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Everything posted by jy

  1. jy replied to TourSpecGolfer's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    damn the 405 looks HUGE!!! Any close ups? Is it basically just a bigger version of the duo 340 and 370 ccs or does it have new technology?
  2. jy replied to dav's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Perhaps someone can decipher this :surprize: The graph prolly means the specs of the shaft in a nutshell. B & T prolly means bendpoint and torque...M...I have no idea. For the speeder 757 I think it simply means low torque (graph pointing down towards the T point) and since the graph is in the middle at the B point, it means mid high bend. Which ARE the specifications of the 757. Well the full translation is as follow, have fun :laugh: : Curvature curve The element of an important shaft is "in which portion to come to receive from a tip part to a hand most" in hardness and torque. It is the "curvature curve" original with the Fujikura shaft which measured this and made "the curvature distribution" graph. In the graph in which from the hand of a shaft to the tip was taken along the horizontal axis, and the quantity which it comes to make into a vertical axis was taken, the shaft is which portion and it turns out that it comes which to carry out at a glance. The difference of the portion which becomes the largest, and the portion which becomes the smallest is expressed as "the amount of Z", the shaft with the large amount of Z is carried out under swing, and なり means a large thing. It can be said that this "curvature curve" displayed on all the Fujikura shafts is one of "the individuality of a shaft" which each shaft asserts.
  3. OMG!!!!!! *wipe keyboard* *wipe pants as well* can you say awesome or what?? Imagine those in half satin and half chrome.....hmmmm....
  4. OH NO!! more reviews to make me wanna buy them!! You are not allowed to post ANY reviews !! :mad: Erm do post pics though.... :whistle: congrats on getting THE ONES !:cool:
  5. :roll: You can say that again, but theres the the craz-e and doc so... :whistle: Have you hit them Chris? well if it works....why not :smile2:
  6. :roll: Thats an awesome looking wedge!! Yea that is an interesting grind is that a triple m grind :laugh: (erm i hv no idea what that means, it sorta fits the bill)?
  7. jy replied to dav's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    If all else fails.... :whistle:
  8. I'd say preference, some feel the square edge is easier for lining up shots. I'll prolly duff the chip if i see a square edge so to speak :laugh:
  9. jy replied to dav's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    errm S= speeder? :whistle:
  10. Just wondering has the ELDIK reclaimed its place Ari ? :whistle:
  11. jy replied to dodge's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    yep promotes topspin to the ball so that it rolls true..according to the site :smile1:
  12. I'll gladly hostt and save all trouble if you send the pics to my email :smile1: [email protected]
  13. i LOVE rounded edges, awesome looking wedges !! Did those come with your set?? Do they play the same as the retail MP wedge?
  14. I for one think that durian is the next best thing next to golf :love:
  15. jy replied to dav's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    I think your JC is much better then the 350 :whistle: :laugh:
  16. wow chris!! Those are HOT HOT HOT!!! Imagine they came in satin, I think you wouldn't bear to hit it :smile2:
  17. Just click the catalog button on the top left hand corner and look under irons... Its fairly easy to get, click on "add to cart" and proceed to pay instantly... :money:
  18. jy replied to TourSpecGolfer's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Yep definitely nice!! But what logo is that ??? it looks kinda weird :surprize:
  19. jy replied to a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    :cool: X-drives definitely tops the list if you can get one for cheap :love:
  20. jy replied to a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Some cheap R540 tour and non tour going around ebay, both are pretty solid heads. You could give the older Nike 350 a try, u'd be surprised. Mizuno 300s or 300sII, one of the best I've tried. Not too sure abt the sonartecs...
  21. Those look SWEEEEET chris! It seems that you haven't hit a ball with it yet have you? :o Do give a side to side comparison with your customer mizunos. Pics of the mizunos would be great too!!
  22. jy replied to rice12oketman's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    I totally agree with garth. If pple think that it is not a myth, just go to swing analysis websites where they show you frame by frame action of how professionals swing. Tiger woods for one nearly SQUATS upon impact of the ball, his head very much lower then the original position it was in. Of all the swings I saw, all were in head positions lower then the original on impact. This proves that none of the professionals concentrate consciously think about "staying down", they concentrate on set up, tempo and other stuff. Head behind the ball like Garth said, good set up, see two knucles blar blar and give it a nice easy swing. Do not swing faster then you can ( ie. u cannot finish properly or u are all over the place after a swing) or decelerate through impact. Do not conscienciously think about staying down or fear you will skull the ball. ALWAYS think positive, imagine that you are a going to execute a deft stroke : you are going to pick the ball nicely with a soft click and send it screaming through the air. More often then not you will get a decent shot. The moment you think that you will skull the ball, you will. Regroup and go through your pre shot routine again when funny thoughts creep into your head and until you are comfortable again, go after the ball. It seems to me that you are looking up too fast, anxious to see where your ball goes as you had no confidence when executing the shot. Not sure if thats the case but my 2 cents, hope it helps :smile1:
  23. jy replied to rob445545's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Thanx for the great pics rob! Izawa's and Maru's staff bags rock!! :cool:
  24. SWEET pics chris!!! I've got quite a few pics myself when it comes to mizuno :whistle: Heres more : ms-3 mp4 mp 2000 ms-5 ms-203 tp-2000 tp-X tp-Z HS-92 Some jap models INTAGE INTAGE TI FACE s-30 s-100 PROTO!!
  25. jy replied to jy's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    I can see where the both of you are coming from, thanx for the heads up guys. I remember hitting the 757 a longggggg time ago on the range. It was with my buddy's JVS. I only hit 2 shots with it as he had to go somewhere in a hurry. First shot, exactly like xxio said, wow long towering shot with piercing trajectory. That was the first time I ever hit a 757 X and first impressions of the shaft was it felt real solid, not exactly boardy but very firm and tight. Second shot was a duck hook (overswung it I guess). So basically I'll agree with XXIO on this one, you need to load it correctly to make it perform. Keep my fingers crossed that I will have more "First shots" or its gonna be in b/s/t soon.... :money: