Everything posted by siteseer2
EPON 460 any reviews?
For me its my gamer and all-around the best driver I've ever hit-- I have tour issues in all the major brands that have been put in the closet. Love the Technity 460 so much, I bought a second one used, with an Axiv V which fits me even better and makes the flight more boring.
TS x-drive 435 vs.Technity 415
Best on the market right now-- tour issue included... great shape, fantastic feel-- super driver...
WTB- Ignite 460 Tour Head 10.5*
I have one in 9.5 and 10.5 with shafts in strong stiffs (untipped Xs and tipped 1 inch stiffs--which is what I play)... excellent condition (like new except for surface scratches on sole). These are the best drivers-- and was my gamer... By far the best Nike made-- sasquatch included.
EPON: The Best Forged Steel ENDO has Ever Produced!
Yes, yes and yes(you can get it open or closed up to 1 degree, no loft in 8.5 however).... Plus1 you're late to the party!!! This is the best driver out there IMHO, tour or retail... Play it with an Axiv, and WOW!!!!!! Definitely go with the 460 version over the 415cc...
EPON: The Best Forged Steel ENDO has Ever Produced!
Its not just feel-- its the WHOLE package.... I'm about two weeks into playing a 10.5 Technity custom 1 degree open with an Axiv and its the BOMB... its become my gamer... review will follow when I log enough time with this... Folks know I'm not taken to the latest hype, and have played tour issues in about everything out there--- this club is the real deal.... face depth of R5 with a classic pear-shape look of a tourstage with a feel of a TM 510... what a COMBO!!!!!!!
Tourstage x-drive 435 vs. bridgestone j33r
Pretty much dead on summary, T'spec... I'd add: X-Drive has full face scoring lines and looks more classic, with a better feel... J33 is slightly more foregiving, and feels ALOT better if hot-melted... the Xdrive 460 could be something out-of-this-world... But I hope they change the styling a bit on the 460-- the soleplate is a little plain jane, and the maroon has to go...
NEW FOURTEEN UT-106 hybrid
I find this whole "squashed" look ala the Hi-Bore very interesting... Cleveland started it (actually brought it back into vogue) with the Halo... then came the Ping Hybrid... then the Hi-Bore.. and now Fourteen ... there must be something to this design, but I can't figure it... I hated the HiBore though the science seems to make sense....
Would love your guys input
Hmmmm... looks like you've found your "Mona Lisa" driver already... in the form of a PRGR Black....
Miz Workshop Original
Looks exactly like the old Miz 300, with a milled rounded insert ....
Srixon I-505 irons
AGG tell me more... saw it was in your bag... but I haven't heard much buzz about it...butr it looks great from pics
Fourteen Hi 858
I think they are super-- particuarly if you want an iron type club, thats more forgiving yet somewhat traditional. It you want height and foregivness than maybe a wood/utility is the better way... but for the low boring long iron shot, with foregiveness, the Fourteen is tough to beat. The retail is more foregiving and has a wider sole... the V-2 tour is more compact with a thinner sole.
The New G-Field NC-1 PROTOTYPE!
The Studio Handmade are the best looking + most forgiving, Cbs I've ever owned and I don't say that lightly... the g-field look nice but just don't compare to the craftsmanship of the handmade-- and yeah I like the calipiter's logo too!! Simple and classy...
Different Models of Tourstage Irons
great icon... super cute... hey forget all the choices... just get the TS 202s... there available at a decent price, and they are one of the top ranked sets of forged cbs I've ever played... You'll be happy, they'll play great, and when you get a little better than you can get on with the HO thang...
New Images of the Srixon I-505 Japan Only Irons!
sweet looking irons... not so sure about the notches soles, but they sure look foregiving.... looks like a cross between a Z101 with a TM cavity...
Gauge Design Irons
Ya' know... I gotta tell you, I've been fiddling around trying to put something in the bag that was more foregivng... been a forged blade guy, but very limited practice and play had me searching for foregivness... tried several sets of X-tours, Ping I3s, TS 202s, and then on a lark put the GD forged cavitys in the bag after they had been sitting in the closet... these are amazingly foregiving... they have a larger profile, and thicker sole but still look very classic and blade-like, albeit in a larger clubhead with thicker topline and longer heel to toe profile... Gauge Design really came up with a winner-- great looks, super quality and very soft-- yet amazingly foregiving... I know Chris has been singing the praises of the NC1s... after giving the forged cbs a number of good sessions, I can now see why... kudos to Gauge Design... don't know how they packed so much foregiveness in a players-type iron....
anyone used the Zomo Z-Zero mallet
I have a Zo:Mo model X in the bag... its a great putter, nice craftsmanship and very solid with a soft feel... they have some terrific products...
The NeW 2005 Tourstage X-Blade 2 !!
true... until Titleist came along with the 660s
New! Gauge Japan Eldik ACE - The most refined Eldik ever!
Yuk... I'm used to a bullseye blade and that thing looks mammoth!!! Hey its how many, not how, right...
Callaway Fusion FT3
It actually has a pretty good feel... its thwacky solid feeling, but also has a high pitch ting at impact ... Unlike most 460 cc heads which feel and sound very hollow, this head feels solid... Cally added the ping/ting sound for those who call the thwack "dead". Its a nice sensation, just a little different... but if you were on the tee and just heard it, without hitting it, one might believe it sounded too "pingy"...
Callaway ERC HOT Japan Only
Great stuff... Chris, your day is coming baby... as soon as the .83 COR becomes the standard, all the japan goodies will be playable in U.S. and there is NO doubt the japan released stuff is far superior to the U.S. stuff... I foresee business being very hot for the japan stuff, with its cutting edge technology and great club designs....
J340 (The "Holy Grail")...What happened???
No way... I had six J340s, at a time when finding even one was a solar-eclipse rarity... the X-500 was night and day different, and the J340 was superior in every way-- looks, feel, foregiveness, and performance... the X-500 was okay but never in the same league as the j340... Believe it or not! I still have one in my hand here 8.8* loft. Still up to now is one of the longest driver i've ever hit and solid feel. I can agree w/ chris about the "Holy grail" thing. If 70% of the players play w/ this club, then i would say "That's a holy grail". Joe Agreed the term holy anything is blowing smoke... today's wonder club will be tomorrow's dud... that's the nature of technology... the X-500 was more like the Titleist E in shape, very deep faced and smallish pear shaped... the J340 was a great driver in its day... I actually thought the MR-23 (2d U.S. Version) was an improvement in looks and feel, too bad the 8.5 was the only conforming version, as its a low spin driver and hit a LOW ball... I was never a fan of the X-500... overall I think Bridgestone has had the best technology and the best looking driver line-up of any OEM... wish they had never trashed the brand with the second rate U.S. stuff they released...
J340 (The "Holy Grail")...What happened???
No way... I had six J340s, at a time when finding even one was a solar-eclipse rarity... the X-500 was night and day different, and the J340 was superior in every way-- looks, feel, foregiveness, and performance... the X-500 was okay but never in the same league as the j340...
J340 (The "Holy Grail")...What happened???
The J340 was a beautifully classic head, that was very solid, and performed great... thats why it was in the bags of tour guys like Leonard, Petrovic and others... but that was some time ago-- when 340 ccs was considered a 'larger" head... remember the tour guys playing the TM 320 and 300s, and Titty JVS and Js... then along came the R510 at 390 ccs and suddenly 400 ccs was the vogue... now 460 ccs is the vogue... like anything, technology chages and the prices on these drops accordingly... hey, go buy a new car and bring in back in a year and see what they'll give you for it... no difference
I want a HDTV sell... 970/Cameron
If you sold everything you own, you could buy a Sony Qualia-- 70 inches of pure masterpiece....
Which FW is seen as tops by strong players/
the 970 is not history.. but rather a big part of it. I've seen 904's..nice but I'd rather be looking down on a 970.. :cool: :cool: