Everything posted by phillypete
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gearthat is the most awful sounding thing in the world, I'll take cold over hot any day... with cold you can just put more clothes on... with heat there is only so much you can do.
R7... could this spell the end of the Tour Issue...
I was thinking about this new R7 design with the weights and the tool and everything. I was just thinking this could put a hamper on the tour issue market... What are the chances that the tour van's are going to be handing out each driver with a tool set? I say slim and not any. I doubt the tour van will even have any of the kits. Why would they. They would probably prefer to do any sort of adjusting for the players instead of having the players mess up thier drivers. So if this does happen will this mean you'll then have to go out and purchase a weight and tool set, which will probably cost nothing less than $50 and be really hard to find. Not to mention if I were on tour and had a R7 I would have them epoxy the weights in place. If one were to work itself loose you wouldn't be able to tighten it. Only time will tell but this new design could present some problems for those "If its not TOUR its CRAP" people.
TaylorMade Forged CBs... questions >>>
endo has serveral plants... most of thier golf clubs come out of Thialand.
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI haven't had any trouble.
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI use golf prides... I change about once a year, but could go longer.
Tourspecgolf R700 Video presentation!
darn it... I guess I'll have to install Real Player... that thing is a parasite for computer OS's.
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gearit was a beautiful day out... but posting a snowman can make any day terrible. Oh yeah I love the Winn AK had on the shaft he sent me... to bad after one round it has holes through it! 8O I need to find something soft like a winn but more durible. Pete - keep in mind that the shaft was sitting in my basement for like 3-4 years. Try a harmony I like the taper - Winns will last a year if you have a good grip :D Man I wish I could get that kinda wear out of one of them. I really like them... how close are gripmasters in softness?
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearWell there was already some wear from some range action but not too much... My grip starts out light but I feel it tighten up during my down swing... I am wearing the grip on my putter pretty hard to and I am certainly not squeezing that too hard. I think I just have anti winn hands.
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gearit was a beautiful day out... but posting a snowman can make any day terrible. Oh yeah I love the Winn AK had on the shaft he sent me... to bad after one round it has holes through it! 8O I need to find something soft like a winn but more durible.
TaylorMade Forged CBs... questions >>>
Having hit a Muria set of 300's and a Endo set side by side I can tell you that I couldn't tell the difference. Well if you look at it the clubs stampings are slightly different, but feel wise the same. TM I think puts out the best looking irons... squarer toe, thin topline, minimal offset, ect.
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gearthanks for the links mike... I am sticking to my guns I don't think she is hot.... Geeze I do post all weekend and everyone is throwing out thier 300's. I actually got to play this weekend... posted a huge number :cry:. The putter wasn't working at all. The first three holes were Fairway, Green 3 putt. The the 4th I made bogey from the woods. on 5 (par3) I bounced over the green but then came back for bogey. On 6 all hell broke loose, I think I tried to do too much but I posted a 8 on a 4 putt. :oops: And the round was ruined from thier on. The back nine was murder b/c I was trying force things and making stupid choices. the good news... off the tee I was solid until I started trying t put a little extra on it then I got erratic. My irons were solid, besides my 4i which put me in water on a par 3 both times through. I was scaring the pin with my Scratch Wedge all day. I had a weird occurence with my vokey SW. 2 times it seemed like the ball just slid over it and the grass wasn't fluffy. I was even decent out of the sand. The damn putter hung me out to dry... guess I need to practice more.
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gearthat would be a whole new level of sadness, even I have never dreamed of posting on TSG.
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearPete, I'll see what I can dig up for ya. Did some posts disappear? I swear I posted last night about getting a 300 tour and now it's gone. Am I ho' dreaming? 8O Pete, on a side note, not ginving up Cheech was the way to go. No matter how hot a girl may be, somewhere somebody is tired of putting up with her s**t. Plus, who else could eat that much acid and still survive? Chris said he had a minor crash last night and a few posts were lost... I agree Cheech forever!!
Tourspecgolf R700 Video presentation!
I even tried putting a few quarters in my computer, but no show :lol: poor ak... don't you know porn is free on the computer... save the quaters for the live women... its fun to watch them try to pick them up! 8O Quarters - where do you go ? That would make the garter belt pretty darn heavy. na its better to drop them on the floor for the waitresses to pick up.
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearNot only that but BSG is still not up and the "man" does not have product. No product = no business. Anyone can get there hands on a Nike forged driver from Golf Galaxy and we know where to get Toursatge. Callaway - give me a break - there is a 1-800 # for that stuff. Any way I hope the new members contribute to all forums - and I hope they are not scared of the basement. the basement can be a very intimidating place to play but once you are accepted your as goood as gold.
Tourspecgolf R700 Video presentation!
I even tried putting a few quarters in my computer, but no show :lol: poor ak... don't you know porn is free on the computer... save the quaters for the live women... its fun to watch them try to pick them up! 8O
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearIf they do they do... thats called sharing information... no biggy I am still waiting for more pics of that girl chainsaw!!
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gear45 new members today! and the day is still young... guess word travels quick when ya got the good stuff! hehehe
Tourspecgolf R700 thread! ** PICS**
wow who advised them on thier shaft options Callaway??? :lol: :lol: PURE POOP!
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearDamn I am out of breath trying to keep up with all the hot info Chris is pumping out today!! Talk about a bad time for BSG to be down... well bad for them... good for us!! :twisted: :twisted:
Fujikura Japan New release **Pics**
Wow those new graphics are enough to inspire a flashback on the teebox.
Tourstages awesome booth **PiCs**
I guess they couldn't get thier hands on his new Scotty Cameron to make it an even 14 in that bag... The way Maru was putting last week I wouldn't be surprised if he is sleeping with that thing now.
Nike Lovers Paradise **PiCs**
great pics once again Chris!!! Whats the deal with the new ball... is Tiger going to switch again?
Tourspecgolf R700 thread! ** PICS**
in about 2 weeks you'll be able to pick one up for $300... :cry: These drivers look interesting... definitly not smoothest looking beast out there but I think it could grow on me... the $700+ retail price tag scares me. I am definitly not willing to through that much at a retail driver, and if they do sell for that they better have some serious shaft options. The headcover looks nice too... and how about the new staff bag... pretty sweet. great pics Chris!!!
TM R360 Tour, anyone heard of it?
I have never heard of the Tour but I used to play with a guy who hit the piss out of a 360 retail... if it is illegal that would explain why no one could out drive him.