Everything posted by swisstrader
Yururi prototype shimadas on eBay...yum!!
Sorry Chris...all the talk in a prior thread about all the "T's " confused me! Thanks also for the input on the irons. I guess I will take a pass
Yururi prototype shimadas on eBay...yum!!
Anything further on this T? Was considering making an offer.
Geotech RF700 Proto Iron
Looks interesting, but "0-25 handicap"?? Why don't they just say that anyone who plays golf could game these;)
Great review!!
Best Forged CB irons of 2011/2012
Epon 202 3 wood
PM sent!
shipping help!
Just walk into your local USPS place and bring the box all ready to go and say "ship it"!. I've learned that what they say on the website and what they'll do at the local post office are two separate things. I know my local postal service guys and they bend the "rules" for me all the time. Just remember to insure that sucker!
Comparable or better than OnOff Forged irons?
I game the 502's and love em. Almost feel as if I cant miss a green and when I do I'm lke WTF?! Tried hitting the 302's because I like the shape better, but simply less forgiving. I'd say find a place where you can hit all of what you're considering...otherwise a bit of a guessing game.
Yururi prototype shimadas on eBay...yum!!
Would love to hit em in either case
Yururi prototype shimadas on eBay...yum!!
One day I want to own a set of these....how would these compare to Epon 502's? http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEAR-MINT-YURURI-PROTOTYPE-SHIMADA-KS-3001-3-PW-8-CLUBS-JAPAN-ONLY-/120876306972?pt=Golf_Clubs&hash=item1c24ca121c#ht_588wt_922
Epon 202 3 wood
Thanks Jeff...still searching!
Epon 202 3 wood
In the market for an Epon 202 3 wood. Shaft preference is for a fubuki alpha firm flex but will consider other options. Would also consider trading my Egg 3 wood with speeder 757.
Ryoma Hi COR, when
There is no way I could show up with a nonconforming driver and get away with it with my usual foursome or in any tournaments I play in. If you're going to go for it, why not just get a rocket laucher:)
New Epon AF-202 Fairway Woods for 2010!
Original link broken
wedges need recommendation
Jeff: what did you shaft it with? Also, is there only one Yururi wedge? Finally, I want to replace my Epon gap wedge...guessing a 50* Yururi would do the trick??
wedges need recommendation
Any reason why Yururi's are reasonably priced (relative to other wedges out there)? $145 for head only http://www.tourspecgolf.com/Yururi-Keigekiku-Tour-Wedge
- EPON Zero
I have ZERO clue (haha) as to whether or not the ZERO will work for me. I get along well with a bunch of drivers, meaning I'm generally straight and long with the driver. The one exception for me was the Ryoma w Crazy shaft...I played OK with it, but just OK. I also could never get used to the muted sound at impact after hitting drivers the likes of the Nike, which sound like a stick of TNT going off with every hit:) I think more of a poor shaft matchup for me in the Ryoma than anything else. In either case I will be testing against a bunch of other drivers out there. Just nice to know that my fitter has the ZERO in stock and ready to demo.
Getting to demo the Zero on Friday. Will benchmark it against my Nike Sasquatch...I know, most of you are cringing right about now but I have yet to find something that plays as well as my $130 eBay purchased Sasquatch with Proforce shaft!...and that includes Ryoma, R11, and a batch of others out there.
EGG Spoon....im so late to the party
We have one par 3 that's 210 and if it's into the wind, can easily play like 230. I've also tried using it off the tee for shorter par 4's and seems to like to squirt short right off the tee.
EGG Spoon....im so late to the party
I also love my egg. Only problem I've discovered is that I cannot hit them on par 3's for the life of me. Someone else brought this up some time ago. Not sure the reason, but definitely the case with mine.
Topping the PRGR EGG SPOON
I have quite the opposite experience. The ONLY club in my bag that I can put a crap swing on and the ball still flies. Love the sound at impact, distance and just about everything else about the Egg.
Price check help Please ?
Agree...$400-500. Used to be the golden rule was 50% of retail price but depends upon condition and head only a bit less
I need a new driver
I'm a big believer in getting fitted professionally versus throwing out a bunch of specs on the Internet and hoping something will work, which is why I believe no one has responded with specific driver recommendations. Get on a launch monitor and have an expert look at your swing and decipher the stats to give you the information necessary to make a solid choice. Eliminates all the guesswork Many fitters will give you credit for the fitting if you buy from them. At your handicap level, you want the most forgiving driver out there.
How can we know our Crazy shaft is up to its spec?
Uhm...you're hitting DOWN on the ball with your driver and wondering what the problem is??!! Dude: The driver is the ONLY club where you should be hitting UP on the ball, otherwise too much spin and hence zero or crappy distance.