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Everything posted by Godfather1

  1. Is it possible to have a cusom grind on those since I prefer a little more rounded toe ??? 8)
  2. When are they coming to the US, and will they be coming out with new irons as well.
  3. I am using a set of the titleist 822 os irons, and I am looking to upgrade to a set of quality player cb's. I am mainly looking for a japanese set after all the great reviews I see on this site. After looking around I am leaning towards the gauge design's,and the miura mt's. If anyonne had any experience with any of these iron's please chime in. Also if anyone has anything else I should look at I am open to all suggestions. I was looking at the scratch irons but I heard they are more blade like than the others. So I hope you guys understand from this what I am looking for. Thanx in advance. 8O