that whole thread was fantastic...never thought I would get such good information...I am grateful. Played today in mid to upper 40's with a 15-25 mph wind all day...what a tough round. Used the Baby bee on the front nine...called the wife and asked her to bring me my scotty or my monza and she was there at the turn. Switched putters and things went great. I just hate playing off of matted down, wet dormant bermuda. I can't wait until the fairways turn green again.
  20. I need your help guys. I have posted new pics in my album gallery and I need you to critique them. These are two clubs I am thinking of selling and I want the product represented accurately so the buyer knows what they are getting. Please let me know if changes need to be made. I am 99% sure the Betti is going to be sold and about 50% sure on the rescue. Thanks. http://www.tourspecgolf.com/modules.php?na...rmine&cat=10026
  21. Check out the fantasy golf standings after the first round at Riveria. It has tightened up at the top and once again my picks are not performing as well as my subs. Oh well, hope everyone has a good weekend! Playing tomorrow...the baby bee has one more round to prove itself or it gets the boot. So Pete getting in some practice for later with the babysitting? :twisted:
  22. Mike is leading, kp3205 is 6 points behind in second, and I am 15 points behind in third. The only thing at stake is bragging rights and I think a trophy made of some ugly iron heads but I am not for sure on the trophy. We will have to wait until the cheif chimes in.
  23. You would have to ask the Commish Pete about joining up. This is the first one I have ever done also and I am enjoying it so far.