Everything posted by sly_sam
What kind of car do TSGers drive?
sly_sam replied to zojo's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearMan most of you guys have some pretty nice rides. Me? Gotta GMC van (my moms ride) and an old 80's Toyota Trecel (my dads). That Toyota is super small and it has some nice rust on it. Both are sweet rides in my books!
Custom made sigs
sly_sam replied to zojo's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearDon't take any offense to this zojo, i mixed up some things on that custom sig that you had made for me before. Just though i'd try some things out on it and i ended up liking what did so i though i'd put it up. Don't hate me please LOL. Keep it up though, the Ernie one you did for yourself is super nice with the speech bubble.
cpga's bag
How much are you looking at for this Fujifilm camera? I got a Kodak one for $100 and its been like heaven. So nice to have around. I think anyone who likes to take pictures should have a Digital camera, it pays for itself after about 6 months to a year of use. Heck, mine isn't even that high end, only 2 mega pixles (most now are 3 to 4, five being the best possible). I've had it for about two years, don't know what i'd do without it. Like you have been for the last while, i too have enjoyed Adidas Footwear for the last little while. Very comfy, never can complain about my Torsion Three Stripes. Just got one of their short-sleeve mocks, looking sharp.
Callaway Fusion FT3
From what ive heard, the sound was smoething that Callaway speciffiacally wanted to improve over their ERC Fusion driver. You can pay a little extra or something like that, and get the driver's weight movement set to match your swing. So what most people will get is the Nuetral and Draw biased versions, the Tour version is what all the players on the tours are playing. Thats what Phil was talking about with his weight setting. You and i can get it too, it's just not at a very aceptable price, in my opinion. The weight movement from Callaway isn't as acessable to the public as Taylormade has done. I love how the club looks though, very nice. :cool: :callaway:
cpga's bag
Can't wait to see the whole bag. Like to see the new one you may have in the future with all Nike set-up. GET THAT CAMERA! LOL
cpga's bag
Ya know what, i'm still looking around but the LT2s are some on the top of the list. Your right about the Nike Ignite driver, it sounds very dull at impact. I couldn't feel the ball on the face, not sure if thats a good or bad thing. One of the guys i play with put the Ignite in his bag just recently. I hit it on the range and the flight was just the same as my Cleveland Launcher. He had the 410. Again i can't complain about the club head shape of their driver but they need to upgrade the sound. The irons are something i love from them; i like the ProCombo Tour irons, very nice. Another benifit to having a Nike deal, the clothes they have for golf. Nike always has sharp looking golf appearal. Doesn't hurt to have a nice uniform to wear, right?
spinning the ball
I used to sweep the ball then i started to hit down and compress the ball. I noticed when i used to sweep, it would go higher, but i had little spin in comparison to taking a divot with my shots. It laso lacked control. Now it seems that i have more control over the shot and more spin. Also, cleaning the grooves really helps alot. After every shot i think it's good to clean off the face of your irons and wedges. After the round, clear all the groves out with a nail or anything else you can get in there. Thats what i do, good to keep the clubs clean.
Stjohn89's bag first timer!
I also love the sound it makes after you hit a solid put: A slight little "Ting".
Stjohn89's bag first timer!
I have the Yes! C-Groove Tracy. I got it early this year and i love it to death. It has the best roll i've ever seen in a putter; super smooth. The loft on the putter is about half of what most blades are ( Tracy 2.5 degrees of loft Scotty Cameron 4.5 degrees of loft.) Gererally, i scotty wouldn't roll well with low loft like that, it would skid alot. But the lower loft on the Yes! putter gives it and extra kick off the face for more speed control and the groves keep it from spinning backwards. So it doesn't hop up in the air and the roll is always foreward. Have to say it feels so good on the greens that i wouldn't ever have another putter in my life. Cheers to Yes! putters, they really work.
cpga's bag
Is Nike looking at you for giving you a deal? They're not a bad company, they get better everyday it seems. They're irons are really nice and i lke the driver. And the ball has always been good.
Custom made sigs
sly_sam replied to zojo's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearThats really cool zojo, i'd try that out with other tour players. It's a cool idea. I'll use Mike Weir.
golfin4pph's bag w/pics
Nice bag set-up. The new driver and wedge really highlight it. And i like the irons and hybrids. Titleist is definately a good choice for quality products that are made for the better golfer. Whats your handicap?
Ping releasing hybrid club and Adidas releasing new shoe
I saw a look at the new PING hybrid. It's more like a wood over their G2 iron-like one. It looks like something i'd buy but thats all going to be determined when i try it out.
cpga's bag
Have you tried the new Rac LT irons? I moght buy some in the future but want to know what they're like before i do.
When does Japan switch its Drivers back to .83 C.O.R?
I'd like to see that. Makes more sense to have the same COR on all Drivers worldwide. It almost seems silly that they don't that already.
Adidas Tour Brady Shoes!
Those look nice. They don't even look like golf shoes. Very cool.
interlock or overlap?
Actually zojo it's the other way around. Most players with smaller hands don't use the overlap because it's too hard to get their hands on the club and stay connected. My figers are quite stout, so i'm not all for using the overlap. I've used the interlock for my entire golfing life and can't complain. I tried the overlap out at the range the other day and hit the ball way right. It's all about comfort and i'll agree with the above posts on that. That comfort thing incorperates itself into the big and small hand thing.
Scotty Cameron TOUR Coronado Rare Yellow Dot!
I'd love to have a super rare and nice putter like that one. I'll look around for some in used shops and such, try and find one that could be really nice with restoration, and get it spiced up. If you look in the right places, you never know what you may find. which brings me this question: How did you come across a rare TOUR issue putter like the Yellow dot one that you have.
pm-hacker's bag
I love the irons, and the Cameron putter. The face looks very nice, well millled.
What is your all time favorite ping Anser putter model?
I've tried numerous Ping putters, i've liked a majority of them. This including the Anser models, and i love all of the blade models (both the square and round curved neck). They don't stop maikng good putters.
Scotty Cameron TOUR Coronado Rare Yellow Dot!
Looks sweet. Do you use it or is it just for collection?
cpga's bag
Any job i can get that has to do with golf is a good job for me. I'd definately look into something similar to that in the future.
New Avatar
sly_sam replied to zojo's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearYour avatar is funny to look at but at the same time kinda odd. And as for the getting a stormtrooper suite, i'd say do it just don't get arrested for disturbing the peace.
cpga's bag
Your bag set-up is really nice. I'd like to see some pics.
pitbull808's bag
I'm like you with your putter collection except for me it's golf hats. I've got all whole bunch, includng one from last years Ryder Cup.