Everything posted by landshark
Vega Zestiam vs Epon Af501/701
are there two models of the zestaim? i thought one was a midsize head. also, were these going to be sold as components, and when will they be listed in the pro shop?
new On-off plus or Epon 501/701
regarding the feel of on-off irons (new plus model) against the epon 501/701, what differences would i notice? where in forgiveness would the new on-off plus rank against the epons. i'd rather have a great soft feel. just haven't seen many reviews on on-off. btw..i'm currently hitting 07 tourstage viq forged. my ideal iron head would have very soft feel, thin topline, and slightly longer blade length but not too tall. forgiveness as well. any suggestions??
Callaway Japan Legacy Forged Iron for 2009!
how does this new legacy iron look compared to the current fusion? similar topline or thinner, and heel to toe length? i really like the looks of the current fusion ft at address, and the feel is very good. what do you think the comparison is with these? thanks
Vega Zestiam vs Epon Af501/701
would like to hear comments too. i guess the zestaim irons haven't been out long enough for many reviews. which gives a softer feel and has more forgiveness?
Tourstage Xblade GR?
sweet. now i'd only have to sell mine first....
Tourstage Xblade GR?
quick edit: i meant to ask for a comparison of the new gr-c iron.
Tourstage Xblade GR?
has anyone hit any of the new ts lineup? i'm particularly interested in the x blade GR-C model. i currently have the 2007 forged viq forged and really like them. what will i see diff. in feel with these? i would imagine just a slightlyl smaller head perhaps, but feel???
Vega Japan's new Iron ** ZESTAIM **
still haven't seen them in the pro shop.
Vega Japan's new Iron ** ZESTAIM **
you mentioned that these are not an 'original' design and are relatively cheaper. will you be able to get these heads in, and what price would you be thinking they would go for?
left knee on downswing?
yep. got it. i'm sure i've heard that before--perhaps it was from you. i do have a tendency to slide them both to the target, which pulls my upper body left too and i lose the tilt. thanks for the clarification
left knee on downswing?
so you're saying the left knee actually gets turned 'inward' toward the right? i don't understand 'inward left of the target' . how can it go inward and still be left of the target/ thanks
left knee on downswing?
brett: what is the role and position of the left knee on the downswing? i've heard to keep the distance between the knees. is this correct? i'm working on that connection as well.
Huge Thanks to TSG and Brett Smith
jeff: we'll have to hook up at a range before our round. the trip is set for saturday arival oct 10 and staying 4 nights. i'll give you a buzz in a day or so. not sure what would be the best day, or days to play. see ya
too far inside/fat shots
working on keeping that tightness. also, i'm keeping the club a bit more mid body at address rather than a slight forward press. seems it helps me from taking the club too inside on the takeaway. shot pattern is good, but misses are a bit of a pull. stillshot even today on a shortened course. will keep working with it.
Tourstage warranty question
if two years old, it may be tough for them to replace it anyway. usually warranties are about a year long. i'd try to contact a bstone rep to get you in touch with someone from tourstage. they have a rep in hawaii.
too far inside/fat shots
thanks b. i do feel my left elbow does tend to fly away. i'll work with the tips. i also know i need to finish my swing more. i tend to stop at the ball somewhat and not feel a real follow through.
are you still looking for a set of irons? i have a new set of scratch ez1 irons, 3 thru pw shafted with Accra tour steel 5.5 shafts and custom ferrules. I got these because i wanted more forgivenss. I did play nine holes with them but even though they are awesome feeling and hit great, i just prefer a more compact head than these. as new condition. let me know if interested and i can send pics. thanks
too far inside/fat shots
THANKS JEFF. actually my ballflight is high. hope brett chimes in. i do know i stop my swing which results in that flipping action. i'm hoping to get out there first part of october. we'll def. get a round or two in.
too far inside/fat shots
i feel as if i am too flat going back at times and my misses tend to be a bit flat. here are some swings i took trying to take the club a bit more straight back. any advice?
Brett's teaching
Where does Brett teach?
New Tourstage GR Line in June
is it only rumor of a new viq forged, or is there legitimately going to be one and the time frame has not yet been determined?
EMB or AF101
i've looked at the specs on the 101 and it says high moi, but 4300 doesn't seem that high. does this set up slightly larger than the 460zr?
WTB: Tourstage ViQ Forged
pm sent
George Spirits line??
what is the latest on the George Spirits line of clubs? Will tsg be carrying them, and do you have any pics or info if he will be doing a forged cavity back? thanks
Help! Want to replace my 3 iron with something easier
how about the tourstage viq forged? very easy to hit long irons. also available in the number 3.