Everything posted by easyyy
Paula Creamers Swing Step by Step..
easyyy replied to TourSpecGolfer's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gearthe only reply that seems to come to mind is- "I think I am in love" and "great swing". The dip of the head then the move forward and up seems like alot going on i the Pics. Looks good on TV.
Taylormade Tour TP Driving Iron......Pics!
easyyy replied to TourSpecGolfer's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearIts unreal, I havent been fond of to many driving irons. I didnt like the Air Muscle, or the Gauge Japan G001 but I really did enjoy the Taylormade Japan TP Driving Iron and I am crazy over this new Zoom 220i. Its a driving iron that get the ball up fast and high where as most keep it pretty low. Its easy to hit and the face has a forged kinda feel to it. I dont know if its going in the bag just yet because I am awaiting a demo of the just released PRGR 320 CX hybrid club. Now your making me want one big time. I can remember you got me a TM TP drving iron about a year or two ago. This one looks like I might be getting another one. Thanks for the Pics!!!
WTB- callaway x-tour irons
Looking for a set of x-tour irons. 2-PW Tour issued preferred. DG preferred Thought I would try. I have a set on order but cant wait. Email at [email protected] or PM me.
Taylor Made Tour authenticity
I have to start thinking Cleveland, Titleist, Callaway, etc. This TM is killing me.
Taylor Made Tour authenticity
I have talked to 20 guys in the last year. They all said that they have been sold tour stuff that turned out to be bad. .350 hozel on heads that only have .335 for the tour, refinished tour heads, etc,etc. Hell I bought a 580 tour that was refinished. He didnt say a word about it untill I opened the box and wala. When I asked him about it he played dumb. "Ohh your right I should have said somthing but it was done by a TM approved guy".
x tours....for sale or not for sale
I'm hearing that the tour models have a thinner sole than the retail. They want the retail model "easier" to hit--creating product for the non-player who wants to think of himself as a player (forged) knowing that the real player's going to buy them anyway. Hope that's not as confusing to you as it is to me. :laugh: I have heard you say this on another board. How sure are you? I have talked to a few guys that say they are the same. How sure are you?
Everything must go
email sent.
x tours....for sale or not for sale
I just called the big house in town. They get everything early. They told me today that they have put in thier order and it will be in March 1st. Said the price should be around 900.00. He said he was guessing on the price.
The New Callaway Fushion Tour Issue Pic!
Good to see Callaway coming back like this. Also what is up with Joe the ho? Pics and more pics. You are the man of the month. :cool: New camera? Playin well out west? Redbull? You have been active. I love it. Keep them coming!!!
Wtb- Cleveland black only headcover for 460cc head
Cant find anything out there. Need a Big old black headcover with the tradititonal cleveland in white on it. [email protected] Thanks!
Titty new iron 735 and 660 will make a debut soon.
Joe You are full of Intel of late. If you pull some pictures out of your sleeves, this could be impressive.
905 T pictures from all angle...ENJOY IT BOYS!!!:)
No ! It's definitely a lot bigger than 405cc. Maybe even around 440 - 460 on the T and around 405-415 on the S. The face on this T is about 1* close. Joe :cool: Ohhhh Joe, It is cold here but not that cold. 440 - 460 cc for the T heads. WOW. Thanks for the pics!
Titty new iron 735 and 660 will make a debut soon.
Nice info Joe! Take those Pics for all of us. If not for us for the "kids". For the kids! :smile2:
Longest most forgiving driver
COmp 460 Orlimar 420 580xd Anything huge!
Mizuno MP-27
Man these are sweet! The only thing that seems to turn me off is the offset. Do they offer different offsets? Anyone play these?
WTB- Callaway X tour irons
I know it is a reach but I thought I would try. Looking to buy a set of tour issued X-tour Callaway irons. :love: PM me x tour