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Everything posted by joey3108

  1. Damn Ryan! You know how hard i got that one. :) lol!
  2. No way a sand can fill it up and get a good strenght out of it. I ussually use a .008" aluminium shim that i got from a hardware store. Cut them and wrap it around, They are the exact gap thickness. Make sure you got them all glue on every sides. Parralel tip shaft are not the same w/ taper tip shaft. It's gonna take a lot for me to explain them why and how. Good luck ! Joe:)
  3. Ebay took them off their listing already :) At least no body get burn on this one.
  4. I though is Double Aging Stainless Steel. :? I've heard that you can achieve that by heat treatment on a certain metal. Chris, Yes, I agree w/ ya on the feel. It has a ton of feel on your hand when you putt w/ it. I'll check my metalurgy and machinist hand book if i can find the answer. The problem is, those OEM are using a fancy words that doesn't match w/ the one on the book. :? Joe
  5. People try anything to make money but It's all up to us to believe/trust them or not, Right? However, not all of them is smart enough :wink: Damn $300 buy me a lot of Ice cream. :lol:
  6. I didn't know you have a lightning fingers. :)Joe
  7. We'll send Mike to knock on his door w/ an AK to make sure he is legit. :wink: OH BTW, Talk about ruining a market price. :roll:
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW Thank you joe! :) :P
  9. It's about time to refresh your memory that I can help you on this issue. As a lot of you old timer in this golf cyber space sites remember this stuff that i did over at GEA. I hope the pictures are clear enough for you guys to see. Finished face angle on this club is 3/4*open at 59.5* lie and 16* loft. However, you can see at address possition is quite a bit more open than the # on the gauge. To bad I forgot to measured it before i worked on it. :) Cheers! Joe
  10. Even Honma at that level has a platinum emblem on it, but still i wouldn't touch it at that price.
  11. AMEN! :)
  12. Damn you are good! :D I can see that you have some educated realistic sense. :) LMAO!
  13. Call me at 650 757 8310 pst, I got a bunch of them. sorry no PX! Joe
  14. Trust me I'm not a DRACULA yet. :) lol... 'yet' ;-) did you know that you are vindictive and are making a personal attack? lmao.... Name your suspect? :P
  15. LMAO! :lol: I wonder if any of the junior college offer Crook 101? I missed that class :)
  16. This is not Killing the Tour market in my opinion, just bringing in honest competition and its only natural for a business to not welcome the competition with open arms. I especially like the part where it says BSG will not exist due to it not being a profitable time investment. making $100 - $200 on a single club is Awesome, its just when you get greedy and want 300-500-1000-2000 when it starts getting very very silly. Money is good but greed isn't. To answer your question Joe, I think an R7 Tour right now is worth 1250.00 and when the TP comes out to the retail market 850.00 then when the R7XD or R??? comes out 400-500.00...its just my guess. EXACTLY!Who ever greedy will always get F**K at the end. Remember I believe in KARMA. :) Thanks for your opinion! :) BTW, you make us feel good for not watching us like a hawk, lock or delete our post that doesn't go certain way to stir the market. Isn't this what America is all about? FREEDOM OF SPEECH! To whom it may concern, Last but not least, If i wish to sell it $1000 or $1500 and I think is fair...So be it! Same way if anyone out there wish to sell it $3000. Why start accusing w/ all kind of reasons. I have my reason selling it a certain price which i think is fair and make all parties happy. Peace! joe
  17. Please don't compare a collectable items to this R7 tour issue. There is no way we can do that IMO.
  18. Trust me I'm not a DRACULA yet. :)
  19. I got this email this morning from a customer that contain a cut and paste statement. I don't know who is it from but I think if you have an IQ over 80 should be able to guess. :) "A deliberate attempt to try and kill the market. Nothing more than vindictiveness and an attempt to drive the price down by people with no stake in the marketplace. Basically take it as nothing more than a personal attack at Tour club sellers. See it for what it is, a personal attack. Also, take it as an aberition. I know of about 10 heads that have been sold by true Tour club sellers, all for well over $3000. That really is the market price and what people are offering for the heads. I even know of one RETAIL head that was sold in Arizona for almost $3000. Put one on Ebay and see what it brings. Killing the Tour club market place kills BSG. If you would like to see that happen, encourage that type of behavior, because BSG will not exist when it ceases to be a profitable time investment. I am going to close this, because the thread will get ugly in a hurry." Now my intention here is to let you guys think and give me a realistic answer on"What is the fair price of R7 quad tour issue suppose to be?" Please use you common sense and educated realistic thinking, Not what someone said or I've heard Let's start w/ mine :) I think double the price of a retail is fair enough. So if the highest retail price $699, so the highest price of the tour issue shouldn't be no more than $1400, OK maybe some one out there want to have it first and have a deep pocket...I can see around $2000. All this price should come down after the retail shop start stocking them IMO ( remember it's next month ). WADAYA guys think? Thank you for participating. :)
  20. Sorry boys! You know how things work sometimes. :) Me my self didn't know it's gonna show up in my shop this quick. :) Next round OK! Duke, Are you still coming this way often?
  21. Ooops! Sorry bro, I though you want it to wait. :) OK then! This Club Is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD. Call me when you are going to pick it up. THX! Joe :lol:
  22. R7 quad w/ additional total 8 different weights ( 2 each ), off course w/ tool. Straight from the tour w/ Txxxxxxx serial # and another marking on top of this #.. It's 8.5* w/ 671 TE X flex at 44 3/4" D3 sw 1 1/5* open face and static loft is 9.7*. It looks like only a couple round w/ light sole scratch and clean on the face. No head cover! Any choice of grip as a bonus. :) Pic available for serious buyer only. I will only entertain offer above $1000, Sorry! paypal add 3% Joe Kwok ps: email only, no PM please!
  23. Tour AD M85 ( If this is what you are sking )is a heavier and tighter shaft than the PM, Which IMO make a great shaft for FW. Sorry I didn't catch this post quick enough. :)
  24. I couldn't agree more. That's great but I already get sh*t from a certain member in my foursome who thinks my TM tour is illegal because it is so long. I cannot imagine ever hearing the end of it if I had a 9.5 Maru. I bet it is a great club. A few well placed grams inside the head makes a world of difference. Go ahead.. Buy it.. It'll just prove my point that the 510 is illegal. Besides... Now you're on my team.. :wink: Yea ! I'm with ya. It';s illegal. :) BTW, Dude MAYACAMA is just awsome! :D
  25. OK guys!:) Remember this chart? I got them translate to me every collums. The third collum from the left (left to the yellow collum),the one w/####g.cm2 are the amount of force at impact. Basically is a measurement of how stabil the head is at impact which IMO translate to a sweet spot size. The bigger the number the better stability the head is. The MR23 US spec 365.5cc 8.5* has 3577g.cm2 w/ actual static loft 7.9* and compare to X drive 390 399.5cc 9* has 3891g.cm2 w/ actual static loft 8.7*, R580XD 444.1cc 10.5* has 4016g.cm2 w/ actual static loft 11.1*, MP001 402.1cc 9* has3798g.cm2 w/ actual static loft 9.8* The beauty of this testing chart, they've calculate Depth of gravity, sweet spot , effective sweet spot, and angle of gravity. It's too scientific for most of us but It gives a pretty good info for a buyer to look and compare the one they like. They also showed 6 different screw possitions on the R7 quad. Too bad i can't post every single page to show them to you guys. It shows why the mr 23 is more demanding club to hit by the spec above, However if this club suit your swing...I don't think it matter to much what club you are playing. Good luck guys! Joe :)