Everything posted by sly_sam
Any Diamanas for Hybrids?
As far as i know, the Diamana comes in a hybrid specific model. I've seen it, it has an H beside the name. Be on the look-out for it or ask some retaliers you know about it. I agree, you should definately get a shaft for your hybrid that's made for a hybrid.
Gonzo's Bag
Have you tried the Nike ProCombo Tour 2005 set, those are some mighty nice irons. If you want a forged combo set, those are what you want to get.
Does shoe really matter? or I am on drug?
Yeah, shoes are something that you need to not think about like that. These thoughts will cause bad golf in all of us. Get it out of your head and then go play and you'll see a difference it think. Although there could be and out side chance that your absolutley right, and in that case seek outside help.
Gonzo's Bag
That's cool, nice set up and such. I've got a Yes! Tracy and it can't be beat. I'm so glad i didn't buy a Scotty Cameron over it. The C Grooves really do make all the difference.
theotherone's bag
Well you first have to start out with hosting them on a website. I use this and it works fine www.fototime.com and all you have to do is simplay sign up, upload to site and do some copy and paste work, highlighting the link to the picture (and to only the picture and not the gallery) and using the Img up at the top of the screen on your post menue, clicking on it only when you've also highlighted your pasted link of a picture. It will automatically set up on either side of the address ' on the left' This coding of the img can be put in manually also as i have shown it there. Good luck with the pictures my friend!
Aproposfornothing's Bag! (w/ Pics)
All i can say is that the irons can't be beat. I wish my irons looked like that.
Video of my swing
Well i noticed only one thing that may help you alot more than you think. your posture is slightly hunched at adress, try to work on getting your back a little more straight than a little arched over like it is. It will get you standing a little more upright and you'll have less of and inside plane. I know that posture was one of the things that i've improved last year and it's carried over to success this year. The plane of my swing is quite good and i've developed a very straight ball flight. This lead me to working on shaping it. I've found that now, after all of this, i'm able to hit both a draw and fade with a bunch of control. I think you may find a fade to be a little easier if you work on you posture.
Entertaining young power player.
sly_sam replied to sly_sam's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI'm not sure, don't think so. Maybe, i know he plays lots of tournements. He has a sponsorship with Ben Hogan golf.
Entertaining young power player.
sly_sam posted a post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearOne of the guys i golf with was on the range with me the other day and this young guy we both know, Ryan (19 years), who hits it really long was there kinda putting on a power clinic. So my golf bud (who averages 250 with his driver) asks him if he wants to have a length contest. The only thing is, Ryan has to use a 5 iron. So my friend hits it out there about 255 and is pleased with his drive. Ryan steps up and hits this monster 5 iron, the farthest i've ever seen, out there somewhere in the 260 range. This folks is a FIVE IRON!!! But i couldn't stop laughing after i saw this because the look on my friends face was hilarious. Do you know anyone who's like this guy?
golfin4pph's bag w/pics
As of right now, thats me too (4). I just got a brand new V Steel 15* and love it to death. I'm planning on getting a 2h Ben Hogan hybrid sometime in the future. All i can say is that your bag set up looks very nice, and quite clean (very eye appealing). When you have a mostly Titleist set, it looks very prefessional. In the future i'd suggest trying to make a combo set with your irons and get some Titleist MB irons in there from 7 all the way down through to your Pitching wedge. You'll feel like you have better distance control with the blades in the lower clubs that way and you still get all the forgiveness that we all kinda need in the longer irons. You don't have to do this, but it's a neat thing to experiment with if you have enough money and are willing to try it out. Me on the other hand, as much as i like Titleist, am going to settel for a set of Nike Pro Combo Tour irons next year. The set up is perfect and if you like irons that are very, very long, you'll know why i love them. If you haven't tried them out yet, go do so and experience the length for your self.
theotherone's bag
Put up some pictures of your set up and more people will stop and look.
oiamsobuff's bag w/ pics
I liked the X tours, really nice height and spin characteristics. You'll stick alot of you irons real nice and close. The added forgiveness is nice and the feel with the forging is good. Try the Nike SV wedges too if your looking at new wedges. Really good for spin and thats what you want, plus the colour (Satin bronze like finish) is appealing to most eyes.
cpga's bag
The way i see it, they can only take weight technology so far before the clubs stop working properly. Personally, i think it's really cool yet i can't seem to find a good reason for weights in the Rescue and Faiway clubs. I just tried out the R7 TP Fairway , only with movable weights. It takes alot of the workablity out of the person and puts it all in the club. I still think it's cool, all the weights and such, i just don't think i'll be needing it in certain clubs. Weights in irons, now that would be different. I bet they would sell like hot cakes.
Studatnu's Bag (updated with Pics)
Anyone who has Mizuno irons knows what they're doing. And what's different about the 540 XD TP over the regular 540 XD? Anyway good on ya, nice set-up.
Taylormade Japan 2005!!
Good info. I only wish my friend had gone on ebay and bought an R7 Max faced driver. I saw it on the Japan site a while ago and told him about it. We went on ebay and found one that we could get but his parents wouldn't let him. He got a normal R7 instead. He hits it long now, it'd make me sick to see how far he'd hit a Non-Conforming driver. By the way, how much more extra distance can you get out of a non-conforming driver? I've always been curious as to how far they would hit.
Graphite Design JYS-6.5
I'd like to put a Graphite Design shaft on my Cleveland Launcher. Maybe a YS 6+.
AussieFreddy's New Pics
I have a Launcher 400 too. It's got a better ball flight than the 460, in my opinion. And i find i don't need the extra head size. That Never Compromise putter is way underated. Really solid. One kid i golf with didn't even know that the company existed untill my friend showed him his putter (he's got an NC #1 too).
Johnny Miller is a Tool: Give us your thoughts
Yeah, it's not for us to say who he is untill we've met the guy in person. He was great golfer when he played. Loved his swing when he was in his prime. But yeah, he's just a commentator, it's not like we really have to agree with everything he says, becuase that's his opinion, not ours.
KJ Choi shafts
So true man, so true. More people should use them.
Status: Retarded
Nice swing there LOL. But i think you can get those scores down, just keep it up. Get some really good lessons where the pro can sit down and help you personally. Don't ask me for any tips, i'm not a teaching pro. But there may be a couple people on this site who are. If you ever have any problems that you can't quite figure out (everyone does) ask one of them. Welcome to the site though. Nice to see someone who has put a swing video up. Post lots!
New Callaway X-18 Driver
The sole design looks similar to their old Steel Head drivers of a while ago (really). But i can't say that it's not a bad looking golf club. Though with all the fusion stuff the Callaway has going, it's not really wowing me.
cpga's bag
The Rescue Dual looks really nice. The only thing i'd buy it for is the sole shape though, the weights still seem very useless in it. It's like the r7 Fairway, the weights make it look real cool and all that but i don't think i'd fimd them very useful. The driver was a different story.
KJ Choi shafts
If i ever put a graphite shaft in my irons, i'd go with these. I talked to golf Town about it but they can't get the MCC brand shafts ordered in. I wish they could, i really like how they look in the irons.
Graphite Design JYS-6.5
I like Graphite Design. They make good shafts that fit my game pretty well, at least the ones that i tried on the Titleist 905 driver. They fell really stable and smooth. I like Phil's Graphit Design shaft.
My bag is set...
How do those TourStage irons play and what shafts do you have in them? Also, how do you like your Sonartech wood there. The Hybrid isn't bad, but i don't like the lower trajectory. I know that the Speeder shafts generally tend to have a stiffer flex than almost any other shaft on the market.