Everything posted by swisstrader
Got THE email today
You're Japanese but don't drink?? Blasphemous!!
ALL SOLD!! Thanks TSG. Epon 202 - 3 and 5 wood
5 wood sold. 3 avail
ALL SOLD!! Thanks TSG. Epon 202 - 3 and 5 wood
Got it...thanks Do others know approx ship cost US to Autralia?
ALL SOLD!! Thanks TSG. Epon 202 - 3 and 5 wood
You will not be disappointed and most used are going from $325-375, so dirt cheap as others have said.
ALL SOLD!! Thanks TSG. Epon 202 - 3 and 5 wood
3 wood still available
PRICE CUT - NS Proto 2f15
Shocked to still see these hangin around. Should have sold within 2 hrs!!
Swing weight of Kamui kp-x?
Thanks for that. How best to weigh? I'm guessing you'd need to have a digital scale or a fitter w one.
Swing weight of Kamui kp-x?
Any idea what the swing weight of the kamui KP-X head is?
SOLD!! Thanks TSG...FINAL Price Drop!! EPON 151 Driver w stiff Fubuki shaft
Shoot Max. I think ur correct on this...perhaps I should raise the price;) Thanks for picking up on this
ALL SOLD!! Thanks TSG. Epon 202 - 3 and 5 wood
5 wood - sale pending
ALL SOLD!! Thanks TSG. Epon 202 - 3 and 5 wood
Uhm...ANYTHING Epon retains it's value and doubly so for the 202's that u will have a hard time finding anywhere, let alone at this price
ALL SOLD!! Thanks TSG. Epon 202 - 3 and 5 wood
Zwan: PM returned
New Epon Products - My Impressions - RF551 AF103 EHR
Awww...all this hate for my beloved 502's! Seriously took about 3-4 strokes off my game this season with my 502's. For me, they are super simple and point and shoot irons. These days if I miss a green I'm actually surprised.
ALL SOLD!! Thanks TSG. Epon 202 - 3 and 5 wood
I know, I'm giving these away!
ALL SOLD!! Thanks TSG. Epon 202 - 3 and 5 wood
Yup...just saw a Quadra fire express shaft only for over $300! It's like getting the head for free and putting $50 in your pocket. I just want to move these.
ALL SOLD!! Thanks TSG. Epon 202 - 3 and 5 wood
Can you tell me the weight of the shafts as well as the length of each club? Weight of 3: 72, length 43" Weight of 5: 75, length 42.5" Also, the 3 wood says "HT" which I assume stands for High Trajectory. Does it actually have a higher trajectory compared to a normal 15 deg 3 wood? The HT for me has been all about forgiveness and maybe launches a tad higher but not by much. There were complaints of prior year 202 3 wood that it was not all that forgiving...now just point and shoot!
SOLD!! Thanks TSG...FINAL Price Drop!! EPON 151 Driver w stiff Fubuki shaft
Price drop to $850
ALL SOLD!! Thanks TSG. Epon 202 - 3 and 5 wood
Up for sale, Epon AF-202 3 (15*) wood with Miyazaki S shaft. Very minor scratches. Next up: Epon AF-202 5 (18*) wood with Quadra Fire Express S shaft w Iomic grip. Again, very minor scratches. Both come with original headcovers. Price for each: $275 or I will take $500 for both and with free ship within US.
New Epon Products - My Impressions - RF551 AF103 EHR
Great writeup. Spoon: what do you mean by "more dramatic" than the 502?
Lock it up please...off to EBay!
Duh! Just found it. Thanks!
Lock it up please...off to EBay!
Off to eBay! Thanks
Lock it up please...off to EBay!
Gents: my swingspeed w driver is a wimpy 90-94mph and I hit it great. Again might be complements of the shaft
Lock it up please...off to EBay!
Actually shocked that this is still around after all the talk about how great the KP-X driver is and my own experiences AND the fact that I priced it as the lowest priced KP-X on the internet! I know for some its low flying bullets, but for me as I've said before it's been mid flight...all a matter of shaft choice. $595 is silly cheap for this setup. Head alone goes for close to $800. Oh well, if it doesn't sell by end of day today I will shut this down and move to EBay. http://www.tourspecgolf.com/product_info.php?products_id=4033
New Epon AF-103
How about a little less forgiveness and a lot more distance:)
Lock it up please...off to EBay!
Sorry! 9.5