Everything posted by jerry1967
wrist cock?
i just read a teacher saying the right wrist cocks up and down. i guess he was wrong. you are saying horizontal right? pull down on the last two fingers of the left hand is this right? at the same time pull back with the two middle fingers of the right hand?
tigers preshot routine?
is tiger looking at his left wrist to make sure it is flat in his preshot routine?
hands behind rt shoulder at the top
at the top of my backswing my hands are behind my rt shoulder instead of above it. what causes this and how can i get out of this bad habit?
Mizuno MP60's off the truck!
i will take a set of heads only also
Top of the backswing inquiry
getting the right elbow vertical is something butch ingrained in his swing so his rt elbow would not get stuck on the downswing.
thin shots
what is the cause of thin shot?
wrist cock?
this is physicaly impossible to do what you just explained-one hand can not go one way and the other go the other way.
wrist cock?
how does one only cock the left wrist and only bend the right wrist back?
the chicken wing
what is the cause of the chicken wing in the follow through?
interlock or overlap?
interlap - what is this?
interlock or overlap?
which grip helps to form a flat left wrist at the top of the swing,interlock or overlap?
jimmy ballard-one plane or two
thanks jeff
jimmy ballard-one plane or two
is the jimmy ballard method a one plane or two plane swing?
right arm bend at the top
what are the results if i bend my right arm past 90* at the top of my swing.
new grips
what is the best fluid that helps get new grips on the shaft?
Best Instruction Books???
how to perfect your gof swing is the best book i ever read. by jimmy ballard