Everything posted by JLB
ChangMan's 08 game bag
Great sets!! Love the R7s.
FS - Bettinardi BBX Mercedes Benz
I have a NEW Odyssey Two-Ball SRT, are you willing to trade? :tsg_smilie_wink:
Is Gauge Design Japan planning on releasing...
Then I will sell or trade my Gauge Design Japan Eldik G.D.O 1/100 in MINT condition soon. Thanks guys!
Is Gauge Design Japan planning on releasing...
any G.D.O. limited putters this year? I have last years Eldik G.D.O. and would like the chance to purchase this years if available. Thanks for any info. :tsg_smilie_smile:
Scotty Cameron Pro Platinum
Would you consider a trade? New Cleveland Comp9.5* NV65R.
More new pics for the season!!
That is one of the nicest bags I have seen. I love Japanese clubs! Bridgestone has the best looking staff bag out.
What Style suits you......
I was a blade guy for most of my life, then moved to a center shafted mallet, and now a heel shafted mallet GDJ ELDIK GDO and I will stick with it. :tsg_smilie_cool:
Gauge 3RTNC Differences?
I own an Eldik GDO and I noticed the milling is more pronounced than some of the other 3RTNC milled putters. I love the way it feels off the face, crisp and straight. Best golf purchase I have made. :love:
Any advice on curing putting yips?
Sorry to hear it. Do you have an old putter? If so go back to it for a while. If not, try the cross handed grip, thats what I did when it happened to me and I am still putting that way. I hope I helped! :confused:
ELDIK Players Help Me Out -- Compare Models
SORRY guys. You can F*** my sister and kick my dog, but NEVER EVER talk bad about my putter!!! :laugh:
ELDIK Players Help Me Out -- Compare Models
What do you mean it's "Not the case here." Have you hit the GDO? Have you even hit ANY new GDJapan putters with the 3rtnc face? Dude, think before you speak!!! :mad:
ELDIK Players Help Me Out -- Compare Models
I have the 550g, face balanced, dual bend, heel shafted, GDO. It is the BEST putter I have ever used!!! It has the 3rtnc face that starts the ball rolling end over end. The feel is indescribable!No matter what model you get make sure it has the 3rtnc milling. :love:
Rememberance for a golfing partner...
JLB replied to taipanli's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI am sorry for your loss. He sounds like a great guy and great friend. He was lost way to young.I send out my heartfelt sympathy to you and his family. GOD bless.
The Limited Edition Eldik-GDO 1/100
I have one that I bought here and MAN this a phenomenal putter. It rols very straight and has great "feel" to it. I have had the best putting rounds of my life with this thing!!! It is also a gorgeous example of Japanese craftsmanship!Gauge Design is head and shoulders above ALL other putters when it comes to material and quality. :love: :smile2:
What does...
COOL! I always wonder about the nomenclature that some of these clubs go by. Is there a GOLF DIGEST JAPAN EDITION? I love the GDJ website but I don't know Japanese or yen/usd conversions so I just look a the pics. :cool:
What does...
the GDO stand for on the limited edition ELDIK GDO? I know its Gauge Design something. It says that all GDO equipment has gone up in value. Thanks for the help. :cool:
SOLD: Limited Edition Gauge Design Japan Eldik GDO putter
I just PMD you about the other eldik GDO :cool:
SOLD: Limited Edition Gauge Design Japan Eldik GDO putter
I sent you a pm on the GDO! PM me if its a go
What happened to the "no more custom mizuno for US"
Screw Mizuno!!! I am now going with an all new PING setup. :surprize: :yuk:
Shiny black beauty..
Thanks, I am SO EXCITED about the MP-60s. I will also put Nippon NS PRO 1150 in them. Your clubs ROCK!! :cool:
Shiny black beauty..
how durable is this custom finish? I have seen aproposfornothing's PIMP clubs and I LOVE them. I want shiny black MP-60s 5-PW with Project-X shafts, but I am wondering about the durability. Any help is appriciated. :cool: