Everything posted by Swunk
Tour Putter Pics..post here!!
Boiyoiyoiyoing!! 8O 8O Nice putter Chris. 8) :D Phillypete you're killing me dude! :lol: :lol: Keep it up! :wink:
Tour Putter Pics..post here!!
Here are some pics of my Gauge "Shingo" Limited edition putter. Mine's #5 out of 45. Specs: Face angle 7º open Length 34" 537 grams Balance at C5 Lie Angle 71º Face Progression 3 mm Price: ¥72,240 It's a sweet putter. Great feel and it will never be banned! 8) :D
Is my head Cracked?
Thanks for the help Chris. :D
Is my head Cracked?
Judging by the picture would you say it's a cracked head? I'm guessing it would have to go to TaylorMade in the U.S.?
Is my head Cracked?
I was just looking at my 540's face and I think a hairline crack has developed along the top middle part of the face where it meets the crown. In the picture you can see the "crack" which feels like a little ridge when I run my finger across it. I haven't noticed any distance loss yet but I'd imagine it's just a matter of time before the weld totally breaks, if it's indeed a crack, and the face caves in. Would anyone know what TaylorMade's policy is on such returns? Is there a guarantee on the welding? And would previously reshafting a club "void" a warranty? Is there a time limit to their warranties?
Whats in the Bag at the masters?
I always figured Nick was cool 8)
What's different about a TM J-Spec 200 steel FW wood vs. US
Also in the past the 300 Tour titanium fw had a slightly smaller head in addition to the "softer" flex of the Mitsubishi Rayon shafts.
tourstage staff bags from Japan
Heres a pic of my TourStage bag (bought in Japan) :D
Hitting off of Mats
Hey swunk are you going to them Japanese driving ranges? If so there is a huge difference IMHO over your average range in the U.S. For the people who have never seen a range in Japan, its got automatic ball loading machines so you don't have to bend over to tee up again, also a button to step on to raise the tee level up or down. It even has a higher quality of mat with one side long grass to simulate the deep stuff. You also get charged per ball, in Tokyo it costs about 16 U.S cents per ball that 20yen each. I know the ones you're talking about they're very cool. But unfortunately my nearby range (a 5 km bicycle ride) doesn't have those built-in auto tee adjuster ball dispensers. My range has decent mats (a two layer rubber cushioned mat) and manual "foot operated" ball dispensers. Tee adjustments require lifting the mat up and exchanging the tee. I guess you can say Hiratsuka is the countryside Chris! :wink:
Hitting off of Mats
I hit off the mats all the time but I haven't noticed any ill effects carrying over into my game. Ball flight is basically the same but the challenge is setting up for different lie angles when I'm on the course. Certainly if I had a choice I'd go grass range but it's just not an optiopn where I live.
First R7 Tour sold....
O baka san. :roll: But I guess if you've got the money to blow then... Still I can think of a lot of other items I'd buy while waiting for the actual R7 release. jmho
Pelz Clinic $375, worth it?
I think it really depends on your current skill level and what you hope to achieve from working with the Pelz clinic. Do you think 6 hours of "group" clinic time will make such a big difference in your game that 6 one hour "private" lessons with a local pro could acheive for probably a lot less than $375? Pelz's Short Game and Putting Bibles are absolutely great and are filled with tonnes of detailed info that would provide you with a firm foundation in all the fundamentals of the short game which would then enable you to judge whether you need to lay out all that cash for one of his 6 hour clinics. JMHO :D hthy, James
TourStage Bucket Hat
Try this link: 8) http://www.bs-golf.com/product/search/golf...04ss/index.html
mr23 blades will arrive today...
gotta luv 'em...they're the sweetest blades I've ever had in my bag. I'll be hard pressed to change them. Congrats on your new sticks. Glad you like them. :D