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Everything posted by phillypete

  1. I like it... a lot better looking than the orginal.
  2. I like slots too... but not just in a Casino, they could be on the street, at a bar, in the store... 8O :oops: ... oh you were talking about gambling... :oops: my bad
  3. My girlfriend "understands" the golf thing... I don't think she is a fan, doesn't play, but she comes from a golfing family... BTW This is the Eagles year!! TO!!!!
  4. I don't know .... Mike and I both gone the same week!! 8O this place might grow cob webs!
  5. you are going to have a great time...!!
  6. I'm saying it right now... but don't go quoting me in April! 8O
  7. don't worry bro had one of those yesterday...
  8. It looks like the admins didn't appreciated my sense of humor... They seemed to make a thread of mine disappear that had a subject that could be misinterputed by someone with a really twisted mind and it contained this pic. now whats so wrong about a person washing their cat... huh? (at least you guys could show a little respect and shoot me a PM when to play David Copperfield with a thread... :wink: )
  9. Dude your links are not working... If you want I'll host them for you.. jsut email me the actual pics.
  10. OOPS!!! I switched pics... I didn't even notice her cat was showing! 8O
  11. the city of brotherly love... unless you are a fan of the other team! 8)
  12. geeze... did you and tourspec girl take turns pedaling to power the computer too? 28.8... I haven't heard that number since the 90's! 8O :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. I'm just going to give you guys one for now...
  14. not to worry I just got stuck in traffic from not one but two trains today!! damn it I need a helicopter!
  15. looks like you were a little miss understood!! hehehehee
  16. didn't I already read scratch got some play in a PGA Tour event?
  17. If that doesn't work make a thread about it... there has got to be another MAC user in our 1000+ members...
  18. I help out with an organization that recieves membership dues via paypal... we recieve about 1000 $60 transactions every 6 months... now that is some serious paypal action! We simply must add in this cost with our overhead. But when you think about it if say you were dealing with money orders you would have to be constantly running to the bank. I am sure the many hours for handling those transactions would quickly overcome the 2% per transaction paypal charges... damn it!!! see what happens when you put me inbetween to project engineers... I start talking like one!!! YUCK!! the R&D in me will never die!
  19. I thought Mac had thier own special web-hosting thing... its possible I have seen other mac users do it... If they do have never seen it . Will have to take a look see after work . yeah it was something with there online photo galleries... have you tried fototime.com... Chris suggested it to me and it works great. cheap, $20 some odd bucks a year, and you get lots of room. but I'll be more than happy to host anything for the basement dwellers just shoot me an email.
  20. I thought Mac had thier own special web-hosting thing... its possible I have seen other mac users do it...
  21. I went ahead and started the pin-up gallery... so start filling it boys!!!
  22. In the classic spirit of pin-ups please post your favorite webshots of your favorite gals. Please make sure that all pictures maintain that gentlemanly dignity that us golfers are known for. (NO NUDITY!!)
  23. give me a break... I don't want a sculptor designing my putter I want a golfer... someone who knows the game. Whats next is IBM going to hire a poet to design computer chips? 8O :lol: