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Everything posted by phillypete

  1. your telling me that skirt and the braided pony tail doesn't get to you... gee must be a Canadian thing... Oh don't take it that I don't like a skirt and a ponytail pete they are real nice :) Just you would have to beat her old man off just to get near her and that is a big turn off right there . I would hate to be in her boyfriends shoe's when they are going out on a date . You would get the 100 question torture before you even got out the front door . :lol: It looks to me like he could easily be distracted by a couple of Cheech's hand made cigarettes... :lol: :lol: I don't think that would work pete . Have heard he's a ex vice cop . So it could be dicey :!: yeah ok... wrong call on that one!!! ex-Vice.... yeah thats scary!!!
  2. That's something I'd never be willing to do!!! Sorry Mike, I know what you mean but my mind was way in the gutter on that one. Nice cathc Chainsaw!!! tooo funny!!!
  3. your telling me that skirt and the braided pony tail doesn't get to you... gee must be a Canadian thing... Oh don't take it that I don't like a skirt and a ponytail pete they are real nice :) Just you would have to beat her old man off just to get near her and that is a big turn off right there . I would hate to be in her boyfriends shoe's when they are going out on a date . You would get the 100 question torture before you even got out the front door . :lol: It looks to me like he could easily be distracted by a couple of Cheech's hand made cigarettes... :lol: :lol:
  4. yeah ocasionally... it depends on the mood really... I have never used that much thought once inside a peeler...
  5. your telling me that skirt and the braided pony tail doesn't get to you... gee must be a Canadian thing...
  6. Trashy , did you say Trashy :roll: No way my man is she Trashy . You might think she dresses the part but she is far from TRASHY . I could post a bigger pic , but don't have a hosting service , so I would have to send you a e-mail . And that would have to wait till tonight when I get home form work :( Trashy can't beleive you said that :wink: :lol: I would still appreaciate some more photos but to me she looks like a young to be dressing like that... not that anyone should be wearing that on the golf course... maybe she could get Miss Gulbis to help her out with her wardrobe... I'm a sucker for a girl with some class. :lol:
  7. can someone post some bigger pics of this female... from what I have seen I am not that big of a fan... kinda looks a little too trashy for me... :cry:
  8. And one hot chick she is.... I had friends in town this weekedn so I was on the strip all weekend and boy was the talent out in full force 8O . I'm going to have to start making a pilgrimage down there every weekend. The little lady and I hit up the new Jimmy Buffet Margaritaville themed eatery. Not bad but damn was it expensive. those Margaritaville places are good I hit one up in florida... good times...
  9. Na its just like real golf... ya walk or I have seen people in a hurry use mountain bikes. If you use a bike you can get a round in no time at all. Its almost always free... sometimes they'll ask for a small donation to help up keep the course. I have played before with an ultimate disc but the hardcore people carry a bag of discs... I am not sure how many you are allowed... but there are special discs for hooking and fading and drivers and putters... I actually overheard them talking and this guy said he lost 2 drivers in one round... one went in a pond and other went in the woods. I thought this guy must have a serious temper or some huge grip issues until I heard they were talking about the disc variety of golf. 8O
  10. yet another weekend without a round of golf... I wonder what excuse I'll cook up next week. :lol: My Ultimate Frisbee friends are really into disc golf... they play "ball golf" as they call it too, but more disc than ball. Any of you guys ever played disc golf... apparently there are some decent courses around here. they go water hazards and everything... I might try it out, I got a pretty good toss with the old plastic may be fun. I have heard it has become popular with a lot of ex-ball golfers who couldn't swing due to back injuries. And in this game I can go out a pick up a new driver for $15.
  11. I really have limited experience with the TM drivers but from what I have read on these forums it is mainly a pressure fit. there is allegidly a special extraction/installation tool supplied by TM to valued club builders... whoever got you the extra weight should also have access to the tool.
  12. You are a man of honor Chris. Putting links to BSG and GO on the link page... thats the definition of class in my book. The link page looks awsome... now I can clean up my favorites list a little... thanks.
  13. now now guys I wouldn't call ten points running away with anything... all that without making a player change all weekend... I didn't even know who won till this morning... didn't get to see one second of coverage.
  14. pete nobody's got ant point's for the first round . Play was suspened so they won't post the point's till it is finished today . That also means , whoever you had for the first round you also have for the second round . Just have to hope that second round play is also not suspened , so we can make some change's . Play was suspened due to darkness. Oh I was baby sitting last night... didn't get a chance to catch up on the TGC and EPSN is my third visit in the morning... TSG, College Email, ESPN, CNN, back to TSG... then I can start my day!
  15. hey guys... its not too late to join... that way more people can kick my ass!! I got no points for roudn one... zip, zero, nada!! There will be a dozen golf balls sent to the winner of the first half and the second half (sorry I am poor). The overall winner will recieve the TSG Cup which is pend a trip by me the the trophey store next week.
  16. Not for awhile yet my friends . And when/if I do , they will be the Miura one's 8) I am willing to put down some cash that when hit side by side you couldn't tell the Miura 300's from the Endos.
  17. Damn that was a lot of post Ak and AL... and then Ari coming down to visit the gutter gang! hehe... btw it looks like I'll be out of town this weekend, 3 weeks ZERO rounds of golf! Actually its a much needed break.
  18. Dear Mike, http://www.tourspecgolf.com/modules.php?na...iewtopic&t=3145 :wink:
  19. the bag is sweet... but I gotta say I feel a little silly taking it to the range, especially since I now go to the ghetto range. When I used to go to the up scale range staff bags were not uncommon but here where knock offs seem to rule they are never seen... perhaps when my game is feeling a bit more stable I'll take it out.
  20. went to the range last night got a jumbo bucket and then proceeded to hit nothing stronger than a 8i. I am going to continue this until I get dead on with my irons... the drives wills have thier day in the sun but for now its the irons. I can't remember a drive ever giving me a birdie putt, maybe a nice drive gave me a good angle and one less club, but no matter how good I drive it I always have to make an iron shot inorder to setup a birdie opertunity. I think GIR is the most important golf stat. A lot of people say its putts but think about it like this I could hit every green and two and score the same as some who has missed every green and one putted. If you look at the putts it would appear that Mr. Upanddown had the better round when in fact he was lucky one or two of those putts didn't lip out and Mr. GIR was unlucky that a few of those birdies didn't drop. I also see hit the fairway as a very case sensative. Your average amature is not play US Open rough week in week out. The rough just isn't punishing enough to to make FW's worth the bother... Now of course if it does cause a problem you'll be able to see it by looking at your GIR. You'll see you GIR is down and then see that its b/c your missing fairways. On all my scorecards I write my score then above it I use dots to represent the number of putts, an F in the upper left corner for my fairway off the tee... if it does go OB, into sand, or into water than an OB, S, or W will be in the upper left. My second shot goes in the lower left third in upper right and fourth in the lower right if needed. This gives me a detailed look at my round when I want to look back down the road... my foursome makes fun of me but I like it.
  21. Well pete if it is such a great deal , why don't you buy me one and then ship it to me for free :lol: :wink: if for free you mean I won't charge you a handling fee than consider it a deal... I accept money orders and paypal.
  22. Pete - just an FYI - they are not as big as you think. I can probably cram the same amount of stuff in my hoofer as I can my staff - however - it is just a simple joy to pull the clubs out without pulling a muscle. And you can toss like 20 clubs in there. I am going to beg to differ... although these are more of a modest staffer, unlike some of the hippo's I've seen in pro shops... I do see a lot more junk going in it alread. I have alread packed my winter hat, cart gloves, cold gloves, wet gloves, rain jacket and about two million tees, and about 2 dozen balls. I still have a ton of room in the big pocket. I couldn't even fit my rain jacket in my Ogio. What I think I am going to do is sew a seperate pouch in the ball compartment for and leave that pocket above the ball pocket for my ball marker and divot tool. then I'll have the pocket velvet lined pocket on the belly for my wallet, phone, keys and anything else I might have in my pocket when I arrive at the course. Here's a rookie question for you... What is the buckle for around the top? Bag tags?
  23. I got my staff bag... talk about some fast S&H by TGW!!! the thing is even better than it looks in the pictures... After the range today I am going to fully load it down, I can't wait to see how much stuff I can put in there! I am going to get a moon bag to throw in the back of the trunk in case I find myself in a walking situation. I am still going to keep the stand bag so I can use it at The National, that way I don't piss my caddie off too much. I can't wait to see what my clbus look like in there!! hopefully my 983 won't shrivel up from being put in a TM bag. TO ANYONe THINK OF BUYING A STAFF BAG IN THE NEAR FUTURE YOU CAN"T AFFORD TO LET THIS DEAL SLIP BY!!! ITS A STEAL!
  24. Don't think that would be a good idea pete :) The only part of AK's body that would do any stretching would be the eye's . You know he would be looking like this 8O :lol: well even better would be the nude yoga video... its some pornstars doing yoga and pilates ect. its a real workout and eye candy and a real good way to talk the significant other into watching some porn with you. I'd do a search for it but I am at work and don't feel like getting fired.... well yet...