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  1. Rodfern posted a post in a topic in Want To Buy
    anyone got one?
  2. Zodia KM Tour US Spec 59* (can be bent to 58*). GREAT wedge for tight lies! The grind on this wedge is one of the most versitile you can find. Got mine from Paul at Shreveport Golf and absolutely love it.
  3. Rodfern replied to Rodfern's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    PMs replied to....
  4. Well, I used the tool to pick my AXIV and as promised reporting back. I was led to a 6568M and when this shaft was recieved and installed it performed very well for me. Tightens of dispersion and AXIV "kick" was there! However, I had replaced a UST V2 75 shaft and found myself missing that extra weight. Consequently the 6568M has been replaced with a 7568M and I could not be happier! Great shafts these AXIVs! I just posted the 6568M for resale is anyone is interested. Regards, Rodfern
  5. Rodfern posted a post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    I have four shafts I am looking to sell. All shafts are clean (no grips, no tape); some epoxy still needs to be scraped off. All prices as shipped CONUS. PM or send email to [email protected] - ebay id is Rodfern Graphite Design Tour AD I-65, Stiff Flex, Untipped. 42 15/16 inches - $185.00 TaylorMade Tour Shaqx, Untipped (measures 25 10/16 from tip to "N" in Rayon) - 43 10/16 inches - SOLD! Tourstage TDX-70 by Diamana (this is a Stinger shaft), Stiff Flex, Tipped 1/2 inch, 42 9/16 inches - SOLD! AXIV 6568M, Orange, Untipped, 43 6/16 inches - SOLD! Tour AD Tour AD Tip
  6. I have seen a lot of threads about selecting the right Axiv shaft. Stumbled on a link at http://www.axiv.jp where they recommend a matrix for selecting the right shaft. It is based on swing speed, tempo, desired ball flight and weight. The site is tough if you can't reach japanese, but the link off the home page clearly says MATRIX. Oncle clicked, there is a "start" button which leads to the actual selection matric. These steps are challenging because of lanuage but it is somewhat intuitive. The speed is easy; it is in m/sec but with the help of an online coverstion tool, (Convert M/sec to Mph: http://www.onlineconversion.com/speed_common.htm ) no prob to find MPH. For tempo, I guessed that the top is slow, middle is avg, bottom is quick. For trajectory, top is low, middle is mid, bottom is high. Weight is easy as it is in grams. Anyone out there who can read japanese, pls comment on what each tempo/traj selection box says. If you are thinking about Axiv. this may be the way to go to pick the right shaft for you. Will try it myself and re-post results. Regards, Rodfern
  7. PM Sent.....I have a set of NS Pro 1050 stiff, 2 - PW pulled from a set of Miura CB-201s if you are still interested.
  8. Rodfern replied to Rodfern's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    All remaining stuff going to eBay. Please close thread.
  9. Rodfern replied to Rodfern's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    Both Scratch Wedges SOLD! Thanks acrazygolfer. All stuff going to eBay.....please close thread.
  10. Rodfern replied to Rodfern's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    REDUCED 20% off listed prices 'til tomorrow, then off to ebay - 9/6/05
  11. Rodfern replied to Rodfern's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    REDUCED 20% off listed price 'til tomorrow, then off to eBay - 9/6/05
  12. Rodfern replied to Rodfern's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    Rossa Daytona ASGI is SOLD!
  13. Rodfern replied to Rodfern's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    C-Groove Olivia is SOLD
  14. Rodfern replied to Rodfern's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    pics added: Cleveland CG10s Scratch zodia grind (head only) Scratch 60 RAC 60 RAC 50 MacGregor Forged & Custom finish